MySQL Query Profile MySQL 5.0.37 以上开始支持 MySQL Query Profiler, 可以查询到此 SQL 会执行多少时间, 并看出 CPU/Memory 使用量, 执行过程中 System lock, Table lock 花多少时间等等.

详细可以参见官方文档:Using the New MySQL Query Profiler


mysql> set profiling=1;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from client where broker_id=2;


| count(*) |


| 200 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show profiles;


| Query_ID | Duration | Query |


| 0 | 0.00007300 | set profiling=1 |

| 1 | 0.00044700 | select count(*) from client where broker_id=2 |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show profile for query 1;


| Status | Duration |


| (initialization) | 0.00006300 |

| Opening tables | 0.00001400 |

| System lock | 0.00000600 |

| Table lock | 0.00001000 |

| init | 0.00002200 |

| optimizing | 0.00001100 |

| statistics | 0.00009300 |

| preparing | 0.00001700 |

| executing | 0.00000700 |

| Sending data | 0.00016800 |

| end | 0.00000700 |

| query end | 0.00000500 |

| freeing items | 0.00001200 |

| closing tables | 0.00000800 |

| logging slow query | 0.00000400 |


15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> alter table t engine=myisam;

Query OK, 112050 rows affected (0.64 sec)

Records: 112050 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> show profiles;


| Query_ID | Duration | Query |


| 0 | 0.00007300 | set profiling=1 |

| 1 | 0.00044700 | select count(*) from client where broker_id=2 |

| 2 | 0.00003400 | set profiling=0 |

| 3 | 0.00007400 | set profiling=1 |

| 4 | 0.63789700 | alter table t engine=myisam |

| 5 | 0.00004000 | set profiling=0 |


6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show profile for query 4;


| Status | Duration |


| (initialization) | 0.00002900 |

| checking permissions | 0.00000800 |

| init | 0.00004000 |

| Opening table | 0.00009400 |

| System lock | 0.00000500 |

| Table lock | 0.00000700 |

| setup | 0.00004200 |

| creating table | 0.00195800 |

| After create | 0.00010900 |

| copy to tmp table | 0.52264500 |

| rename result table | 0.11289400 |

| end | 0.00004600 |

| query end | 0.00000700 |

| freeing items | 0.00001300 |


14 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show profile cpu for query 4;


| Status | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system |


| (initialization) | 0.00002900 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| checking permissions | 0.00000800 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| init | 0.00004000 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| Opening table | 0.00009400 | 0.00100000 | 0.00000000 |

| System lock | 0.00000500 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| Table lock | 0.00000700 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| setup | 0.00004200 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| creating table | 0.00195800 | 0.00000000 | 0.00100000 |

| After create | 0.00010900 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| copy to tmp table | 0.52264500 | 0.55591600 | 0.04199300 |

| rename result table | 0.11289400 | 0.00199900 | 0.00000000 |

| end | 0.00004600 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| query end | 0.00000700 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |

| freeing items | 0.00001300 | 0.00000000 | 0.00000000 |


14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show profile; +--------------------------------+----------+| Status                         | Duration |+--------------------------------+----------+| starting                       | 0.000034 | | checking query cache for query | 0.000050 | | Opening tables                 | 0.000017 | | System lock                    | 0.000005 | | Table lock                     | 0.000017 | | init                           | 0.000027 | | optimizing                     | 0.000006 | | statistics                     | 0.000010 | | preparing                      | 0.000011 | | executing                      | 0.000003 | | Sending data                   | 0.000155 | | end                            | 0.000010 | | query end                      | 0.000003 | | freeing items                  | 0.000029 | | logging slow query             | 0.000003 | | cleaning up                    | 0.000004 | +--------------------------------+----------+


* ALL - displays all information

* BLOCK IO - displays counts for block input and output operations

* CONTEXT SWITCHES - displays counts for voluntary and involuntary context switches

* IPC - displays counts for messages sent and received

* MEMORY - is not currently implemented

* PAGE FAULTS - displays counts for major and minor page faults

* SOURCE - displays the names of functions from the source code, together with the name and line number of the file in which the function occurs

* SWAPS - displays swap counts


mysql> show variables where variable_name='profiling_history_size'; # 默认15条


mysql> set profiling=0;

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