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column num_rows format 999999999
column status format a8
column clustering_factor format 999999999
column degree format a10
column blevel format 9
column distinct_keys format 9999999999
column leaf_blocks format   9999999
column last_analyzed    format a10
column column_name format a25
column column_position format 9
column temporary format a2
column partitioned format a5
column partitioning_type format a7
column partition_count format 999
column program  format a30
column spid  format a6
column pid  format 99999
column sid  format 99999
column serial# format 99999
column username  format a12
column osuser    format a12
column logon_time format  date
column event    format a32
column JOB_NAME        format a30
column PROGRAM_NAME    format a32
column STATE           format a10
column window_name           format a30
column repeat_interval       format a60
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column program format a30
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column username format a15
column event format a50
column seconds format a10
column sqltext format a100SET markup html off
column dbid new_value spool_dbid
column inst_num new_value spool_inst_num
select dbid from v$database where rownum = 1;
select instance_number as inst_num from v$instance where rownum = 1;
column spoolfile_name new_value spoolfile
select 'spool_'||(select name from v$database where rownum=1) ||'_'|| (select instance_number from v$instance where rownum=1)||'_'||to_char(sysdate,'yy-mm-dd_hh24.mi') as spoolfile_name from dual;
spool &&spoolfile..htmlSET markup html off
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exec dbms_output.put_line('</head>');
exec dbms_output.put_line('<body>');SET markup html onprompt <p>VERSION
select * from v$version;
select * from dba_registry_history;prompt <p>Last startup time, version, and whether RAC
select * from(select name db_name from v$database),(select instance_name from v$instance),(select archiver from v$instance),(select snap_interval awr_interval, retention awr_retention FROM DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL),(select flashback_on from v$database),(select parallel from v$instance),(select startup_time from v$instance),(select decode(name,null,'NOT ASM','ASM') IS_ASM from (select null name from dual union all (select name IS_ASM from v$datafile where name like '+%' and rownum = 1))),(select max(end_time) rman_lastcompleted from v$rman_status where status = 'COMPLETED' and object_type like 'DB FULL')
;prompt <p>CPU or wait for the longest in 30 minutes
select t.*, s.sid, s.serial#, s.machine, s.program, s.osuserfrom (select c.USERNAME,a.event,to_char(a.cnt) as seconds,a.sql_id--,dbms_lob.substr(b.sql_fulltext,50,1) sqltextfrom (select rownum rn, t.*from (select decode(s.session_state,'WAITING',s.event,'Cpu + Wait For Cpu') Event,s.sql_id,s.user_id,count(*) CNTfrom v$active_session_history swhere sample_time > sysdate - 30 / 1440group by s.user_id,decode(s.session_state,'WAITING',s.event,'Cpu + Wait For Cpu'),s.sql_idorder by CNT desc) twhere rownum < 20) a,v$sqlarea b,dba_users cwhere a.sql_id = b.sql_idand a.user_id = c.user_idorder by CNT desc) t,v$session s
where t.sql_id = s.sql_id(+)
;prompt <p>Recent load status (based on AWR snapshot
select s.snap_date,decode(s.redosize, null, '--shutdown or end--', s.currtime) "TIME",to_char(round(s.seconds/60,2)) "elapse(min)",round(t.db_time / 1000000 / 60, 2) "DB time(min)",s.redosize redo,round(s.redosize / s.seconds, 2) "redo/s",s.logicalreads logical,round(s.logicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "logical/s",physicalreads physical,round(s.physicalreads / s.seconds, 2) "phy/s",s.executes execs,round(s.executes / s.seconds, 2) "execs/s",s.parse,round(s.parse / s.seconds, 2) "parse/s",s.hardparse,round(s.hardparse / s.seconds, 2) "hardparse/s",s.transactions trans,round(s.transactions / s.seconds, 2) "trans/s"from (select curr_redo - last_redo redosize,curr_logicalreads - last_logicalreads logicalreads,curr_physicalreads - last_physicalreads physicalreads,curr_executes - last_executes executes,curr_parse - last_parse parse,curr_hardparse - last_hardparse hardparse,curr_transactions - last_transactions transactions,round(((currtime + 0) - (lasttime + 0)) * 3600 * 24, 0) seconds,to_char(currtime, 'yy/mm/dd') snap_date,to_char(currtime, 'hh24:mi') currtime,currsnap_id endsnap_id,to_char(startup_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') startup_timefrom (select a.redo last_redo,a.logicalreads last_logicalreads,a.physicalreads last_physicalreads,a.executes last_executes,a.parse last_parse,a.hardparse last_hardparse,a.transactions last_transactions,lead(a.redo, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_redo,lead(a.logicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_logicalreads,lead(a.physicalreads, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_physicalreads,lead(a.executes, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_executes,lead(a.parse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_parse,lead(a.hardparse, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_hardparse,lead(a.transactions, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) curr_transactions,b.end_interval_time lasttime,lead(b.end_interval_time, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currtime,lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) currsnap_id,b.startup_timefrom (select snap_id,dbid,instance_number,sum(decode(stat_name, 'redo size', value, 0)) redo,sum(decode(stat_name,'session logical reads',value,0)) logicalreads,sum(decode(stat_name,'physical reads',value,0)) physicalreads,sum(decode(stat_name, 'execute count', value, 0)) executes,sum(decode(stat_name,'parse count (total)',value,0)) parse,sum(decode(stat_name,'parse count (hard)',value,0)) hardparse,sum(decode(stat_name,'user rollbacks',value,'user commits',value,0)) transactionsfrom dba_hist_sysstatwhere stat_name in('redo size','session logical reads','physical reads','execute count','user rollbacks','user commits','parse count (hard)','parse count (total)')group by snap_id, dbid, instance_number) a,dba_hist_snapshot bwhere a.snap_id = b.snap_idand a.dbid = b.dbidand a.instance_number = b.instance_numberand a.dbid = &&spool_dbidand a.instance_number = &&spool_inst_numorder by end_interval_time)) s,(select lead(a.value, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) - a.value db_time,lead(b.snap_id, 1, null) over(partition by b.startup_time order by b.end_interval_time) endsnap_idfrom dba_hist_sys_time_model a, dba_hist_snapshot bwhere a.snap_id = b.snap_idand a.dbid = b.dbidand a.instance_number = b.instance_numberand a.stat_name = 'DB time'and a.dbid = &&spool_dbidand a.instance_number = &&spool_inst_num) twhere s.endsnap_id = t.endsnap_id
order by s.snap_date desc ,time asc
;prompt <p>逻辑读最多
select *from (select sql_id,s.EXECUTIONS,s.LAST_LOAD_TIME,s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,s.DISK_READS,s.BUFFER_GETSfrom v$sql swhere s.buffer_gets > 300order by buffer_gets desc)
where rownum <= 10
;prompt <p>Logical read most
select * from (select sql_id,s.EXECUTIONS,s.LAST_LOAD_TIME,s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,s.DISK_READS,s.BUFFER_GETS,s.PARSE_CALLSfrom v$sql s
where s.disk_reads > 300
order by disk_reads desc)
where rownum<=10
;prompt <p>Maximum number of executions
select *from (select sql_id,s.EXECUTIONS,s.LAST_LOAD_TIME,s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,s.DISK_READS,s.BUFFER_GETS,s.PARSE_CALLSfrom v$sql sorder by s.EXECUTIONS desc)
where rownum <= 10
;prompt <p>SQL parsing most
select *from (select sql_id,s.EXECUTIONS,s.LAST_LOAD_TIME,s.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,s.DISK_READS,s.BUFFER_GETS,s.PARSE_CALLSfrom v$sql sorder by s.PARSE_CALLS desc)
where rownum <= 10
;prompt <p>The disk is sorted most
select sess.username, sql.address, sort1.blocksfrom v$session sess, v$sqlarea sql, v$sort_usage sort1
where sess.serial# = sort1.session_numand sort1.sqladdr = sql.addressand sort1.sqlhash = sql.hash_valueand sort1.blocks > 200
order by sort1.blocks desc
;prompt <p>Commits more than 10,000 session
select t1.sid, t1.value, t2.namefrom v$sesstat t1, v$statname t2where t2.name like '%user commits%'and t1.STATISTIC# = t2.STATISTIC#and value >= 10000order by value desc
;prompt <p>SQL with a length of more than 100
;prompt <p>Query shared memory share
select count(*),round(sum(sharable_mem)/1024/1024,2)from v$db_object_cache a
;prompt <p>Table with parallelism
select t.owner, t.table_name, degreefrom dba_tables t
where  trim(t.degree) <>'1'and trim(t.degree)<>'0'and owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and owner not like 'FLOWS%'and owner not like 'WK%'
;prompt <p>Index with parallelism
select t.owner, t.table_name, index_name, degree, statusfrom dba_indexes t
where  trim(t.degree) <>'1'and trim(t.degree)<>'0'and owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and owner not like 'FLOWS%'and owner not like 'WK%'
;prompt <p>Invalid index
select t.index_name,t.table_name,blevel,t.num_rows,t.leaf_blocks,t.distinct_keysfrom dba_indexes twhere status = 'UNUSABLE'and  table_owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  table_owner not like 'FLOWS%'
select t2.owner,t1.blevel,t1.leaf_blocks,t1.INDEX_NAME,t2.table_name,t1.PARTITION_NAME,t1.STATUSfrom dba_ind_partitions t1, dba_indexes t2
where t1.index_name = t2.index_nameand t1.STATUS = 'UNUSABLE'
;prompt <p>Invalid object
select t.owner,t.object_type,t.object_namefrom dba_objects twhere STATUS='INVALID'
order by 1, 2
;prompt <p>Bitmap index and function index, reverse key index
select t.owner,t.table_name,t.index_name,t.index_type,t.status,t.blevel,t.leaf_blocksfrom dba_indexes twhere index_type in ('BITMAP', 'FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL', 'NORMAL/REV')and owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and owner not like 'FLOWS%'and owner not like 'WK%'
;prompt <p>The combination of index columns is more than four
select table_owner,table_name, index_name, count(*)from dba_ind_columns
where  table_owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and table_owner not like 'FLOWS%'and table_owner not like 'WK%'group by table_owner,table_name, index_name
having count(*) >= 4order by count(*) desc
;prompt <p>Indexed more than 5 numbers
select owner,table_name, count(*) cntfrom dba_indexes
where  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and owner not like 'FLOWS%'and owner not like 'WK%'group by owner,table_name
having count(*) >= 5
order by cnt desc
;prompt <p>Never indexed a large table
select segment_name,bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 "GB",blocks,tablespace_namefrom dba_segmentswhere segment_type = 'TABLE'and segment_name not in (select table_name from dba_indexes)and bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 >= 0.5order by GB desc
select segment_name, sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 "GB", sum(blocks)from dba_segmentswhere segment_type = 'TABLE PARTITION'and segment_name not in (select table_name from dba_indexes)group by segment_name
having sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 >= 0.5order by GB desc
;prompt <p>There is a cross between the combined index of the table and the single column indexselect table_name, trunc(count(distinct(column_name)) / count(*),2) cross_idx_ratefrom dba_ind_columnswhere table_owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and table_owner not like 'FLOWS%'and table_owner not like 'WK%'group by table_name
having count(distinct(column_name)) / count(*) < 1
order by cross_idx_rate desc
;prompt <p>Object is built on the system tablespace
select * from (
select owner, segment_name, tablespace_name, count(*) numfrom dba_segmentswhere tablespace_name in('SYSTEM','SYSAUX')
group by owner, segment_name, tablespace_name)
where  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB','ORDSYS','DBSNMP','OUTLN','TSMSYS')and owner not like 'FLOWS%'and owner not like 'WK%'
;prompt <p>Check whether the statistics are collected
select t.job_name,t.program_name,t.state,t.enabledfrom dba_scheduler_jobs t
where job_name = 'GATHER_STATS_JOB'
select client_name,statusfrom dba_autotask_client
select window_next_time,autotask_statusfrom DBA_AUTOTASK_WINDOW_CLIENTS
;prompt <p>Check the object that was not collected or collected for a long time
select owner, count(*)from dba_tab_statistics t
where (t.last_analyzed is null or t.last_analyzed < sysdate - 100)and table_name not like 'BIN$%'
group by owner
order by owner
;prompt <p>Temporary table for collecting statistical information
select owner, table_name, t.last_analyzed, t.num_rows, t.blocksfrom dba_tables t
where t.temporary = 'Y'and last_analyzed is not null
;prompt <p>Log switching frequency analysis
select *from (select thread#, sequence#, to_char(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS')from v$log_historyorder by first_time desc)where rownum <= 50
;prompt <p>The amount of log switch every day in the last 10 days
SELECT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH:MI:SS'),1,5) Day,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'00',1,0)) H00,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'01',1,0)) H01,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'02',1,0)) H02,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'03',1,0)) H03,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'04',1,0)) H04,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'05',1,0)) H05,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'06',1,0)) H06,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'07',1,0)) H07,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'08',1,0)) H08,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'09',1,0)) H09,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'10',1,0)) H10,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'11',1,0)) H11,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'12',1,0)) H12,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'13',1,0)) H13,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'14',1,0)) H14,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'15',1,0)) H15,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'16',1,0)) H16,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'17',1,0)) H17,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'18',1,0)) H18,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'19',1,0)) H19,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'20',1,0)) H20,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'21',1,0)) H21,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'22',1,0)) H22 ,SUM(DECODE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(first_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'),10,2),'23',1,0)) H23,COUNT(*) TOTAL
FROM v$log_history  awhere first_time>=to_char(sysdate-11)
;prompt <p>Log group size
select group#,bytes,statusfrom v$log
;prompt <p>show recovery_file_dest usageselect substr(name, 1, 30) name,space_limit as quota,space_used as used,space_reclaimable as reclaimable,number_of_files as filesfrom v$recovery_file_dest
;prompt <p>Check if the sequence is less than 20
select sequence_owner,count(*) CNT,sum(case when t.cache_size <= 20 then 1 else 0 end ) CNT_LESS_20,sum(case when t.cache_size > 20 then 1 else 0 end ) CNT_MORE_20from dba_sequences tgroup by sequence_owner
;prompt <p>Table space usage
set markup html off
prompt <p>
declaretype NUMBER_ARRAY is table of number(15) index by varchar2(30);ts_free_mb NUMBER_ARRAY;cursor c1 isselect tablespace_name, sum(free_mb) + sum(expired_mb) free_mbfrom (SELECT tablespace_name,round(sum(nvl(bytes, 0)) / 1024 / 1024, 2) free_mb,0 expired_mbFROM dba_free_spaceGROUP BY tablespace_nameunion allselect tablespace_name,0 free_mb,round(sum(nvl(bytes, 0)) / 1024 / 1024, 2) expired_mbfrom dba_undo_extents dwhere tablespace_name =(select valuefrom v$parameterwhere name = 'undo_tablespace')and status = 'EXPIRED'group by tablespace_name)group by tablespace_name;cursor c2 isSELECT /*+ rule */tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 2) total_mbFROM dba_data_fileswhere tablespace_name not in(select tablespace_namefrom dba_data_fileswhere upper(AUTOEXTENSIBLE) = 'YES')GROUP BY tablespace_name;ts_name  varchar2(30);ts_total number(15);ts_used  number(15);ts_free  number(15);ts_rate  varchar2(5);
beginfor rec1 in c1 loopts_free_mb(rec1.tablespace_name) := rec1.free_mb;end loop;dbms_output.put_line('<table border="1" width="90%" align="center" summary="Script output">');dbms_output.put_line('<tr><th>ts_name</th><th>ts_total</th><th>ts_used</th><th>ts_free</th><th>ts_rate</th></tr>');for rec2 in c2 loopts_name  := null;ts_total := null;ts_used  := null;ts_free  := null;ts_rate  := null;ts_name  := rec2.tablespace_name;ts_total := rec2.total_mb;ts_free  := nvl(ts_free_mb(ts_name), 0);ts_used  := nvl(ts_total - ts_free, 0);ts_rate  := to_char(round((ts_total - ts_free) / ts_total * 100, 2),'fm990.99');dbms_output.put_line('<tr><td>' || ts_name || '</td><td>' || ts_total ||'</td><td>' || ts_used || '</td><td>' || ts_free ||'</td><td>' || ts_rate || '</td></tr>');end loop;dbms_output.put_line('</table>');
prompt <p>
set markup html onprompt <p>The size of the entire database
select owner, round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) "GB"from dba_segmentsgroup by ownerorder by 2 desc
;prompt <p>Object size TOP10
select *from (select owner,segment_name,segment_type,round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) object_sizefrom DBA_segmentsgroup by owner, segment_name, segment_typeorder by object_size desc)
where rownum <= 10
;prompt <p>Recycle Bin situation (size and quantity)
select *from (select SUM(BYTES) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 as recyb_sizefrom DBA_SEGMENTSWHERE SEGMENT_NAME LIKE 'BIN$%') a,(select count(*) as recyb_cnt from dba_recyclebin)
;prompt <p>Check who took up the undo tablespaceSELECT r.name "roll_segment_name", rssize/1024/1024/1024 "RSSize(G)",s.sid,s.serial#,s.username,s.status,s.sql_hash_value,s.SQL_ADDRESS,s.MACHINE,s.MODULE,substr(s.program, 1, 78) program,r.usn,hwmsize/1024/1024/1024, shrinks ,xacts
FROM sys.v_$session s,sys.v_$transaction t,sys.v_$rollname r, v$rollstat rs
WHERE t.addr = s.taddr and t.xidusn = r.usn and r.usn=rs.USN
Order by rssize desc
;prompt <p>Check who took up the temp tablespaceselect sql.sql_id,t.Blocks * 16 / 1024 / 1024,s.USERNAME,s.SCHEMANAME,t.tablespace,t.segtype,t.extents,s.PROGRAM,s.OSUSER,s.TERMINAL,s.sid,s.SERIAL#from v$sort_usage t, v$session s , v$sql sql
;prompt <p>Observe the rollback segment, the temporary segment and the general segment No is automatically expanded
select t2.contents, t1.*from (select file_name, tablespace_name, bytes, maxbytes, autoextensiblefrom dba_temp_filesunion allselect file_name, tablespace_name, bytes, maxbytes, autoextensiblefrom dba_data_files) t1,dba_tablespaces t2where t1.tablespace_name = t2.tablespace_name
;prompt <p>Table size of more than 10GB did not build the partition table
select owner,segment_name,segment_type,round(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024,2) object_sizefrom dba_segments
where segment_type = 'TABLE'and bytes > 10*1024*1024*1024
group by owner, segment_name, segment_type
order by object_size desc
;prompt <p>The top 10 partitions are the most
select *from (select table_owner, table_name, count(*) cntfrom dba_tab_partitionsgroup by table_owner, table_nameorder by cnt desc)
where rownum <= 10
;prompt <p>Partitioned uneven table
select *from (select table_owner,table_name,max(num_rows) max_num_rows,trunc(avg(num_rows), 0) avg_num_rows,sum(num_rows) sum_num_rows,casewhen sum(num_rows) = 0 then0elsetrunc(max(num_rows) / trunc(avg(num_rows), 0), 2)end rate,count(*) part_countfrom dba_tab_partitionsgroup by table_owner, table_name)where rate > 5;prompt <p>A table with a column larger than 100 or less than 2
select *from (select owner, table_name, count(*) col_countfrom dba_tab_colsgroup by owner, table_name)where col_count > 100or col_count <= 2and  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  owner not like 'FLOWS%'
;prompt <p>The table property is NOLOGGING
select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, loggingfrom dba_tableswhere logging = 'NO'and  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  owner not like 'FLOWS%';prompt <p>Table properties, containing COMPRESSION
select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, COMPRESSIONfrom dba_tableswhere COMPRESSION = 'ENABLED'and  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  owner not like 'FLOWS%'
;prompt <p>The index property contains COMPRESSION
select owner, index_name, table_name, COMPRESSIONfrom dba_indexeswhere COMPRESSION = 'ENABLED'and  owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  owner not like 'FLOWS%'
;prompt <p>Trigger
select OWNER, TRIGGER_NAME, TABLE_NAME, STATUSfrom dba_triggerswhere owner not in ('SYSTEM','SYSMAN','SYS','CTXSYS','MDSYS','OLAPSYS','WMSYS','EXFSYS','LBACSYS','WKSYS','XDB')and  owner not like 'FLOWS%';prompt <p>The foreign key is not indexed
select *from (select pk.owner PK_OWNER,pk.constraint_name PK_NAME,pk.table_name PK_TABLE_NAME,fk.owner FK_OWNER,fk.constraint_name FK_NAME,fk.table_name FK_TABLE_NAME,fk.delete_rule FK_DELETE_RULE,ind_col.INDEX_NAME FK_INDEX_NAME,ind.index_type FK_INDEX_TYPE,con_col.COLUMN_NAME FK_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME,con_col.POSITION FK_INDEX_COLUMN_POSITION,decode(ind_col.INDEX_NAME,NULL,NULL,NVL(x_ind.status, 'VALID')) IS_IND_VALID,decode(ind_col.INDEX_NAME,NULL,NULL,NVL(x_ind_part.status, 'VALID')) IS_IND_PART_VALIDfrom (select * from dba_constraints where constraint_type = 'R') fk,(select * from dba_constraints where constraint_type = 'P') pk,dba_cons_columns con_col,dba_ind_columns ind_col,dba_indexes ind,(select index_owner, index_name, statusfrom dba_ind_partitionswhere status <> 'VALID') x_ind_part,(select owner as index_owner, index_name, statusfrom dba_indexeswhere status <> 'VALID') x_indwhere fk.r_constraint_name = pk.constraint_nameand pk.owner = fk.ownerand fk.owner = con_col.ownerand fk.table_name = con_col.table_nameand fk.constraint_name = con_col.CONSTRAINT_NAMEand con_col.owner = ind_col.TABLE_OWNER(+)and con_col.TABLE_NAME = ind_col.TABLE_NAME(+)and con_col.COLUMN_NAME = ind_col.COLUMN_NAME(+)and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = ind.owner(+)and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = ind.index_name(+)and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = x_ind.index_owner(+)and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = x_ind.index_name(+)and ind_col.INDEX_OWNER = x_ind_part.index_owner(+)and ind_col.INDEX_NAME = x_ind_part.index_name(+))where FK_INDEX_NAME is nullorder by FK_OWNER ASC
;/* Bad performance
prompt <p>Hot block (summary)
SELECT *+ rule *e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type, sum(b.tch) tchFROM dba_extents e,(SELECT *FROM (SELECT addr, ts#, file#, dbarfil, dbablk, tchFROM x$bhORDER BY tch DESC)WHERE ROWNUM <= 10) bWHERE e.relative_fno = b.dbarfilAND e.block_id <= b.dbablkAND e.block_id + e.blocks > b.dbablkgroup by e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type
order by tch desc
prompt <p>Hot block (unfolded, not summary)
SELECT *+ rule *distinct e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type, dbablk,b.tchFROM dba_extents e,(SELECT *FROM (SELECT addr, ts#, file#, dbarfil, dbablk, tchFROM x$bhORDER BY tch DESC)WHERE ROWNUM <= 10) bWHERE e.relative_fno = b.dbarfilAND e.block_id <= b.dbablkAND e.block_id + e.blocks > b.dbablk
order by tch desc
*/prompt <p>Appendix: check the parameter settings of session_cached_cursors and increase the parameter value if the usage rate is 100%
SELECT 'session_cached_cursors' PARAMETER,  LPAD(VALUE, 5) VALUE,  DECODE(VALUE, 0, ' n/a', TO_CHAR(100 * USED / VALUE, '990') || '%') USAGE  FROM (SELECT MAX(S.VALUE) USED  FROM V$STATNAME N, V$SESSTAT S  WHERE N.NAME = 'session cursor cache count'  AND S.STATISTIC# = N.STATISTIC#),  (SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'session_cached_cursors')  UNION ALL
SELECT 'open_cursors',  LPAD(VALUE, 5),  TO_CHAR(100 * USED / VALUE, '990') || '%'  FROM (SELECT MAX(SUM(S.VALUE)) USED  FROM V$STATNAME N, V$SESSTAT S  WHERE N.NAME IN  ('opened cursors current', 'session cursor cache count')  AND S.STATISTIC# = N.STATISTIC#  GROUP BY S.SID),  (SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'open_cursors');  prompt <p>Appendix: all parameters of Oracle for reference
show parameterset markup html off
exec dbms_output.put_line('</body>');
exec dbms_output.put_line('</html>');spool off/* Obtain awr、addm、ash */
--HTML tags are not used below
SET markup html off spool ON pre off entmap offset trim on
set trimspool on
set heading off--select dbid、instance_number
column dbid new_value awr_dbid
column instance_number new_value awr_inst_num
select dbid from v$database;
select instance_number from v$instance;--Ash report in half an hour
column ashbegintime new_value ashbegin_str
column ashendtime new_value ashend_str
select to_char(sysdate-3/144,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as ashbegintime, to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24miss') as ashendtime from dual;column ashfile_name new_value ashfile
select 'ashrpt_' || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || '_' || to_char(&&ashbegin_str) || '_' || to_char(&&ashend_str) ashfile_name from dual;
spool &&ashfile..html
select * from table(dbms_workload_repository.ash_report_html(to_char(&&awr_dbid),to_char(&&awr_inst_num),to_date(to_char(&&ashbegin_str),'yyyymmddhh24miss'),to_date(to_char(&&ashend_str),'yyyymmddhh24miss')));
spool off;--Create AWR snapshot
column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap
column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap
select max(snap_id) begin_snapfrom dba_hist_snapshotwhere snap_id < (select max(snap_id) from dba_hist_snapshot);
select max(snap_id) end_snap from dba_hist_snapshot;
declaresnap_maxtime date;snap_mintime date;
beginselect max(end_interval_time) + 0into snap_maxtimefrom dba_hist_snapshotwhere snap_id = to_number(&&awr_end_snap);select max(end_interval_time) + 0into snap_mintimefrom dba_hist_snapshotwhere snap_id = to_number(&&awr_begin_snap);if sysdate - snap_maxtime > 10/1445 thendbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot();end if;
/--The latest two AWR reports between snap_id
column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap
column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap
select max(snap_id) begin_snapfrom dba_hist_snapshotwhere snap_id < (select max(snap_id) from dba_hist_snapshot);
select max(snap_id) end_snap from dba_hist_snapshot;
column awrfile_name new_value awrfile
select 'awrrpt_' || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) awrfile_name from dual;spool &&awrfile..html
select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(&&awr_dbid,&&awr_inst_num,&&awr_begin_snap,&&awr_end_snap));
spool off;--The longest AWR report available (all analyses since a week)
column begin_snap new_value awr_begin_snap
column end_snap new_value awr_end_snap
select a.begin_snap, a.end_snapfrom (select startup_time, min(snap_id) begin_snap, max(snap_id) end_snapfrom dba_hist_snapshotgroup by startup_time) a,(select max(startup_time) startup_time from dba_hist_snapshot) bwhere a.startup_time = b.startup_timeand rownum = 1;
column awrfile_name new_value awrfile
select 'awrrpt_' || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) ||'_all' awrfile_name from dual;spool &&awrfile..html
select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(&&awr_dbid,&&awr_inst_num,&&awr_begin_snap,&&awr_end_snap));
spool off;--Latest ADDM Report
column addmfile_name new_value addmfile
select 'addmrpt_' || to_char(&&awr_inst_num) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_begin_snap) || '_' || to_char(&&awr_end_snap) addmfile_name from dual;
set serveroutput on
spool &&addmfile..txt
declareid          number;name        varchar2(200) := '';descr       varchar2(500) := '';addmrpt     clob;v_ErrorCode number;
BEGINname := '&&addmfile';begindbms_advisor.create_task('ADDM', id, name, descr, null);dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, 'START_SNAPSHOT', &&awr_begin_snap);dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, 'END_SNAPSHOT', &&awr_end_snap);dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, 'INSTANCE', &&awr_inst_num);dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(name, 'DB_ID', &&awr_dbid);dbms_advisor.execute_task(name);exceptionwhen others thennull;end;select dbms_advisor.get_task_report(name, 'TEXT', 'TYPICAL')into addmrptfrom sys.dual;dbms_output.enable(20000000000);for i in 1 .. (DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(addmrpt) / 2000 + 1) loopdbms_output.put_line(substr(addmrpt, 1900 * (i - 1) + 1, 1900));end loop;dbms_output.put_line('');begindbms_advisor.delete_task(name);exceptionwhen others thennull;end;
spool off;exit;



  1. sql 获取数据库字段信息_使用DBATools获取SQL数据库详细信息

    sql 获取数据库字段信息 In the series of articles on DBATools, (see TOC at the bottom) we are exploring useful ...

  2. 查询Master下的系统表和系统视图获取数据库的信息和简单的渗透测试

    在SQL中可以通过查询Master下的系统表(sys)和系统视图(information_schema)获取数据库的信息.SQL2000和SQL2005的结构略有不同. 系统表结构参考系统表详细说明. ...

  3. 浅析ado.net获取数据库元数据信息

    写这个文章源于早先对ADO.Net获取数据库元数据上的认识,去年我在阅读ADO.Net Core Reference的时候曾经注意过DataSet的FillSchema的这个方法.这方面,在我之前的随 ...

  4. C#获取数据库表信息,列信息

    获取表的信息: conn.Open();string[] restrictions = new string[4];restrictions[1] = "dbo"; DataTab ...

  5. 使用OLE方式获取数据库架构信息

    一般连接SQL数据库的连接字串: data source=[SERVERNAME];user id=[USERNAME];password=[PASSWORD];database=[DATABASEN ...

  6. 检测硬件的批处理命令,检测硬件bat,一键获取电脑硬件信息

    警告:运行BAT源码是一种危险的动作,如果你不熟悉,请不要尝试! 批处理语言: 简体中文 授权方式: 免费软件 运行环境: Windows平台 检测硬件批处理命令.一键获取.直接双击就可以查看 @ec ...

  7. mysql 一键获取数据库表结构

    作用: 1.获取当前数据库所有的表信息 2.获取当前表结构信息 查询数据库中的表: -- 查询数据库中的表 SELECT * FROM information_schema.`TABLES` wher ...

  8. jdbc mysql查询整行信息_JDBC获取数据库各种信息

    当通过一个JDBC连接上一个数据的时候,我们就可以通过JDBC获取到这个数据的各种信息,比如数据库的名称.模式.表结构(及其字段).视图.函数.过程.访问权限等等一系列的信息.当然,如果你原意,你还可 ...

  9. java数据库编程(13) 获取数据库更多信息

    使用 DatabaseMetaData可以获得关于数据库的很多信息,比如支持的列,两张表之间的外键约束,查看主键约束等等. 这里的代码也不用怎么讲解了,如果前面的都懂的话,这些代码是可以看懂的. im ...


  1. 算法设计思想(1)— 穷举法
  2. java实现高斯赛德尔算法解线性方程组
  3. 高端服务器CPU详细图解
  4. Java语法糖之foreach
  5. 透明轮播原生JavaScript实现
  6. xshell1分钟就会自动断_手术室自动门不能正常控制开关门维修案例
  7. php 系统模版_原生 PHP 模板系统:Plates
  8. mysql系统搭建互备DB(双主)记录
  9. 奇偶链表的分割(C++)
  10. mybatis配置全局变量
  11. css连续的纯数字或字母强制换行
  12. 任务寄存器TR:GDT、LDT、IDT、TR、TSS之间的关系
  13. vSphere 7 With K8s系列-1~9 (微信公众号需要收费)
  14. Windows 查看端口使用情况
  15. Linux TTY 串口 struct termios结构体参数
  16. mac 谷歌浏览器 跨域访问
  17. 全国大学生GIS应用技能大赛(开发试题参考)
  18. Scrum立会报告+燃尽图(十月二十八日总第十九次)
  19. Android 项目必备(十四)--> 开发者选项
  20. 结合《穹顶之下》看中、美宽带提速


  1. C++ 操作符new和delete
  2. 用xargs处理带空格文件名
  3. ASP.NET备份恢复SqlServer数据库
  4. 一个开源小项目,如何使用「分类网络」实现排球追踪
  5. TMM|车辆重识别的一些实践
  6. 腾讯开源视频动作检测算法DBG,打破两项世界纪录!
  7. 图鸭科技重金揽才-深度学习优化研究员
  8. python字符串结合操作符的使用
  9. Python进阶|聊聊异常处理
  10. 年薪十万的王者荣耀,LOL游戏模型师的工作是这样的|附50G资料