
A View is a database object that presents data from in one or more tables. The same SQL statement used to create a view can also be used to replace an existing view.

视图是一个数据库对象,用于显示一个或多个表中的数据。 用于创建视图的相同SQL语句也可以用于替换现有视图。

This guide will update (replace) the existing view “programming-students-v” with one that is slightly different and has a different name.

本指南将使用略有不同且名称不同的视图来更新(替换)现有视图“ programming-students-v”。

Safety tip: always backup the schema before making changes to it.


一般语法 (General sytax)

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

SQL用于创建视图和当前数据 (SQL Used to create the view and the current data)

create view `programming-students-v` as
select FullName, programOfStudy
from student
where programOfStudy = 'Programming';
select * from `programming-students-v`;

Current Data:


| FullName        | programOfStudy |
| Teri Gutierrez  | Programming    |
| Spencer Pautier | Programming    |
| Louis Ramsey    | Programming    |
| Alvin Greene    | Programming    |
| Sophie Freeman  | Programming    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

A list of the existing views:


| Tables_in_fcc_sql_guides_database | Table_type |
| programming-students-v            | VIEW       |
| students-contact-info_v           | VIEW       |
| students_dropme_v                 | VIEW       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

更换视图 (Replacing the view)

create or replace view `programming-students-v` as
select FullName, programOfStudy, sat_score
from student
where programOfStudy = 'Programming';
select * from `programming-students-v`;

Note: the view now shows the sat_score.


| FullName        | programOfStudy | sat_score |
| Teri Gutierrez  | Programming    |       800 |
| Spencer Pautier | Programming    |      1000 |
| Louis Ramsey    | Programming    |      1200 |
| Alvin Greene    | Programming    |      1200 |
| Sophie Freeman  | Programming    |      1200 |

Note: the list of views hasn’t change, our view is replaced.


mysql>  SHOW FULL TABLES IN fcc_sql_guides_database WHERE TABLE_TYPE LIKE 'VIEW';
| Tables_in_fcc_sql_guides_database | Table_type |
| programming-students-v            | VIEW       |
| students-contact-info_v           | VIEW       |
| students_dropme_v                 | VIEW       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As with all of these SQL things there is MUCH MORE to them than what’s in this introductory guide.


I hope this at least gives you enough to get started. Please see the manual for your database manager and have fun trying different options yourself.

我希望这至少能给您足够的入门。 请参阅数据库管理员的手册,并尝试自己尝试其他选项,这很有趣。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-sql-replace-view-statement-example-syntax/


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