
One year ago we launched our very first free coding course on, an online learning platform which Sindre Aarsæther and I have co-founded. The course was about CSS Grid and it was highly anticipated, as we had built a waiting list of 10K people in the weeks following up to the launch. To date, over 50K students have enrolled in the course.

一年前,我们在 (这是我和SindreAarsæther共同创建的一个在线学习平台)上推出了我们的第一本免费编码课程。 该课程是关于CSS Grid的,并且备受期待,因为在发布后的几周内,我们已经建立了一个等待1万名人员的名单。 迄今为止,已有超过5万名学生注册了该课程。

There are many reasons why the course has been successful, but an important one is undoubtedly the email list we built up beforehand. In this article, I’ll detail how it all happened, as I think there might be a few lessons to be learned.

该课程成功的原因有很多,但是重要的一个无疑是我们事先建立的电子邮件列表。 在本文中,我将详细介绍这是如何发生的,因为我认为可能需要学习一些经验教训。

一个偶然的策略 (An accidental strategy)

To be completely honest, our strategy was pretty accidental. We didn’t plan to create an email list at all. Our plan was to launch the course first and then write a couple of articles about it to gain traffic. But thanks to a communication mixup, an article got published long before the course launched, which again kickstarted a very fruitful process.

老实说,我们的策略是偶然的。 我们根本不打算创建电子邮件列表。 我们的计划是推出的课程,然后写一两篇文章约增加流量。 但是,由于沟通的混乱,这篇文章早在课程开始之前就发表了,这再次启动了一个非常富有成果的过程。

You see, while I was in the process of recording the screencasts of the course, I wrote a draft for a 5-minute article which taught people the very basics of CSS Grid. It was titled Learn CSS Grid in 5 minutes, and I figured that it would attract the kind of people we wanted to enroll in the full course.

你看,而我在录制过程中的截屏的过程中,我写了一个草案,它告诉人们CSS网格非常基本的一个5分钟的文章。 它的标题是在5分钟内学会CSS网格,我认为它将吸引我们想要注册整个课程的那种人。

Learn CSS Grid in 5 MinutesA quick tutorial on the future of website

在5分钟内学习CSS网格 关于网站布局未来的快速教程。

I submitted the draft to the freeCodeCamp publication for review and asked if they were willing to launch it on the same day as the course, which they were.


At this point, it bears to mention that I was already a contributor to the freeCodeCamp publication. I’d written articles about coding on Medium for the last couple of years, so I had gained an audience. This certainly made it easier for me and amplified the success of the articles. However, it would have worked regardless, just not as well as it did.

在这一点上,值得一提的是,我已经是freeCodeCamp出版物的撰稿人。 最近几年,我写过有关在Medium上进行编码的文章,因此吸引了很多听众。 这无疑使我更轻松,并扩大了文章的成功。 然而,它会不管,因为它没有工作,只是没有得到很好的

Anyway, thanks to a communication mixup at freeCodeCamp, my article ended up being published several weeks before it was due. This felt like a bummer at the time, but looking back, it was a blessing in disguise, as it taught me an important lesson on content marketing.

无论如何,多亏了freeCodeCamp的交流,我的文章终于在应有的几周前发表了。 当时感觉像是一个无赖,但回首过去,这是变相的祝福,因为它教会了我关于内容营销的重要课程。

昆西的智慧之言 (Quincy’s words of wisdom)

I emailed with Quincy Larson about the mixup. He offered to pull the article and republish along with the course later on. However, we decided to just leave the article in the open, and rather link to an email form from it so that people who were interested in the course could join the waiting list. And when the course was due to launch, Quincy said I could simply publish another article about CSS Grid.

我给昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)发送了有关混淆的电子邮件。 他提出撤稿,并在稍后的课程中重新发布。 但是,我们决定将文章保留为公开状态,而是链接到其中的电子邮件表格,以便对课程感兴趣的人可以加入候补名单。 当课程即将发布时,Quincy说我可以简单地发表另一篇有关CSS Grid的文章。

Then he also shared some words of wisdom from his marketing philosophy:


When in doubt, put out more


Here’s the email he sent me:


Given that Quincy has grown his audience to several hundred thousand followers across a range of different social media sites, this seemed like something I’d better take to heart. I also think it’s counter to how most people react.

鉴于Quincy在各种不同的社交媒体网站上将他的观众增加到数十万的关注者,这似乎是我最好铭记在心的事情。 我也认为这与大多数人的React相反。

When people are in doubt, they tend to avoid clicking the publish button. The truth is, you need to do the opposite!

当人们有疑问时,他们倾向于避免单击“发布”按钮。 事实是,您需要做相反的事情!

In other words, if you’re unsure of whether or not you should publish a piece of content, the answer is yes.


选择正确的主题 (Choosing the right subject)

The Learn CSS Grid in 5 minutes article turned out to do exceptionally well. Within a few days, over a thousand had signed up, which crushed our expectations.

事实证明, 在5分钟内学习CSS网格效果非常好。 几天之内,有超过一千人签署了该协议,这使我们的期望破灭了。

One of the reasons for this was that the subject resonated with people. At this point, there simply wasn’t much content on CSS Grid out there, as it was an up-and-coming technology which few developers actually used. This was a conscious choice. We saw an opportunity to become the go-to course for CSS Grid.

原因之一是该主题引起了人们的共鸣。 在这一点上,CSS Grid上根本没有太多内容,因为它是一种新兴技术,很少有开发人员实际使用。 这是一个有意识的选择。 我们看到了成为CSS Grid入门课程的机会。

So the lesson to be learned here is to look for opportunities in the market. If there’s a lack of content on a subject out there, and you put a lot of time and effort into creating it yourself, it’ll pay off.

因此,这里要吸取的教训是寻找市场机会。 如果那里的某个主题缺少内容,而您自己花费了大量时间和精力来创建它,那么它会有所回报。

在内容中寻找内容 (Looking for content inside your content)

The success of the article and Quincy’s words of wisdom kick-started a hunt for more ways to write about CSS Grid. So I dug into the course content (which I’d created myself) to see if I could find material which would work well as standalone Medium articles. It turned out that it was filled with ideas for posts. I just hadn’t been looking for them.

这篇文章的成功以及昆西的智慧之词开始了对寻找更多关于CSS Grid的写作方式的追寻。 因此,我研究了课程内容(由我自己创建),以查看是否可以找到适合独立中型文章的材料。 原来,它充满了帖子的想法。 我只是没有一直在寻找他们。

Over the next month, I published the following articles:


How to prototype websites quickly with CSS GridThe CSS Grid module is a fantastic tool for creating mockups of websites. It allows you to experiment with the layout…

如何使用CSS Grid快速使网站原型化 CSS Grid模块是创建网站模型的绝佳工具。 它允许您尝试布局...

Why CSS Grid is better than Bootstrap for creating layoutsCSS Grid is a new way of creating layouts on the web. For the first time ever we have a proper layout system available…

为什么CSS Grid在创建布局方面比Bootstrap更好? CSS Grid是一种在Web上创建布局的新方法。 我们第一次有一个合适的布局系统可用……

How to make your HTML responsive by adding a single line of CSSIn this article, I’ll teach you how to use CSS Grid to create a super cool image grid which varies the amount of columns…

如何通过添加一行CSS来使HTML响应。 在本文中,我将教您如何使用CSS Grid创建一个超酷的图像网格,该网格可以改变列的数量。

The ultimate CSS battle: Grid vs FlexboxLearn how they differ, and when you should use one over the

最终CSS之战:网格与Flexbox 了解它们之间的区别以及何时应使用它们。

They all did really well, gaining between one and five thousand Medium fans each.


The lesson to be learned here is to be on the lookout for content inside your business. These were all concepts I touched upon in the course, but I simply hadn’t thought of turning them into articles. Not until I understood how fruitful it could be.

这里要学习的课程是寻找企业内部的内容。 这些都是我在课程中涉及的所有概念,但是我根本没有想到过将它们变成文章。 直到我明白这将是多么富有成果。

This is, of course, easier if you’re building a course, book or something content-based. However, I’m convinced that there are a lot of opportunities for content creation in most businesses.

当然,如果您要构建课程,书籍或基于内容的内容,这会更容易。 但是,我坚信大多数企业中都有很多创建内容的机会。

For example, when I worked as a developer for Xeneta in 2016, we did a machine learning project for lead qualification. This turned out to be a great thing to write a post about:

例如,当我在2016年担任Xeneta的开发人员时,我们进行了机器学习项目以获取潜在客户资格。 事实证明,写一篇有关以下内容的文章是一件很棒的事:

Boosting Sales With Machine LearningHow we use natural language processing to qualify

通过机器学习促进销售 我们如何使用自然语言处理来限定销售线索

You simply need to train your mind into thinking about which data, processes, technology etc inside your business that other people might be interested in learning about.


广泛出版 (Publish far and wide)

If you look at the articles above, you’ll notice that two of them are published in freeCodeCamp and the other two in Hacker Noon. This is, of course, in order to spread the message to a wider audience. A simple yet effective trick which probably decreased the number of cross-over readers between the articles.

如果查看上面的文章,您会注意到其中两个在freeCodeCamp中发布,另外两个在Hacker Noon中发布。 当然,这是为了将信息传播给更广泛的受众。 一个简单而有效的技巧可能会减少文章之间交叉阅读器的数量。

Another thing I want to mention is that I at one point started getting nervous that we were giving away too much from the course beforehand and thereby limiting people’s motivation for enrolling. This was obviously completely wrong. It was probably more like the opposite: for every article, people looked more ahead to the course.

我想提到的另一件事是,我有时开始变得紧张不安,因为我们事先放弃了太多的课程,从而限制了人们的入学动机。 这显然是完全错误的。 可能情况恰恰相反:每篇文章,人们对课程的展望都更高。

Since learning this lesson I’ve stopped being afraid of other people using our content. So we started letting freeCodeCamp put all Scrimba courses on their YouTube channel. It’s one of the best traffic channels we have in terms of the quality of the visitors.

自从学习了本课以来,我不再害怕其他人使用我们的内容。 因此,我们开始让freeCodeCamp将所有Scrimba课程放到他们的YouTube频道中。 就游客的质量而言,这是我们拥有的最佳交通渠道之一。

使用列表成功启动 (Using the list to launch successfully)

In just a few weeks, our email list grew from 0 to 10 000 people, and on December 23rd we launched the course. We did this via the freeCodeCamp publication and framed it as a Christmas gift, which also worked exceptionally well.

在短短的几周内,我们的电子邮件列表从0人增加到10000人,并在12月23日启动了该课程。 我们通过freeCodeCamp出版物做到了这一点,并将其作为圣诞节礼物装裱,效果也非常好。

Want to learn CSS Grid? Here’s my free full-length course. Merry Christmas!14 interactive screencasts to take you from beginner to

想学习CSS Grid吗? 这是我的免费全长课程。 圣诞节快乐! 14个交互式截屏视频,使您从入门到高级。

The email list was critical in order to create buzz around the launch article, as it helped us get a lot of attention on social media. And since then, the course has been performing day in and day out. It’s still an important traffic driver for Scrimba.

电子邮件列表对于在发布文章中引起关注是至关重要的,因为它帮助我们在社交媒体上引起了很多关注。 从那时起,该课程每天都在进行。 它仍然是Scrimba的重要流量驱动因素。

So I hope you learned something from reading this article. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach to me out via Twitter.

因此,我希望您从阅读本文中学到了一些东西。 如有任何疑问,请随时通过Twitter与我联系。




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