
There are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache. Please check the cables and ensure that all drives are present.
Press any key to enter the configuration utility.



进入raid管理,F2,编辑profile -->   Managing Preserved Cache --> discard the cache, 然后保存,Ctrl+Alt+Del 重启。问题解决。


Error Message:There are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache.Please check the cables and ensure that all drives are present.Press any key to enter the configuration utility.

Probable Cause:The controller preserves the dirty cache from a virtual disk if the disk becomes offline or is deleted because of missing physical disks.

This preserved dirty cache is called pinned cache, and is preserved until you import the virtual disk, or discard the cache.

Corrective Action:Use the <Ctrl><R> utility to import the virtual disk or discard the preserved cache. For the steps used to manage preserved cache, see Managing Preserved Cache.



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