原文:end-to-end argument and fate sharing
建议:端到端的原则 和 命运共担 (或者“端到端原则 和 fate sharing”,fate sharing就 当作术语别去翻译了,非常别扭)

在wiki查询end-to-end argument会自动重定向到end-to-end principle,虽然不能作为一个非常有力的证据,但是体现了一种思路,end-to-end是一种设计原则,而不是设计论点,这是无需争论的。

End-to-end argument
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End-to-end principle

The end-to-end principle is a design framework in computer networking. In networks designed according to this principle, application-specific features reside in the communicating end nodes of the network, rather than in intermediary nodes, such as gateways and routers, that exist to establish the network.


wiki 对fate-sharing的解释

Fate-sharing is an engineering design philosophy where related parts of a system are yoked together, so that they either fail together or not at all. Fate-sharing is an example of the end-to-end principle. The term "fate-sharing" was defined by David D. Clark in his 1988 paper "The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols"as follows:

The fate-sharing model suggests that it is acceptable to lose the state information associated with an entity if, at the same time, the entity itself is lost. Specifically, information about transport level synchronization is stored in the host which is attached to the net and using its communication service.
A good example of fate-sharing is the transmission of routing messages in routing protocols such as BGP, where the failure of a link or link interface automatically has the effect of terminating routing announcements through that interface, ultimately resulting in the tearing down of the state for that route at each end of the link. Similar considerations apply to TCP.


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