容器编排技术 -- Kubernetes kubectl delete 命令详解

  • 1 kubectl delete
  • 2 语法
  • 3 示例
  • 4 Flags

kubectl delete



有些资源,如pod,支持优雅的(graceful)删除,因为这些资源一般是集群中的实体,所以删除不可能会立即生效,这些资源在强制终止之前默认定义了一个周期(宽限期),但是你可以使用--grace-period flag来覆盖该值,或者通过pass --now设置该周期为1。

如果托管Pod的Node节点已经停止或者无法连接API Server,使用delete命令删除Pod需等待时间更长。要强制删除资源,需指定- force flag,且设置周期(宽限期)为0。




$ delete ([-f FILENAME] | TYPE [(NAME | -l label | --all)])


使用 pod.json中指定的资源类型和名称删除pod。

kubectl delete -f ./pod.json


cat pod.json | kubectl delete -f -


kubectl delete pod,service baz foo

删除 Label name = myLabel的pod和Service。

kubectl delete pods,services -l name=myLabel

强制删除dead node上的pod

kubectl delete pod foo --grace-period=0 --force


kubectl delete pods --all


Name Shorthand Default Usage
all   false select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types.
cascade   true If true, cascade the deletion of the resources managed by this resource (e.g. Pods created by a ReplicationController). Default true.
filename f [] Filename, directory, or URL to files containing the resource to delete.
force   false Immediate deletion of some resources may result in inconsistency or data loss and requires confirmation.
grace-period   -1 Period of time in seconds given to the resource to terminate gracefully. Ignored if negative.
ignore-not-found   false Treat "resource not found" as a successful delete. Defaults to "true" when --all is specified.
include-extended-apis   true If true, include definitions of new APIs via calls to the API server. [default true]
now   false If true, resources are signaled for immediate shutdown (same as --grace-period=1).
output o   Output mode. Use "-o name" for shorter output (resource/name).
recursive R false Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests organized within the same directory.
selector l   Selector (label query) to filter on.
timeout   0s The length of time to wait before giving up on a delete, zero means determine a timeout from the size of the object

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