参数 描述
name A string specifying the name of the package.
version A string specifying the version number of the package.
description A string describing the package in a single line.
long_description A string providing a longer description of the package.
long_description_content_type A string specifying the content type is used for the long_description (e.g. text/markdown)
author A string specifying the author of the package.
author_email A string specifying the email address of the package author.
maintainer A string specifying the name of the current maintainer
maintainer_email A string specifying the email address of the current maintainer, if different from the author.
url A string specifying the URL for the package homepage.
download_url A string specifying the URL to download the package.
packages A list of strings specifying the packages that setuptools will manipulate.
py_modules A list of strings specifying the modules that setuptools will manipulate.
scripts 指明脚本文件,自动放在path

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  8. 小白学习pytorch源码(二):setup.py最详细解读

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