4    -    Qt WebKit Widgets模块提供一个C++类的网页浏览器引擎,与网页内容进行交互
5    -    Qt3DCore模块包含支持近实时的仿真系统的功能
    Qt3D::ArrayAllocatingPolicy    -    Allocates memory in a contiguous space trying to minimize fragmentation and cache misses
    Qt3D::ListAllocatingPolicy    -    Allocates resources in a list
    Qt3D::ObjectLevelLockingPolicy    -    Provides locking access to a resource through the use of a QReadWriteLock
    Qt3D::QAbstractAspect    -    The base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior
    Qt3D::QChangeArbiter    -    Acts as a message router between observables and observers
    Qt3D::QCircularBuffer    -    A template class providing a dynamic circular array
    Qt3D::QCircularBuffer::const_iterator    -    Qt3D::QCircularBuffer::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QCircularBuffer
    Qt3D::QCircularBuffer::iterator    -    Qt3D::QCircularBuffer::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QCircularBuffer
    Qt3D::QComponent    -    Base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3D::QEntity instances as a component
    Qt3D::QEntity    -    Qt3D::QEntity is a Qt3D::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3D::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior
    Qt3D::QFrameAllocator    -    Provides a pool of memory chunks to be used to allocate objects on a per frame basis
    Qt3D::QNode    -    Qt3D::QNode is the base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene
    Qt3D::QOpenGLInformationService    -    Interface for a Qt3D OpenGL information service
    Qt3D::QResourceManager    -    Allocates memory for resources that can be referenced by a QHandle
    Qt3D::QServiceLocator    -    Service locator used by aspects to retrieve pointers to concrete service objects
    Qt3D::QSystemInformationService    -    Interface for a Qt3D system information service


QT学习-核心类列表-4、Qt WebKit Widgets 5、Qt3DCore相关推荐

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  7. QT学习第8课:QT计算器界面实现

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