
  • Word Preparation
    • arrange: 安排
    • make friends: 交朋友
    • next door: 隔壁
    • move out: 搬走
    • tenant:租户,房客
    • drop by:顺道拜访
  • Grammar
    • 现在完成时 Present Perfect Tense

Word Preparation

arrange: 安排

to plan, prepare for, or organize something

The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.

There are still a few things we need to arrange in the meeting.

make friends: 交朋友

to become friends with others

She likes to make friends with people who are good at sports.

Tim had to make new friends after moving to a new city.

next door: 隔壁

in the next room, house, or building

Have you met your next door neighbors yet?

I’m going to ask the people next door if they want to come over for dinner.

move out: 搬走

to leave one’s house or apartment

I plan on moving out at the end of this year.

She doesn’t want to move out because she thinks living here is convenient.


a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land etc.

The desk was left by the previous tenant.

The tenant failed to pay his rent punctually.

drop by:顺道拜访

to visit a person or a place informally

I’ve got to drop by the shop to do some shopping.

I have to go. I’ll drop by again next week.


现在完成时 Present Perfect Tense


  1. 过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果
  2. 过得动作或状态持续到现在

# 例子

  1. She has been sick for a long time.
  2. Marry has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
  3. Linda has been living a hard life since her husband died. (其实是一个“现在完成进行时”)
  4. I have not been well since I returned from Shanghai.

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