摘 要





Today, the rapid development of China's market economy and the rapid improvement of the living standards of the people, the ordinary rental services have been unable to meet the needs of people. With the development of science and technology, more and more people use computer office. How to make use of advanced computer science and technology and the mass of the network, to improve the management of rental housing has become a major issue facing today's society.

This design to Eclipse as a development tool, through the use of the system application server Tomcat. According to the object-oriented programming method, through the software engineering theory, the use of struts+hibernate framework technology to prepare rental recommendation system, MVC design mode to make the management system more perfect. Establish and maintain the back-end database and front-end application development, so that the housing rental management automation and information is more complete.

The whole system to meet the beautiful interface, easy operation, safety and the masses point of view as a concept, including the availability of information management, customer information management, Rental information management, information management administrator, recommended housing, housing audit management function. After the system test shows that the housing rental information management information management and user rental information is the content of the rental management system. This paper mainly introduces the development background of the design, to complete the function and design of the whole process. Emphasis on the design of the rental management system design ideas, difficult and difficult technology and the


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