FTP 是File Transfer Protocol(文件传输协议)的英文简称,从这个名字也能看出来,这个协议是为了文件传输而生的。



/** * 向FTP服务器上传文件 *  * @param url *            FTP服务器hostname 就是ip* @param port 21*            端口默认80 * @param username *            用户名 * @param password *            密码 * @param path *            FTP服务器保存目录* @param filename*            文件名称 上传到FTP服务器上的文件名,是自己定义的名字 * @param input *            文件输入流 * @return */  public static boolean upload(String url, int port, String username,  String password, String path, String filename, InputStream input) {  boolean success = false;  FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();  try {  ftp.setDataTimeout(2000);//设置连接超时时间  ftp.connect(url, port); // 如果采用默认端口,可以使用ftp.connect(url)的方式直接连接FTP服务器  ftp.login(username, password); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftp.getReplyCode())) {  ftp.disconnect();  //未连接到FTP,用户名或密码错误return success;  }  boolean isExist =  createDirecroty(path,ftp) ;  if(!isExist){  return success;  }  //获取服务器当前目录指定文件信息FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(filename);if(files.length > 1){ftp.deleteFile(filename);}ftp.setControlEncoding("UTF-8");ftp.setBufferSize(1024);  ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode();    ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);  //处理中文名称的文件名,如果不加这一句的话,中文命名的文件是不能上传的  filename = new String(filename.getBytes("GBK"), "iso-8859-1") ;  ftp.storeFile(filename, input);  input.close();  ftp.logout(); success = true;  } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();  } finally {  if (ftp.isConnected()) {  try {  ftp.disconnect();  } catch (IOException ioe) {  }  }  }  return success;  }  /*** 递归创建远程服务器目录* * @param remote*            远程服务器文件绝对路径* @return 目录创建是否成功* @throws IOException*/public static boolean createDirecroty(String remote,FTPClient ftp) throws IOException {String totalPath = "";boolean success = true;String[] path = remote.split("/");for(int i=0; i<path.length; i++){            String father = path[i];if(father == null || "".equals(father)){success = false;break;}totalPath = totalPath + "/"+father;try {boolean isExit = ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(totalPath);if(!isExit){boolean make = ftp.makeDirectory(totalPath);if(!make){success = false;break;}//工作路径切换到此boolean change = ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(totalPath);if(!change){success = false;break;}}} catch (IOException e) {success = false;break;}}  return success;}


public static boolean upload(String url, int port, String username,  String password, String remotePath, File localFile) {  boolean success = false;  RandomAccessFile raf = null;OutputStream output = null;FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();  try {  ftp.connect(url, port); // 如果采用默认端口,可以使用ftp.connect(url)的方式直接连接FTP服务器  ftp.login(username, password); int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {  ftp.disconnect();  //未连接到FTP,用户名或密码错误return success;  }  boolean isExist =  createDirecroty(remotePath,ftp) ;  if(!isExist){  return success;  }  //获取当前目录指定文件信息FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(localFile.getName());if(files.length > 1){ftp.deleteFile(localFile.getName());}raf = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "r");  long serverSize = 0;/* enterLocalPassiveMode * 每次数据连接之前,ftp client告诉ftp server开通一个端口来传输数据。* 为什么要这样做呢,因为ftp server可能每次开启不同的端口来传输数据,* 但是在linux上或者其他服务器上面,由于安全限制,可能某些端口没有开启,* 所以就出现阻塞* */ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode();  ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);//设置二进制传输,还支持传输ACSII数据  ftp.setRestartOffset(serverSize);  raf.seek(serverSize);  // 进度  long localSize = localFile.length(); // 本地文件的长度 long step = localSize / 100;  long process = 0;  long currentSize = 0; String filename = localFile.getName();filename = new String(filename.getBytes("GBK"), "iso-8859-1") ;  output = ftp.appendFileStream(filename);  byte[] b = new byte[1024];  int length = 0;  while ((length = raf.read(b)) != -1) {  output.write(b, 0, length);  currentSize = currentSize + length;  if (currentSize / step != process) {  process = currentSize / step;  Log.e(TAG, "上传进度:" + process);}  }  if (ftp.completePendingCommand()) {success = true; Log.e(TAG, "文件上传成功");} } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();  } finally {  try {output.flush();output.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}  try {raf.close();} catch (IOException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();} try {ftp.logout();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}if (ftp.isConnected()) {  try {  ftp.disconnect();  } catch (IOException ioe) {  }  }  }  return success;  }


还可以通过ftp.setRestartOffset(serverSize);  raf.seek(serverSize);  来进行断点上传


public static boolean downloadFile(String url, int port, String username,  String password, String localPath, String serverPath){  boolean success = false;  FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();try {ftpClient.setControlEncoding("GBK"); ftpClient.connect(url, port);ftpClient.login(username, password);if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.getReplyCode())) {  ftpClient.disconnect();  //未连接到FTP,用户名或密码错误return false;    }// 先判断服务器文件是否存在  FTPFile[] files = ftpClient.listFiles(serverPath);  if (files.length == 0) {  Log.e(TAG,"服务器文件不存在 serverPath="+serverPath);  return false;  }  localPath = localPath + files[0].getName();  long serverSize = files[0].getSize(); // 获取远程文件的长度  File localFile = new File(localPath);  long localSize = 0;  if (localFile.exists()) {  localFile.delete(); }  // 进度  long step = serverSize / 100;  long process = 0;  long currentSize = 0;  // 开始准备下载文件  ftpClient.enterLocalActiveMode();  ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);  OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(localFile, true);  ftpClient.setRestartOffset(localSize); //设置从哪里开始下,就是断点下载 InputStream input = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(serverPath);  byte[] b = new byte[1024];  int length = 0;  while ((length = input.read(b)) != -1) {  out.write(b, 0, length);  currentSize = currentSize + length;  if (currentSize / step != process) {  process = currentSize / step;  Log.e(TAG,"下载进度:" + process);   }  }  out.flush();  out.close();  input.close();  // 此方法是来确保流处理完毕,如果没有此方法,可能会造成现程序死掉  if (ftpClient.completePendingCommand()) {  Log.e(TAG,"文件下载成功");  success = true;} } catch (SocketException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return success;}



    /*** 通过拼接的方式构造请求内容,实现参数传输以及文件传输* * @param url* @param params text content* @param files pictures* @return String result of Service response* @throws IOException*/public static String post(String url, Map<String, String> params, Map<String, File> files)throws IOException {String BOUNDARY = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();String PREFIX = "--";String LINEND = "\r\n";String MULTIPART_FROM_DATA = "multipart/form-data";String CHARSET = "UTF-8";URL uri = new URL(url);HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) uri.openConnection();conn.setReadTimeout(10 * 1000); conn.setDoInput(true);// 允许输入conn.setDoOutput(true);// 允许输出conn.setUseCaches(false); // 不允许使用缓存conn.setRequestMethod("POST");conn.setRequestProperty("connection", "keep-alive");conn.setRequestProperty("Charsert", "UTF-8");conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", MULTIPART_FROM_DATA + ";boundary=" + BOUNDARY);conn.setChunkedStreamingMode(1024);// 首先组拼文本类型的参数StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {sb.append(PREFIX);sb.append(BOUNDARY);sb.append(LINEND);sb.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\"" + LINEND);sb.append("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" + CHARSET + LINEND);sb.append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" + LINEND);sb.append(LINEND);sb.append(entry.getValue());sb.append(LINEND);}DataOutputStream outStream = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());outStream.write(sb.toString().getBytes());// 发送文件数据if (files != null)for (Map.Entry<String, File> file : files.entrySet()) {StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();sb1.append(PREFIX);sb1.append(BOUNDARY);sb1.append(LINEND);sb1.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadfile\"; filename=\""+ file.getValue().getName() + "\"" + LINEND);sb1.append("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=" + CHARSET + LINEND);sb1.append(LINEND);outStream.write(sb1.toString().getBytes());InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file.getValue());byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];int len = 0;while ((len = is.read(buffer)) != -1) {outStream.write(buffer, 0, len);}is.close();outStream.write(LINEND.getBytes());}// 请求结束标志byte[] end_data = (PREFIX + BOUNDARY + PREFIX + LINEND).getBytes();outStream.write(end_data);outStream.flush();// 得到响应码int res = conn.getResponseCode();//获取服务器返回结果InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();if (res == 200) {int ch;while ((ch = in.read()) != -1) {sb2.append((char) ch);}}outStream.close();conn.disconnect();return sb2.toString();}//调用方式如下public String uploadFile(File f){final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();params.put("sessionId", "123456");final Map<String, File> files = new HashMap<String, File>();files.put("uploadfile",f);String response=null;try {response = UploadUtil.post(FAULT_FILEUPLOAD_URL, params, files);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return response;}






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