
- Learn Photoshop by tap-dancing!!!

- Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop!
- More effective and funny than just watching the videos or reading the books!
- Yes! It’s not a bunch of theory, it's a complete interactive training package on the newest version of Photoshop, which take app to a whole new level!


INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP brings you simple, funny, interactive learning app for photoshop. The app teaches you about each of the features of Photoshop CS5 and show you how to use them in detail. With candid, jargon-free advice and step-by-step guidance, you’ll get everything from the core aspects of working to advanced techniques for refined workflows and professional results. It's like having your own personal tutor teaching you the newest version of Photoshop. You'll learn how you can use photohsop to express yourself and fine tune your images quickly and directly! It’s the first and only app to bring the whole process together in such a clear, concise, and interactive way. There is no faster, more straight-to-the-point, or more fun way to learn Photoshop than with this app.

In addition to the interactive mode, we supoort the inspector mode, it converts the app to be 8 hours video tutorials, a great added value!


Topics include Tools, masks and layers, retouching, animation, 3D and much more. INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP includes 156 self-paced lessons that allow you to progress at your own speed(tip:The first lession teach you how to use the app):
- Get familiar with the Photoshop environment — the desktop, menus, panels
- Discover all the things you can do with the Brush, Pencil, and Pen tools and the Paths panel
- Explore the use of channels, alpha channels, various types of masks, layer styles, opacity settings, and other essentials
- Find out how to lighten, darken, soften, or sharpen your images, fix flaws, and heal damage
- Learn how to get the right resolution, image mode, and file format, and set up color separations
- Steps for creating top-notch selections
- Cool things to do with filters
- Details how to modify your photos to your specifications
- Advice on correcting contrast, color, and clarity
- Instructions for compositing images with layers and blending modes
- Fixing the most common digital photo problems fast
- Fixing red-eye, remove blemishes and wrinkles, remove people or objects from a photo
- A whole chapter on how to color correct any photo without breaking a sweat
- Fix the most common digital photo problems
- Make an image look great using expert color correction and retouching tips
- Shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster
- Create and manipulate 3D models using presets and custom options
- Create eye-catching animations animation panel
- The newest and coolest features of Photoshop CS5
- Plus, there are so many other things throughout the app that you’ll be bursting with new ideas! With a little experimentation, you can open up a whole new world of dazzling effects. Have fun discovering!


Ever wonder how that movie poster was created, or how they created that cool magazine ad, or maybe even how to take a seemingly mundane photo and give it the Hollywood treatment? Or maybe you just want to know how to do some really awesome stuff in Photoshop. Well, then, this app is for you!
Whether you’re a designer, artist, or even a photographer, there’s something here for everyone.


App is continuously updated based on your feedback. Please be kind in your app reviews, tell others how you use INTERACTIVE TUTORIALS FOR PHOTOSHOP, and stay tuned for new and exciting features.

√ Help? Comments? Suggestions? Contact us at tapinfinity@gmail.com

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