Sample Input:

5 00001
11111 100 -1
00001 0 22222
33333 100000 11111
12345 -1 33333
22222 1000 12345

Sample Output:

5 12345
12345 -1 00001
00001 0 11111
11111 100 22222
22222 1000 33333
33333 100000 -1


//1052 Linked List Sorting(25 分)
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100005;
//      flag为false表示无效结点
struct Node { //定义静态链表int address, data, next;bool flag;//结点是否在链表上
bool cmp(Node a, Node b) {if (a.flag == false || b.flag == false) {return a.flag > b.flag;}else {return <;}
}int main() {//步骤2:初始化for (int i = 0;i < maxn;i++) {node[i].flag = false;}int n, begin, address;scanf_s("%d%d", &n, &begin);for (int i = 0;i < n;i++) {scanf_s("%d", &address);scanf_s("%d%d", &node[address].data, &node[address].next);node[address].address = address;}int count = 0, p = begin;//步骤3:枚举链表,对flag进行标记,同时计数有效结点个数while (p != -1) {node[p].flag = true;count++;p = node[p].next;}if (count == 0) {  //特判:新链表中没有结点时输出 0 -1printf("0 -1");}else {//步骤4:筛选有效结点,并按data从小到大排序sort(node, node + maxn, cmp);//步骤5:输出结果//防止-1被%05d化,提前判断printf("%d %05d\n", count, node[0].address);for (int i = 0;i < count;i++) {if (i != count - 1) {printf("%05 %d %05d\n", node[i].address, node[i].data, node[i + 1].address);}else {printf("%05d %d -1\n", node[i].address, node[i].data);}}}return 0;

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