Z is 6 weeks old now, heading towards seven. He's certainly a much more interesting person now and getting more interesting every day.

Z现在已满6周,正朝着7周发展。 他现在肯定是一个更加有趣的人,并且每天变得越来越有趣。

Folks who think they know me ask questions like, "Does he have a blog? Did you register ComputerZ.net? Where's his pocket-protector? Is his GPS-enabled?" I'm actually a little more pragmatic than my friends may think. I want Z to be much more than the sum of his parents. I want him to make mud pies and put bugs in jars and hike. If he wants to code, great. Hopefully he'll spend him life not in front of a screen. This means I will be a more outdoorsy person (like my dad) so that he might find more balance in his life than I have found (so far) in mine. I want him to be comfortable in Portland, New York or Bulawayo. I want him to be a flexible and competent citizen of the world. I hope I have the tools to turn him into a interesting, non-neurotic individual.

认为自己了解我的人会问诸如“他有博客吗?您是否注册ComputerZ.net?他的口袋保护器在哪里?他的GPS启用了功能?”之类的问题。 我实际上比我的朋友想象的要务实一些。 我希望Z超过他父母的总和。 我要他做泥饼,把虫子放在罐子里,然后远足。 如果他想编码,那就太好了。 希望他不会在屏幕前度过一生。 这意味着我将是一个更加户外活动的人(像我的父亲一样),这样他可能会比我迄今为止(迄今为止)发现的生活更加平衡。 我希望他在波特兰,纽约或布拉瓦约过得舒适。 我希望他成为一个灵活而有能力的世界公民。 我希望我有工具可以将他变成一个有趣的,非神经病的人。

Many of you have mentioned that you've either just had a child or are expecting. Many others with kid experience kindly offered me advice. Some I took, some I discarded. Here's some tools (and books and techniques and what-not) that we've found useful in this, the "fourth trimester" (While he's 0-3 months.)

你们中的许多人都提到您只是生了一个孩子或正在期待。 许多其他有孩子经验的人请给我建议。 我拿了一些,我丢了一些。 这是我们发现有用的一些工具(以及书籍和技术,还有其他什么),这是“第四学期”(虽然他是0-3个月)。



  • What to Expect When You're Expecting and What to Expect The First Year - These are the gold standard and are referred to a few times a week.


  • John Rosemond's New Parent Power - The very kind Ted Olson of Microsoft sent me a copy of this book that he swears by, and a few hundred pages in and I'm loving the pragmatic and common sense approach to child rearing. Thanks Ted!

    约翰·罗斯蒙德(John Rosemond)的《新父母权》 -微软的特德·奥尔森(Ted Olson)给我发了他誓言的这本书的副本,还有数百页,我喜欢这种务实和常识的养育孩子的方法。 谢谢特德!

  • Be Prepared : A Practical Handbook for New Dads - This fun to read (written by a comedian) Dad-specific handbook packed with great tips on how Dad's can stay sane.


  • The Happiest Baby on the Block - This technique for calming totally works. A blog reader recommended it and it's right on. I tell everyone who will listen about this.

    最幸福的宝宝-这种镇静技术完全有效。 博客读者推荐了它,现在就可以使用。 我告诉每个人都会听的。

  • Baby Signing Time - We intend to start signing around 5-6 months (we both took ASL in college) and hope to incorporate this into our early child raising.婴儿签约时间-我们打算在5到6个月左右开始签约(我们俩都在大学里上过ASL),并希望将其纳入我们的早期育儿中。



  • BabyBjorn - This was recommended by many and while its a little spendy, it's worth it. It's expandable and will grow with him. I carry him around the house happily and he tends to sleep right on my chest after a few minutes of walking.

    BabyBjorn-这是很多人推荐的,虽然有点花钱,但值得。 它是可扩展的,并且会和他一起成长。 我很高兴地把他抱在房子里,走路几分钟后,他往往就睡在我的胸口。

  • Nojo Baby Sling - More flexible and soft than the BabyBjorn, this carrier lets you hold the baby in about six different positions and also allows Mom to breast-feed while he's in the sling.


  • Sony Baby Monitor - I tried and took back a number of Baby Monitors and this one was the cheapest and had the best sound quality. The receiver is also rechargable and waterproof.

    索尼婴儿监视器-我尝试过并带回了许多婴儿监视器,这是最便宜的,并且声音质量最好。 接收器也是可充电且防水的。

  • Diaper Genie - Makes poo disappear. Yay!

    尿布精灵-使便便消失。 好极了!

  • Graco Travel System - This combination car seat, car seat mount (LATCH), and stroller (pram) is a winner. Complex to initially assemble, but a snap to use. Wife Acceptance Factor is high and it will grow with him.

    Graco Travel System-这种组合式汽车安全座椅,汽车座椅固定装置(LATCH)和婴儿推车(婴儿车)是赢家。 最初组装起来很复杂,但是使用起来很方便。 妻子接受度很高,并且会随他成长。

  • Boudreaux's Butt Paste - Great stuff, helps his tushy not be red. He hasn't had diaper rash yet.Boudreaux的屁股贴-很棒的东西,可以帮助他的屁屁不染红。 他还没有尿布疹。
  • Bouncer - I knew I'd forgotten one. JasonF reminded me about the bouncy seat. Z digs it very much. However, I'm thinking the 保镖-我知道我忘了一个。 JasonF让我想起了充气座椅。 Z非常喜欢它。 但是,我认为swing, while huge, might be better.挥杆虽然很大,但可能会更好。
  • AVENT ISIS iQ Duo - This is a great breast pump. We did have a blown power supply early on, but their support was great. What's really significant about this pump is that is has only one button. You pump "manually" like a standard manually pump and it records and watches your rhythm. When you find a rhythm you like, you just press the one button and it continues automatically what you did manually. Amazing. It's the iPod of Breast Pumps, if there can be such a thing.AVENT ISIS iQ Duo-这是一个很棒的吸奶器。 早期我们确实断电了,但他们的支持很棒。 该泵真正重要的是只有一个按钮。 您像标准手动泵一样“手动”泵送,它会记录并观察您的节奏。 找到喜欢的节奏后,只需按一个按钮,它就会自动继续您的手动操作。 惊人。 如果可以的话,它就是吸奶器的iPod。

Other Tips


  • Boobs - It's good to have at least two of these. Man-boobs don't count. We're fortunate enough that breast-feeding is going well and I think Z will be better for it.

    胸部-最好至少有两个。 人潮不算数。 我们很幸运,母乳喂养进展顺利,我认为Z会更好。

  • Patience - Sometimes he just needs to cry to release stress. If he's fed, he's dry, he's healthy, he's slept, maybe he's just releasing stress.

    耐心-有时他只需要哭泣即可释放压力。 如果吃饱了,他就干了,他很健康,他睡了,也许他只是在释放压力。

  • Routine - We figured this out early. Around 8pm we start the house winding down. We turn down the lights, turn on some music and I give Z a bath. We feed him and put him down. He's 6 weeks old and will sleep from 9 to almost 1am. He feeds then, and will sleep until 4 or 5. Feed again and he's down until 9-10am. For us, this equals success. Folks always ask if your baby sleeps through the night. As far as I'm concerned we've got that now, it's just that the night is 4 hours long. :) I don't expect him to sleep for 6 hours straight for a few months.

    常规-我们很早就弄清楚了。 晚上8点左右,我们开始把房子收拾下来。 我们关掉灯,打开一些音乐,然后我给Z洗澡。 我们喂养他并放下他。 他6周大,将在上午9点至凌晨1点睡觉。 然后,他进食,直到4或5睡觉。再次进食,直到9点至10点。 对我们来说,这等于成功。 人们总是问你的宝宝是否整夜睡觉。 就我而言,我们已经知道了,只是夜晚长达4个小时。 :)我不希望他连续几个月睡6个小时。

  • Multilingual - Mo is already chatting with Z in Ndebele (Zimbabwe's Zulu dialect) and I'm hoping to include Spanish as well when it's time. Check out Milind's FAQ on raising polyglots.

    多语种-Mo已经与Ndebele(津巴布韦的祖鲁方言)的Z聊天,我希望在时候也能包括西班牙语。 查阅Milind的关于提高多视力的常见问题解答。

  • Swaddling - When he was in the womb he was swaddled 24 hours a day. If we swaddle him 6-10 hours a day, he's very comfortable and sleeps much better. We swaddle him while he sleeps and he is less likely to wake himself up by bonking his own head.

    add-当他在子宫中时,他一天24小时都被add 。 如果我们每天6 6-10个小时,他会非常舒适,而且睡眠会更好。 我们在他睡觉时sw了他一口,他不太可能通过by头来唤醒自己。

  • Tummy Time - We let him chill and move around on his tummy for a a while every day, the intent being to avoid having him on his back too long and to build neck muscles. Seems to be working, he's starting to hold his own (giant) head up.

    收腹时间-我们让他每天放松一下,在肚子上四处走动,目的是避免他背得太长并锻炼颈部肌肉。 似乎正在工作,他开始抬起自己的(巨型)头。

We now return you to your regularly scheduled technical blog.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/zero-to-three-month-baby-ultimate-tools-list


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