一、准备环境:更改设置pip 国内镜像




中国科技大学 https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/




  1. 临时使用
    pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple some-package

可以在使用pip的时候加参数-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pyspider,这样就会从清华这边的镜像去安装pyspider库。



1.pip install pip -U # 升级pip到最新版本
2.pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple


# -*-conding: utf-8  -*-
# 1 - Import library
import pygame        #import语句:在模块模块定义好后,我们可以使用 import 语句来引入模块
from pygame.locals import *# from 语句从模块中导入一个指定的部分到当前命名空间中
import math
import random# 2 - Initialize the game          #initialize (隐藏摘要) 预置(初始状态bai), 初始化这个游戏
keys = [False, False, False, False]
playerpos = [100, 100]
acc = [0, 0]
arrows = []
badtimer = 100
badtimer1 = 0
badguys = [[640, 100]]
healthvalue = 194
width, height = 640, 480    #设置页面宽高
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption("兔鼠大战")pygame.mixer.init()# 3 - Load images      下载图片
player = pygame.image.load("resources/images/dude.png")
grass = pygame.image.load("resources/images/grass.png")
castle = pygame.image.load("resources/images/castle.png")
arrow = pygame.image.load("resources/images/bullet.png")
badguyimg1 = pygame.image.load("resources/images/badguy.png")
gameover = pygame.image.load("resources/images/gameover.png")
youwin = pygame.image.load("resources/images/youwin.png")
healthbar = pygame.image.load("resources/images/healthbar.png")
health = pygame.image.load("resources/images/health.png")
badguyimg = badguyimg1
# 3.1 - Load audio   下载音乐
hit = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources/audio/explode.wav")
enemy = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources/audio/enemy.wav")
shoot = pygame.mixer.Sound("resources/audio/shoot.wav")
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)
# 4 - keep looping through   保持一个圈通过
running = 1
exitcode = 0
while running:badtimer -= 1# 5 - clear the screen before drawing it again  再次绘制之前清除屏幕screen.fill(0)# 6 - draw the screen elements    绘制屏幕元素for x in range(width // grass.get_width() + 1):for y in range(height // grass.get_height() + 1):screen.blit(grass, (x * 100, y * 100))screen.blit(castle, (0, 30))screen.blit(castle, (0, 135))screen.blit(castle, (0, 240))screen.blit(castle, (0, 345))# screen.blit(player, (100,100))# screen.blit(player, playerpos)position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()angle = math.atan2(position[1] - (playerpos[1] + 32), position[0] - (playerpos[0] + 26))playerrot = pygame.transform.rotate(player, 360 - angle * 57.29)playerpos1 = (playerpos[0] - playerrot.get_rect().width / 2, playerpos[1] - playerrot.get_rect().height / 2)screen.blit(playerrot, playerpos1)# 6.2 - Draw arrowsfor bullet in arrows:index = 0velx = math.cos(bullet[0]) * 10vely = math.sin(bullet[0]) * 10bullet[1] += velxbullet[2] += velyif bullet[1] < -64 or bullet[1] > 640 or bullet[2] < -64 or bullet[2] > 480:arrows.pop(index)index += 1for projectile in arrows:arrow1 = pygame.transform.rotate(arrow, 360 - projectile[0] * 57.29)screen.blit(arrow1, (projectile[1], projectile[2]))# 6.3 - Draw badgers绘制老鼠if badtimer == 0:badguys.append([640, random.randint(50, 430)])badtimer = 100 - (badtimer1 * 2)if badtimer1 >= 35:badtimer1 = 35else:badtimer1 += 5index = 0for badguy in badguys:# 6.3.1 - Attack castle  攻击伤害badrect = pygame.Rect(badguyimg.get_rect())badrect.top = badguy[1]badrect.left = badguy[0]if badrect.left < 64:hit.play()healthvalue -= random.randint(5, 20)badguys.pop(index)# 6.3.2 - Check for collisions   检查是否有碰撞index1 = 0for bullet in arrows:bullrect = pygame.Rect(arrow.get_rect())bullrect.left = bullet[1]bullrect.top = bullet[2]if badrect.colliderect(bullrect):enemy.play()acc[0] += 1badguys.pop(index)arrows.pop(index1)index1 += 1# 6.3.3 - Next bad guy 下一个老鼠if badguy[0] < -64:badguys.pop(index)badguy[0] -= 7index += 1for badguy in badguys:screen.blit(badguyimg, badguy)# 6.4 - Draw clock  绘制计时器font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)survivedtext = font.render(str((90000 - pygame.time.get_ticks()) / 60000) + ":" + str((90000 - pygame.time.get_ticks()) / 1000 % 60).zfill(2), True, (0, 0, 0))textRect = survivedtext.get_rect()textRect.topright = [635, 5]screen.blit(survivedtext, textRect)# 6.5 - Draw health bar  绘制生命条screen.blit(healthbar, (5, 5))for health1 in range(healthvalue):screen.blit(health, (health1 + 8, 8))# 7 - update the screen   更新屏幕pygame.display.flip()# 8 - loop through the events  循环处理事件for event in pygame.event.get():# check if the event is the X button  检查游戏是否失败`在这里插入代码片`if event.type == pygame.QUIT:# if it is quit the game   如果是,请退出游戏pygame.quit()exit(0)if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:   #设置移动的按键,个人认为设置成上下左右键方便操作,鼠标左键单击发动攻击。if event.key == K_UP:          # k_wkeys[0] = Trueelif event.key == K_LEFT:      # k_akeys[1] = Trueelif event.key == K_DOWN:      # k_skeys[2] = Trueelif event.key == K_RIGHT:     # k_dkeys[ 3 ] = True         #以上设置按键也可以设置成w,a,s,d  #后是对应的代码,如用这个下面也需要更换成相同的if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:if event.key == pygame.K_UP:   #这里跟上面的设置键需要设置成相同的keys[0] = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:keys[1] = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:keys[2] = Falseelif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:keys[3] = Falseif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:shoot.play()position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()acc[1] += 1arrows.append([math.atan2(position[1] - (playerpos1[1] + 32), position[0] - (playerpos1[0] + 26)), playerpos1[0] + 32,playerpos1[1] + 32])# 9 - Move player  移动时播放的音频if keys[0]:playerpos[1] -= 5elif keys[2]:playerpos[1] += 5if keys[1]:playerpos[0] -= 5elif keys[3]:playerpos[0] += 5# 10 - Win/Lose check  检查是否赢得/输掉游戏if pygame.time.get_ticks() >= 90000:running = 0exitcode = 1if healthvalue <= 0:running = 0exitcode = 0if acc[1] != 0:accuracy = acc[0] * 1.0 / acc[1] * 100else:accuracy = 0
# 11 - Win/lose display  赢得/输掉游戏  不再继续游戏
if exitcode == 0:pygame.font.init()font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)text = font.render("Accuracy: " + str(accuracy) + "%", True, (255, 0, 0))textRect = text.get_rect()textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerxtextRect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery + 24screen.blit(gameover, (0, 0))screen.blit(text, textRect)
else:pygame.font.init()font = pygame.font.Font(None, 24)text = font.render("Accuracy: " + str(accuracy) + "%", True, (0, 255, 0))textRect = text.get_rect()textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerxtextRect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery + 24screen.blit(youwin, (0, 0))screen.blit(text, textRect)
while 1:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:pygame.quit()exit(0)pygame.display.flip()




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