


  • assignment2目录
  • 前言
  • 一、环境搭建
  • 二、代码实现
    • Multi-Layer Fully Connected Network
    • Initial Loss and Gradient Check
    • Question1
    • SGD+Momentum
    • RMSProp and Adam
    • Question 2:
    • Train a Good Model!






Multi-Layer Fully Connected Network



def affine_forward(x, w, b):"""Computes the forward pass for an affine (fully connected) layer.The input x has shape (N, d_1, ..., d_k) and contains a minibatch of Nexamples, where each example x[i] has shape (d_1, ..., d_k). We willreshape each input into a vector of dimension D = d_1 * ... * d_k, andthen transform it to an output vector of dimension M.Inputs:- x: A numpy array containing input data, of shape (N, d_1, ..., d_k)- w: A numpy array of weights, of shape (D, M)- b: A numpy array of biases, of shape (M,)Returns a tuple of:- out: output, of shape (N, M)- cache: (x, w, b)"""out = Nonex_temp = x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1)out = + bcache = (x, w, b)return out, cache
def affine_backward(dout, cache):"""Computes the backward pass for an affine (fully connected) layer.Inputs:- dout: Upstream derivative, of shape (N, M)- cache: Tuple of:- x: Input data, of shape (N, d_1, ... d_k)- w: Weights, of shape (D, M)- b: Biases, of shape (M,)Returns a tuple of:- dx: Gradient with respect to x, of shape (N, d1, ..., d_k)- dw: Gradient with respect to w, of shape (D, M)- db: Gradient with respect to b, of shape (M,)"""x, w, b = cachedx, dw, db = None, None, Nonex_temp = np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1))db = np.sum(dout, axis=0, keepdims=True)dw =, dout)dx =, w.T)dx = np.reshape(dx, x.shape)return dx, dw, db


def relu_forward(x):"""Computes the forward pass for a layer of rectified linear units (ReLUs).Input:- x: Inputs, of any shapeReturns a tuple of:- out: Output, of the same shape as x- cache: x"""out = Noneout = np.maximum(0, x)cache = xreturn out, cachedef relu_backward(dout, cache):"""Computes the backward pass for a layer of rectified linear units (ReLUs).Input:- dout: Upstream derivatives, of any shape- cache: Input x, of same shape as doutReturns:- dx: Gradient with respect to x"""dx, x = None, cachedx = doutdx[x <= 0] = 0return dx


def softmax_loss(x, y):"""Computes the loss and gradient for softmax classification.Inputs:- x: Input data, of shape (N, C) where x[i, j] is the score for the jthclass for the ith input.- y: Vector of labels, of shape (N,) where y[i] is the label for x[i] and0 <= y[i] < CReturns a tuple of:- loss: Scalar giving the loss- dx: Gradient of the loss with respect to x"""loss, dx = None, Nonenum = len(x)x_scores = x[range(num), y]loss = np.sum(- np.log(np.exp(x_scores) / np.sum(np.exp(x), axis=1))) / numdx = np.zeros_like(x)dx = np.exp(x) / np.sum(np.exp(x), axis=1, keepdims=True)dx[range(num), y] -= 1dx /= numreturn loss, dx


Initial Loss and Gradient Check


layers_dims = [input_dim] + hidden_dims + [num_classes]
for i in range(self.num_layers):self.params[f'W{i+1}'] = np.random.randn(layers_dims[i], layers_dims[i+1]) * weight_scaleself.params[f'b{i+1}'] = np.zeros(shape=(1, layers_dims[i+1]))if normalization == 'batchnorm' and i < len(hidden_dims):self.params[f'gamma{i}'] = np.ones((1, layers_dims[i + 1]))self.params[f'beta{i}'] = np.zeros((1, layers_dims[i + 1]))


h, cache1, cache2, cache3, cache4, bn, out = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
out[0] = X
for i in range(self.num_layers - 1):w, b = self.params[f'W{i+1}'], self.params[f'b{i+1}']if self.normalization != None:gamma, beta = self.params[f'gamma{i + 1}'], self.params[f'beta{i + 1}']h[i], cache1[i] = affine_forward(out[i], w, b)if self.normalization == 'batchnorm':bn[i], cache2[i] = batchnorm_forward(h[i], gamma, beta, self.bn_params)else:bn[i], cache2[i] = layernorm_forward(h[i], gamma, beta, self.bn_params)out[i+1], cache3[i] = relu_forward(bn[i])if self.use_dropout:out[i+1], cache4[i] = dropout_forward(out[i+1], self.dropout_param)else:out[i+1], cache3[i] = affine_relu_forward(out[i], w, b)if self.use_dropout:out[i+1], cache4[i] = dropout_forward(out[i+1], self.dropout_param)W, b = self.params[f'W{self.num_layers}'], self.params[f'b{self.num_layers}']scores, cache = affine_forward(out[self.num_layers - 1], W, b)


N, D, H1, H2, C = 2, 15, 20, 30, 10
X = np.random.randn(N, D)
y = np.random.randint(C, size=(N,))for reg in [0, 3.14]:print("Running check with reg = ", reg)model = FullyConnectedNet([H1, H2],input_dim=D,num_classes=C,reg=reg,weight_scale=5e-2,dtype=np.float64)loss, grads = model.loss(X, y)print("Initial loss: ", loss)# Most of the errors should be on the order of e-7 or smaller.   # NOTE: It is fine however to see an error for W2 on the order of e-5# for the check when reg = 0.0for name in sorted(grads):f = lambda _: model.loss(X, y)[0]grad_num = eval_numerical_gradient(f, model.params[name], verbose=False, h=1e-5)print(f"{name} relative error: {rel_error(grad_num, grads[name])}")


# TODO: Use a three-layer Net to overfit 50 training examples by
# tweaking just the learning rate and initialization scale.num_train = 50
small_data = {"X_train": data["X_train"][:num_train],"y_train": data["y_train"][:num_train],"X_val": data["X_val"],"y_val": data["y_val"],
}weight_scale = 1e-2   # Experiment with this!
learning_rate = 1e-2  # Experiment with this!
model = FullyConnectedNet([100, 100],weight_scale=weight_scale,dtype=np.float64
solver = Solver(model,small_data,print_every=10,num_epochs=20,batch_size=25,update_rule="sgd",optim_config={"learning_rate": learning_rate},
plt.title("Training loss history")
plt.ylabel("Training loss")
plt.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

这里需要修改learning_rate和weight_scale让training accuracy达到100%,我这里修改:
weight_scale = 1e-2
learning_rate = 1e-2

# TODO: Use a five-layer Net to overfit 50 training examples by
# tweaking just the learning rate and initialization scale.num_train = 50
small_data = {'X_train': data['X_train'][:num_train],'y_train': data['y_train'][:num_train],'X_val': data['X_val'],'y_val': data['y_val'],
}learning_rate = 1e-3  # Experiment with this!
weight_scale = 1e-1   # Experiment with this!
model = FullyConnectedNet([100, 100, 100, 100],weight_scale=weight_scale,dtype=np.float64
solver = Solver(model,small_data,print_every=10,num_epochs=20,batch_size=25,update_rule='sgd',optim_config={'learning_rate': learning_rate},
plt.title('Training loss history')
plt.ylabel('Training loss')
plt.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)



Did you notice anything about the comparative difficulty of training the three-layer network vs. training the five-layer network? In particular, based on your experience, which network seemed more sensitive to the initialization scale? Why do you think that is the case?



def sgd_momentum(w, dw, config=None):"""Performs stochastic gradient descent with momentum.config format:- learning_rate: Scalar learning rate.- momentum: Scalar between 0 and 1 giving the momentum value.Setting momentum = 0 reduces to sgd.- velocity: A numpy array of the same shape as w and dw used to store amoving average of the gradients."""if config is None:config = {}config.setdefault("learning_rate", 1e-2)config.setdefault("momentum", 0.9)v = config.get("velocity", np.zeros_like(w))next_w = Nonev = config['momentum'] * v - config['learning_rate'] * dwnext_w = w + vconfig["velocity"] = vreturn next_w, config


from cs231n.optim import sgd_momentumN, D = 4, 5
w = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.6, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
dw = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.4, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
v = np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)config = {"learning_rate": 1e-3, "velocity": v}
next_w, _ = sgd_momentum(w, dw, config=config)expected_next_w = np.asarray([[ 0.1406,      0.20738947,  0.27417895,  0.34096842,  0.40775789],[ 0.47454737,  0.54133684,  0.60812632,  0.67491579,  0.74170526],[ 0.80849474,  0.87528421,  0.94207368,  1.00886316,  1.07565263],[ 1.14244211,  1.20923158,  1.27602105,  1.34281053,  1.4096    ]])
expected_velocity = np.asarray([[ 0.5406,      0.55475789,  0.56891579, 0.58307368,  0.59723158],[ 0.61138947,  0.62554737,  0.63970526,  0.65386316,  0.66802105],[ 0.68217895,  0.69633684,  0.71049474,  0.72465263,  0.73881053],[ 0.75296842,  0.76712632,  0.78128421,  0.79544211,  0.8096    ]])# Should see relative errors around e-8 or less
print("next_w error: ", rel_error(next_w, expected_next_w))
print("velocity error: ", rel_error(expected_velocity, config["velocity"]))


num_train = 4000
small_data = {'X_train': data['X_train'][:num_train],'y_train': data['y_train'][:num_train],'X_val': data['X_val'],'y_val': data['y_val'],
}solvers = {}for update_rule in ['sgd', 'sgd_momentum']:print('Running with ', update_rule)model = FullyConnectedNet([100, 100, 100, 100, 100],weight_scale=5e-2)solver = Solver(model,small_data,num_epochs=5,batch_size=100,update_rule=update_rule,optim_config={'learning_rate': 5e-3},verbose=True,)solvers[update_rule] = solversolver.train()fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))axes[0].set_title('Training loss')
axes[1].set_title('Training accuracy')
axes[2].set_title('Validation accuracy')
axes[2].set_xlabel('Epoch')for update_rule, solver in solvers.items():axes[0].plot(solver.loss_history, label=f"loss_{update_rule}")axes[1].plot(solver.train_acc_history, label=f"train_acc_{update_rule}")axes[2].plot(solver.val_acc_history, label=f"val_acc_{update_rule}")for ax in axes:ax.legend(loc="best", ncol=4)ax.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

RMSProp and Adam


def rmsprop(w, dw, config=None):"""Uses the RMSProp update rule, which uses a moving average of squaredgradient values to set adaptive per-parameter learning rates.config format:- learning_rate: Scalar learning rate.- decay_rate: Scalar between 0 and 1 giving the decay rate for the squaredgradient cache.- epsilon: Small scalar used for smoothing to avoid dividing by zero.- cache: Moving average of second moments of gradients."""if config is None:config = {}config.setdefault("learning_rate", 1e-2)config.setdefault("decay_rate", 0.99)config.setdefault("epsilon", 1e-8)config.setdefault("cache", np.zeros_like(w))next_w = Nonecache = config['cache']decay_rate = config['decay_rate']epsilon = config['epsilon']learning_rate = config['learning_rate']cache = decay_rate * cache + (1 - decay_rate) * (dw ** 2)w -= learning_rate * dw / (np.sqrt(cache) + epsilon)config['cache'] = cachenext_w = wreturn next_w, config


def adam(w, dw, config=None):"""Uses the Adam update rule, which incorporates moving averages of both thegradient and its square and a bias correction term.config format:- learning_rate: Scalar learning rate.- beta1: Decay rate for moving average of first moment of gradient.- beta2: Decay rate for moving average of second moment of gradient.- epsilon: Small scalar used for smoothing to avoid dividing by zero.- m: Moving average of gradient.- v: Moving average of squared gradient.- t: Iteration number."""if config is None:config = {}config.setdefault("learning_rate", 1e-3)config.setdefault("beta1", 0.9)config.setdefault("beta2", 0.999)config.setdefault("epsilon", 1e-8)config.setdefault("m", np.zeros_like(w))config.setdefault("v", np.zeros_like(w))config.setdefault("t", 0)next_w = Nonelearning_rate = config['learning_rate']beta1 = config['beta1']beta2 = config['beta2']m = config['m']v = config['v']epsilon = config['epsilon']t = config['t']t += 1m = beta1 * m + (1 - beta1) * dwv = beta2 * v + (1 - beta2) * (dw**2)m_bias = m / (1 - beta1**t)v_bias = v / (1 - beta2**t)w -= learning_rate * m_bias / (np.sqrt(v_bias) + epsilon)config['m'] = mconfig['v'] = vconfig['t'] = treturn next_w, config


# Test RMSProp implementation
from cs231n.optim import rmspropN, D = 4, 5
w = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.6, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
dw = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.4, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
cache = np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)config = {'learning_rate': 1e-2, 'cache': cache}
next_w, _ = rmsprop(w, dw, config=config)expected_next_w = np.asarray([[-0.39223849, -0.34037513, -0.28849239, -0.23659121, -0.18467247],[-0.132737,   -0.08078555, -0.02881884,  0.02316247,  0.07515774],[ 0.12716641,  0.17918792,  0.23122175,  0.28326742,  0.33532447],[ 0.38739248,  0.43947102,  0.49155973,  0.54365823,  0.59576619]])
expected_cache = np.asarray([[ 0.5976,      0.6126277,   0.6277108,   0.64284931,  0.65804321],[ 0.67329252,  0.68859723,  0.70395734,  0.71937285,  0.73484377],[ 0.75037008,  0.7659518,   0.78158892,  0.79728144,  0.81302936],[ 0.82883269,  0.84469141,  0.86060554,  0.87657507,  0.8926    ]])# You should see relative errors around e-7 or less
print('next_w error: ', rel_error(expected_next_w, next_w))
print('cache error: ', rel_error(expected_cache, config['cache']))

# Test Adam implementation
from cs231n.optim import adamN, D = 4, 5
w = np.linspace(-0.4, 0.6, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
dw = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.4, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
m = np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)
v = np.linspace(0.7, 0.5, num=N*D).reshape(N, D)config = {'learning_rate': 1e-2, 'm': m, 'v': v, 't': 5}
next_w, _ = adam(w, dw, config=config)expected_next_w = np.asarray([[-0.40094747, -0.34836187, -0.29577703, -0.24319299, -0.19060977],[-0.1380274,  -0.08544591, -0.03286534,  0.01971428,  0.0722929],[ 0.1248705,   0.17744702,  0.23002243,  0.28259667,  0.33516969],[ 0.38774145,  0.44031188,  0.49288093,  0.54544852,  0.59801459]])
expected_v = np.asarray([[ 0.69966,     0.68908382,  0.67851319,  0.66794809,  0.65738853,],[ 0.64683452,  0.63628604,  0.6257431,   0.61520571,  0.60467385,],[ 0.59414753,  0.58362676,  0.57311152,  0.56260183,  0.55209767,],[ 0.54159906,  0.53110598,  0.52061845,  0.51013645,  0.49966,   ]])
expected_m = np.asarray([[ 0.48,        0.49947368,  0.51894737,  0.53842105,  0.55789474],[ 0.57736842,  0.59684211,  0.61631579,  0.63578947,  0.65526316],[ 0.67473684,  0.69421053,  0.71368421,  0.73315789,  0.75263158],[ 0.77210526,  0.79157895,  0.81105263,  0.83052632,  0.85      ]])# You should see relative errors around e-7 or less
print('next_w error: ', rel_error(expected_next_w, next_w))
print('v error: ', rel_error(expected_v, config['v']))
print('m error: ', rel_error(expected_m, config['m']))


learning_rates = {'rmsprop': 1e-4, 'adam': 1e-3}
for update_rule in ['adam', 'rmsprop']:print('Running with ', update_rule)model = FullyConnectedNet([100, 100, 100, 100, 100],weight_scale=5e-2)solver = Solver(model,small_data,num_epochs=5,batch_size=100,update_rule=update_rule,optim_config={'learning_rate': learning_rates[update_rule]},verbose=True)solvers[update_rule] = solversolver.train()print()fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 15))axes[0].set_title('Training loss')
axes[1].set_title('Training accuracy')
axes[2].set_title('Validation accuracy')
axes[2].set_xlabel('Epoch')for update_rule, solver in solvers.items():axes[0].plot(solver.loss_history, label=f"{update_rule}")axes[1].plot(solver.train_acc_history, label=f"{update_rule}")axes[2].plot(solver.val_acc_history, label=f"{update_rule}")for ax in axes:ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=4)ax.grid(linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)


Question 2:

AdaGrad, like Adam, is a per-parameter optimization method that uses the following update rule:

cache += dw**2
w += - learning_rate * dw / (np.sqrt(cache) + eps)

John notices that when he was training a network with AdaGrad that the updates became very small, and that his network was learning slowly. Using your knowledge of the AdaGrad update rule, why do you think the updates would become very small? Would Adam have the same issue?
答案是显而易见的,因为cache 一直在不停的增大,学习率肯定会越变越小,所以要采取一定措施来避免这个问题。

Train a Good Model!



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