
多人联合开发时,经常在你git pull和git push之间有其他人push了新代码,不可避免的会遇到如下问题。

Merge branch 'main' of https://gitlab.rd.test.com/iOS/SideB/TestDemo
# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
"~/Documents/TestDemo/.git/MERGE_MSG" 6L, 313B



:wq 强制性写入文件并退出(存盘并退出 write and quite)


【Linux】vi编辑器中:wq 、:wq!、:x、:q、:q!的详细区别

git报错Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary相关推荐

  1. git中Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary.

    git中Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary. git 在执行合并的时候 git merge 出现的 ...

  2. 解决Git执行pull命令时,报错:Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary...

    如图所示,在pull项目代码时,出现如下报错: 1.当出现上述情况,可按Ese退出: 2.输入:wq,注意是英文输入状态下的冒号,然后按下Enter即可.(:wq是Linux操作系统的命令:强制性写入 ...

  3. idea报错:please specify commit message

    git的时候发生这么个错 在我上传git的时候报了这么个错误,这是因为上传需要写commit message 就是这么个框里面写点字就可以了!!!!

  4. Git三种报错:E325: ATTENTION、Please enter the commit message for your changes、Timed out

    三种报错解决: 1.报错:E325: ATTENTION: 删除.git隐藏文件夹下的.COMMIT_EDITMSG.swp 2.报错:Please enter the commit message ...

  5. git报错Please move or remove them before you can merge

    今天提交代码时git报错: Please move or remove them before you can merge 原因是本地的修改和别人的提交有冲突,且没有合并 解决: git clean ...

  6. Git 报错:You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).Please, commit your changes

    Git 报错 在 IDEA 中使用 Git 报错: You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).Please, ...

  7. 使用git checkout -b origin/命令报错is not a commit and a branch ‘dev_86984_newn‘ cannot be created from it

    使用git checkout -b origin/命令报错is not a commit and a branch 'dev_86984_newn' cannot be created from it ...

  8. # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with ‘#‘ will be ignored

    # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting  with '#' will be ignored, and an ...

  9. git报错 git libpng warning: iCCP以及fatal: Authentication failed for ‘https://git.weixin.qq.com‘

    git打卡,本来是老哥带着我做项目,纯git新手小白,以后出现问题自己解决了,顺便分享一下自己的经验,防止以后忘记,顺便给新人铺个路~ 我一开始在使用git clone的时候,一共出现了两个错误,到处 ...


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