BigInteger类的bitCount()方法 (BigInteger Class bitCount() method)

  • bitCount() method is available in java.math package.


  • bitCount() method is used to count the number of bits in 2’s complement denotation of this BigInteger.


  • bitCount() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • bitCount() method does not throw an exception at the time of counting bits.

    在对位进行计数时, bitCount()方法不会引发异常。



    public int bitCount();



  • None


Return value:


The return type of this method is BigInteger, it returns number of bits in 2's complement denotation of this BigInteger.

此方法的返回类型为BigInteger ,它返回此BigInteger的2的补码表示形式的位数。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of int bitCount() method of BigInteger
import java.math.*;
public class BitCountOfBI {public static void main(String args[]) {// Initialize two variables str1 and str2
String str1 = "10";
String str2 = "-4";
// Initialize two BigInteger objects
BigInteger b_int1 = new BigInteger(str1);
BigInteger b_int2 = new BigInteger(str2);
System.out.println("b_int1: " + b_int1);
System.out.println("b_int2: " + b_int2);
// returns the number of bits in 2's complement
// representation of this BigInteger b_dec1
int bit_count = b_int1.bitCount();
System.out.println("b_int1.bitCount(): " + bit_count);
// returns the number of bits in 2's complement
// representation of this BigInteger b_dec2 and it
// may differ from its sign bit
bit_count = b_int2.bitCount();
System.out.println("b_int2.bitCount(): " + bit_count);



b_int1: 10
b_int2: -4
b_int1.bitCount(): 2
b_int2.bitCount(): 2


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