
In less than a year, I will be deemed worthy by my university of a Bachelors degree. In less than a year, I will be saying goodbye to the place I called home for the last 4 years. In less than a year, I will know where the next chapter of my life begins.

在不到一年的时间里,我的大学学士学位将使我被认为是值得的。 在不到一年的时间里,我将告别过去四年来我叫家的地方。 在不到一年的时间里,我将知道我生命的下一章从哪里开始。

Unfortunately, I’m not there yet. I am really only left with one question that occupies my mind space as I write my cover letters and send off my applications:

不幸的是,我还没有。 当我写求职信并寄出我的申请时,我实际上只剩下一个占据我思维空间的问题:

Where am I going to end up after I graduate?


It’s a quite open ended question that has led my mind to wander to all sorts of possibilities and emotions — spanning from immense confidence in securing whichever job I choose to massive insecurity, expecting to be ghosted by all recruiters only for the typical automated emails of rejection to wash up on shore months after I send in my application. One company I applied to notifies you when they retrieve your application. I happened to get that email 30 seconds before their rejection email. That was a kick to the chest.

这是一个非常开放的问题,导致我的思维陷入各种可能性和情绪中-从对确保我选择的任何工作的巨大信心到严重的不安全感,期望所有招聘人员都将鬼魂当作唯一的自动拒绝电子邮件在我提交申请后的几个月内就去洗漱。 我申请的一家公司在检索您的申请时通知您。 我碰巧收到拒绝邮件前30秒收到该邮件。 那是胸部的一踢。

How common experiences like these are worry me a lot. They probably worry you too. However, they should not hinder you. The application process is a time consuming and frustrating process. No matter how many shortcuts you make to minimize your time spent in sending out applications, you still will spend hours making sure your applications are spotless. Most of your efforts will inevitably be in vein, but that’s the way of life. How you progress forward after successive failures is what really determines where you end up. There is one main thing I always try to remember when things look bleak.

这些常见的经历让我非常担心。 他们可能也会担心您。 但是,它们不应妨碍您。 申请过程是一个耗时且令人沮丧的过程。 无论您使用多少捷径来最大程度地减少发送应用程序所花费的时间,您仍将花费数小时来确保您的应用程序一尘不染。 您的大部分努力都不可避免地会顺其自然,但这就是生活方式。 连续失败后如何前进才是真正决定最终目标的地方。 当事情看起来暗淡时,我总是要记住一件事。

许多其他人也正在经历这种情况。 (So Many Others are Going Through This Too.)

It really is as simple as that.


Machine Learning and Data Science are highly competitive fields and I mean highly competitive fields. It’s a typical day. You check out LinkedIn and see the newest opportunities available at well developed start-ups. One catches your eye in particular and you realize: it was only posted 30 minutes ago! You click on the listing to see what the job entails only to see “200+ applicants” listed below the company’s name.

机器学习和数据科学是竞争激烈的领域,我的意思是竞争激烈的领域。 这是典型的一天。 您可以查看LinkedIn,并查看发达的新兴公司提供的最新机会。 一个人特别引起您的注意,您意识到: 它仅在30分钟前发布! 您单击列表可查看该职位需要做什么,仅需在公司名称下方看到“ 200多个申请人”。

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

It’s a frustrating cycle. You and I are going through it together, no matter how much it seems like a competition to get a job in the first place. Entrenching yourself in a competitive mindset can be good to push you forward through difficult times, however it may lead you to neglect how similar you are to everyone you are competing with. We are all on our paths to success and we will find it in due time. Securing a good job is not a zero-sum game, simply because there are so many good fits for you.

这是一个令人沮丧的周期。 您和我正在共同努力,无论是首先获得一份工作看起来像一场竞争。 在竞争激烈的心态中树立自己可能会助您在困难时期中前进,但可能会导致您忽略自己与所竞争的每个人的相似程度。 我们都在通往成功的道路上,我们将在适当的时候找到成功。 确保一份好工作不是一场零和游戏,仅仅是因为有这么多适合你的人。

The more you apply, the quicker you will find that fit. Best of luck on your journey.

您申请的越多,找到适合的速度就越快。 祝您旅途顺利。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-uncertainty-in-the-machine-learning-job-hunt-a0e785c03a65




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