
Mozilla today released Firefox 63, which includes an experimental option to block third-party tracking cookies, protecting against cross-site tracking. You can test this out today, but Mozilla wants to enable it for everyone by default in Firefox 65.

Mozilla今天发布了Firefox 63 ,其中包括一个实验性选项,用于阻止第三方跟踪cookie,以防止跨站点跟踪。 您可以立即进行测试,但是Mozilla希望默认在Firefox 65中为所有人启用它。

Here’s how Mozilla says it works:


The newly developed policy blocks storage access for domains that have been classified as trackers. For classification, Firefox relies on the Tracking Protection list maintained by Disconnect. Domains classified as trackers are not able to access or set cookies, local storage, and other site data when loaded in a third-party context. Additionally, trackers are blocked from accessing other APIs that allow them to communicate cross-site, such as the Broadcast Channel API. These measures prevent trackers from being able to use cross-site identifiers stored in Firefox to link browsing activity across different sites.

新开发的策略阻止了对已归类为跟踪器的域的存储访问。 对于分类,Firefox依赖于Disconnect维护的“跟踪保护”列表。 在第三方上下文中加载时,被分类为跟踪器的域不能访问或设置cookie,本地存储和其他站点数据。 此外,跟踪器被阻止访问其他允许它们跨站点通信的API,例如广播频道API。 这些措施使跟踪器无法使用Firefox中存储的跨站点标识符来链接不同站点之间的浏览活动。

This should be a better solution than simple blocking all third-party cookies, which will break some websites. Instead, it will only block cookies associated with tracking services. Mozilla’s developer documentation provides more information about exactly how this feature works.

与简单地阻止所有第三方cookie相比,这将是一个更好的解决方案,因为它将破坏某些网站。 相反,它将仅阻止与跟踪服务关联的cookie。 Mozilla的开发人员文档提供了有关此功能的确切工作方式的更多信息。

To enable this in the current stable version of Firefox 63, released on October 23, head to menu > Options > Privacy and Security. Enable the “Third-Party Cookies” option under “Choose what to block” and select “Trackers (recommended).”

要在10月23日发布的当前稳定版本Firefox 63中启用此功能,请转到菜单>选项>隐私和安全。 启用“选择要阻止的内容”下的“第三方Cookie”选项,然后选择“跟踪器(推荐)”。

Mozilla is targeting a release date of January 29, 2019 for Firefox 65. Of course, the feature isn’t guaranteed to arrive then. Mozilla says it “aims” to make this feature available to everyone by default in Firefox 65, so it may be delayed if there are any kinks that need to be worked out.

Mozilla的目标发布日期为2019年1月29日,适用于Firefox65。当然,不能保证该功能会在那时发布。 Mozilla表示,它“旨在”使Firefox 65中的所有人默认使用此功能,因此,如果有任何问题需要解决,它可能会延迟。

For now, if you try the feature and run into a problem, Mozilla encourages you to report a broken site from within Firefox.


Image Credit: Mozilla

图片来源: Mozilla

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/firefox-65-will-block-tracking-cookies-by-default/


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