
1) What is the correct output of given code snippets in C#.NET?

using System;
class program
{enum emp_salary : int
{emp1 = 10000,
emp2 = 15000,
emp4 = 20000
static void Main(string[] args)
{int sal = (int)emp_salary.emp2;

  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. Syntax error

  4. Runtime exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 2

The above code will print "15000" on console screen.


  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常



上面的代码将在控制台屏幕上打印“ 15000”

2) What is the correct output of given code snippets in C#.NET?

using System;
class program
{enum emp_salary : byte
{emp1 = 10000,
emp2 = 15000,
emp4 = 20000
static void Main(string[] args)
{int sal = (int)emp_salary.emp2;

  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. Syntax error

  4. Runtime exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax error

The above code will generate syntax error because the value of enums is outside the range of byte.


  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常




3) What is the correct output of given code snippets in C#.NET?

using System;
class program
{enum emp_salary : float
{emp1 = 10000,
emp2 = 15000,
emp4 = 20000
static void Main(string[] args)
{int sal = (int)emp_salary.emp2;

  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. Syntax error

  4. Runtime exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax error

The above code will generate syntax error because we cannot use a float with enum like this.


  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常



上面的代码将产生语法错误,因为我们不能像这样使用带枚举的浮点数 。

4) What is the correct output of given code snippets in C#.NET?

using System;
class program
{enum emp_salary : int
{emp1 = 10000,
emp2 = 15000,
emp4 = 20000
static void Main(string[] args)
{emp_salary sal = emp_salary.emp2;
if (sal == emp_salary.emp2)

  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. Syntax error

  4. Runtime exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3

The above code will print "15000" on the console screen.


  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常



上面的代码将在控制台屏幕上打印“ 15000”

5) What is the correct output of given code snippets in C#.NET?

using System;
class program
{int A = 10000;
int B = 15000;
int C = 20000;
enum emp_salary : int
{emp1 = A,
emp2 = B,
emp4 = C
static void Main(string[] args)
{emp_salary sal = emp_salary.emp2;
if (sal == emp_salary.emp2)

  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. Syntax error

  4. Runtime exception

Answer & Explanation

Correct answer: 3
Syntax error

The above code will generate a syntax error.


  1. 10000

  2. 15000

  3. 语法错误

  4. 运行时异常




◀ C# Enumeration Aptitude | Set 3 C# Enumeration Aptitude | Set 5 ▶
#C#枚举能力| 设置3 C#枚举能力| 设置5▶

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/csharp-enumeration-aptitude-questions-and-answers-4.aspx


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