


Makefile : Makefile

*.c : c files

*.h : header files




This driver implements basic IEEE802.11. Infrastructure and adhoc mode with

open or shared or WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK authentication method.

NONE, WEP, TKIP and AES encryption.


Build Instructions:


1> $tar -xvzf RT2870_Linux_STA_x.x.x.x.tgz

go to "./RT2870_Linux_STA_x.x.x.x" directory.

2> In Makefile

set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX"

define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC

modify to meet your need.

3> In os/linux/

define the GCC and LD of the target machine

define the compiler flags CFLAGS

modify to meet your need.

** Build for being controlled by NetworkManager or wpa_supplicant wext functions


=> #>cd wpa_supplicant-x.x

=> #>./wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d

** Build for being controlled by WpaSupplicant with Ralink Driver


=> #>cd wpa_supplicant-0.5.7

=> #>./wpa_supplicant -Dralink -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d

4> $make

# compile driver source code

# To fix "error: too few arguments to function ˉiwe_stream_add_event"

=> $patch -i os/linux/sta_ioctl.c.patch os/linux/sta_ioctl.c

5> $cp RT2870STA.dat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat

6> load driver, go to "os/linux/" directory.

#[kernel 2.4]

# $/sbin/insmod rt2870sta.o

# $/sbin/ifconfig ra0 inet YOUR_IP up

#[kernel 2.6]

# $/sbin/insmod rt2870sta.ko

# $/sbin/ifconfig ra0 inet YOUR_IP up

7> unload driver

$/sbin/ifconfig ra0 down

$/sbin/rmmod rt2870sta




RT2870 driver can be configured via following interfaces,

i.e. (i)"iwconfig" command, (ii)"iwpriv" command, (iii) configuration file

i) iwconfig comes with kernel.

ii) iwpriv usage, please refer to file "iwpriv_usage.txt" for details.

iii)modify configuration file "RT2870STA.dat" in /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat.

Configuration File : RT2870STA.dat


# Copy this file to /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat

# This file is a binary file and will be read on loading rt.o module.


# Use "vi RT2870STA.dat" to modify settings according to your need.


# 1.) set NetworkType to "Adhoc" for using Adhoc-mode, otherwise using Infrastructure

# 2.) set Channel to "0" for auto-select on Infrastructure mode

# 3.) set SSID for connecting to your Accss-point.

# 4.) AuthMode can be "WEPAUTO", "OPEN", "SHARED", "WPAPSK", "WPA2PSK", "WPANONE"

# 5.) EncrypType can be "NONE", "WEP", "TKIP", "AES"

# for more information refer to the Readme file.


#The word of "Default" must not be removed


If you want for rt2870 driver to auto-load at boot time:

A) choose ra0 for first RT2870 WLAN card, ra1 for second RT2870 WLAN card, etc.

B) create(edit) 'ifcfg-ra0' file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/,

edit( or add the line) in /etc/modules.conf:

alias ra0 rt2870sta C) edit(create) the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ra0 DEVICE='ra0' ONBOOT='yes' NOTE: if you use dhcp, add this line too . BOOTPROTO='dhcp' *D) To ease the Default Gateway setting, add the line GATEWAY=x.x.x.x in /etc/sysconfig/network


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