
Well,if we have a membership card(会员卡),and after we have earned enough rewards points(赚积分),we can use these points to buy goods(积分抵扣购物) in the supermarket.

When we pay for the things we buy in the supermarket, we will pay by these points instead of paying by cash, or by credit card or debit card.

When we pay by rewards points(积分) instead of by cash or money 就是“积分兑换” redeem our points

"Rewards Catalogue(兑换商品目录)" refers to the list of Rewards Items available for redemption and the equivalent Rewards Points to redeem the Rewards Items.
"Rewards Points(积分)" means the points earned through usage of the Card as specified in these Terms and Conditions.

"Rewards Item/s(兑换商品)" means the good/s and service/s available for redemption in exchange for Rewards Points.
Accumulation of Rewards Points - 积累积分
earn Rewards Points - 赚取积分

Until when are my Rewards Points valid? 我的积分什么时候会过期?
Your Rewards Points are non-expiring. 你的积分永不过期

you earn one (1) Rewards Point for every Php200 charged to your China Bank Mastercard at Supermarkets 在超市使用中国银行Mastercard每消费200比索积一分

Will there be instances wherein my Rewards Points will be forfeited? 什么情况下我的积分将会被没收?
All available Rewards Points will be immediately forfeited if xxx 如果xxx你所有的可用积分将会被立即没收

What can I redeem with my Rewards Points? 我的积分能兑换些什么?
You can redeem the following items with your Rewards Points 你的积分能兑换下列物品

Earning your Reward Points - Simply shop and charge your purchases to your HSBC credit card. Every dollar spent earns you one (1) reward point. BND1 = 1 Reward point 用HSBC的信用卡每消费1美元积一分

Redeeming your Reward Points 积分兑换
Redemption Channels 兑换渠道

Redeem now on every Rewards item of this e-Catalogue. Simply follow the instructions to redeem your rewards of choice.在e-Catalogue上根据提示即可进行积分兑换

EARN 1 point for every US$1 spent on beauty purchases 购买美容产品,每消费1美元积一分
REDEEM US$10 on every 1,000 points 1000积分兑换10美元
ENJOY exclusive benefits and privileges 尽享独家优惠和特权
Our multi-tier LOYAL T by DFS membership program offers exclusive access, benefits and privileges to our most loyal customers. Earn and redeem points for every dollar you spend in our stores and enjoy an increasing array of services the more you shop.  我们的的多层次LOYALT by DFS会员计划为我们最忠实的客户提供独家访问,优惠和特权。 您在我们商店消费的每一美元都可以赚取和兑换积分,购物越多,享受的服务就越多。

With the new Mpix Rewards Program, you earn points towards discounts and special offers with every purchase you make. You can also earn additional points by referring your friends, following Mpix on social media and more. To help get you started, we’ve credited your account with all of your purchases from the past year.
Check your rewards balance here and redeem your points.
Points not valid on tax. No other coupon code valid when redeeming rewards points and cannot be combined with other offers. Points can be redeemed only for offers available at the time of redemption and cannot be redeemed for cash. Points expire every 365 days. Points are rewarded to registered Mpix accounts. No purchase necessary to enter.


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