

  前篇回顾:上篇《漫谈可视化Prefuse(四)---被玩坏的Prefuse API》主要从Prefuse API角度,单线条的依据API之道,对部分类进行剖析,通过coding实现小功能并辅之于图为证,大致提供了一条学习Prefuse的路线。期间也有众多志同道合之友前来了解Prefuse到底为何物、能做什么,问答之间着实让人兴奋不已。




  需求:一款visualization tool,像Gephi那样炫酷,像i2那样流畅强大;



  功能(目前):数据导入+连接数据库+图片另存为+布局算法切换+节点标签显示+节点形状改变+适合屏幕显示+高亮近邻显示+控制图形布局开关  等等











  连接数据库:用于连接Sql server2005数据库,从中读取点和边信息并展示图形,详情点击这里。


  退出:exit tool










package prefuse.render;import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;import prefuse.Constants;
import prefuse.util.ColorLib;
import prefuse.util.FontLib;
import prefuse.util.GraphicsLib;
import prefuse.util.StringLib;
import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;/**渲染一个包含或文本或图片或兼有之的label标签* Renderer that draws a label, which consists of a text string,* an image, or both.* * <p>When created using the default constructor, the renderer attempts* to use text from the "label" field. To use a different field, use the* appropriate constructor or use the {@link #setTextField(String)} method.* To perform custom String selection, subclass this Renderer and override the * {@link #getText(VisualItem)} method. When the text field is* <code>null</code>, no text label will be shown. Labels can span multiple* lines of text, determined by the presence of newline characters ('\n')* within the text string.</p>* * <p>By default, no image is shown. To show an image, the image field needs* to be set, either using the appropriate constructor or the* {@link #setImageField(String)} method. The value of the image field should* be a text string indicating the location of the image file to use. The* string should be either a URL, a file located on the current classpath,* or a file on the local filesystem. If found, the image will be managed* internally by an {@link ImageFactory} instance, which maintains a* cache of loaded images.</p>* * <p>The position of the image relative to text can be set using the* {@link #setImagePosition(int)} method. Images can be placed to the* left, right, above, or below the text. The horizontal and vertical* alignments of either the text or the image can be set explicitly* using the appropriate methods of this class (e.g.,* {@link #setHorizontalTextAlignment(int)}). By default, both the* text and images are centered along both the horizontal and* vertical directions.</p>* * @author <a href="http://jheer.org">jeffrey heer</a>*/
public class LabelRenderer extends AbstractShapeRenderer {protected ImageFactory m_images = null;protected String m_delim = "\n";protected String m_labelName = "label";protected String m_imageName = null;protected int m_xAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_yAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_hTextAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_vTextAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_hImageAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_vImageAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_imagePos = Constants.LEFT;protected int m_horizBorder = 2;protected int m_vertBorder  = 0;protected int m_imageMargin = 2;protected int m_arcWidth    = 0;protected int m_arcHeight   = 0;protected int m_maxTextWidth = -1;/** Transform used to scale and position images */AffineTransform m_transform = new AffineTransform();/** The holder for the currently computed bounding box */protected RectangularShape m_bbox  = new Rectangle2D.Double();    // Prefuse框架自带的,即默认使用矩形protected Point2D m_pt = new Point2D.Double(); // temp pointprotected Font    m_font; // temp font holderprotected String    m_text; // label textprotected Dimension m_textDim = new Dimension(); // text width / height/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. By default the field "label" is used* as the field name for looking up text, and no image is used.*/public LabelRenderer() {}/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. Draws a text label using the given* text data field and does not draw an image.* @param textField the data field for the text label.*/public LabelRenderer(String textField) {this.setTextField(textField);}/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. Draws a text label using the given text* data field, and draws the image at the location reported by the* given image data field.* @param textField the data field for the text label* @param imageField the data field for the image location. This value* in the data field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath,* a file on the filesystem, or null for no image. If the* <code>imageField</code> parameter is null, no images at all will be* drawn.*/public LabelRenderer(String textField, String imageField) {setTextField(textField);setImageField(imageField);}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Rounds the corners of the bounding rectangle in which the text* string is rendered. This will only be seen if either the stroke* or fill color is non-transparent.* @param arcWidth the width of the curved corner* @param arcHeight the height of the curved corner*/public void setRoundedCorner(int arcWidth, int arcHeight) {if ( (arcWidth == 0 || arcHeight == 0) && !(m_bbox instanceof Rectangle2D) ) {m_bbox = new Rectangle2D.Double();} else {if ( !(m_bbox instanceof RoundRectangle2D) )m_bbox = new RoundRectangle2D.Double();((RoundRectangle2D)m_bbox).setRoundRect(0,0,10,10,arcWidth,arcHeight);m_arcWidth = arcWidth;m_arcHeight = arcHeight;}}/*** Get the field name to use for text labels.* @return the data field for text labels, or null for no text*/public String getTextField() {return m_labelName;}/*** Set the field name to use for text labels.* @param textField the data field for text labels, or null for no text*/public void setTextField(String textField) {m_labelName = textField;}/*** Sets the maximum width that should be allowed of the text label.* A value of -1 specifies no limit (this is the default).* @param maxWidth the maximum width of the text or -1 for no limit*/public void setMaxTextWidth(int maxWidth) {m_maxTextWidth = maxWidth;}/*** Returns the text to draw. Subclasses can override this class to* perform custom text selection.* @param item the item to represent as a <code>String</code>* @return a <code>String</code> to draw*/protected String getText(VisualItem item) {String s = null;if ( item.canGetString(m_labelName) ) {return item.getString(m_labelName);            }return s;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Image Handling/*** Get the data field for image locations. The value stored* in the data field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath,* a file on the filesystem, or null for no image.* @return the data field for image locations, or null for no images*/public String getImageField() {return m_imageName;}/*** Set the data field for image locations. The value stored* in the data field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath,* a file on the filesystem, or null for no image. If the* <code>imageField</code> parameter is null, no images at all will be* drawn.* @param imageField the data field for image locations, or null for* no images*/public void setImageField(String imageField) {if ( imageField != null ) m_images = new ImageFactory();m_imageName = imageField;}/*** Sets the maximum image dimensions, used to control scaling of loaded* images. This scaling is enforced immediately upon loading of the image.* @param width the maximum width of images (-1 for no limit)* @param height the maximum height of images (-1 for no limit)*/public void setMaxImageDimensions(int width, int height) {if ( m_images == null ) m_images = new ImageFactory();m_images.setMaxImageDimensions(width, height);}/*** Returns a location string for the image to draw. Subclasses can override * this class to perform custom image selection beyond looking up the value* from a data field.* @param item the item for which to select an image to draw* @return the location string for the image to use, or null for no image*/protected String getImageLocation(VisualItem item) {return item.canGetString(m_imageName)? item.getString(m_imageName): null;}/*** Get the image to include in the label for the given VisualItem.* @param item the item to get an image for* @return the image for the item, or null for no image*/protected Image getImage(VisualItem item) {String imageLoc = getImageLocation(item);return ( imageLoc == null ? null : m_images.getImage(imageLoc) );}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Renderingprivate String computeTextDimensions(VisualItem item, String text,double size){// put item font in temp member variablem_font = item.getFont();// scale the font as neededif ( size != 1 ) {m_font = FontLib.getFont(m_font.getName(), m_font.getStyle(),size*m_font.getSize());}FontMetrics fm = DEFAULT_GRAPHICS.getFontMetrics(m_font);StringBuffer str = null;// compute the number of lines and the maximum widthint nlines = 1, w = 0, start = 0, end = text.indexOf(m_delim);m_textDim.width = 0;String line;for ( ; end >= 0; ++nlines ) {w = fm.stringWidth(line=text.substring(start,end));// abbreviate line as neededif ( m_maxTextWidth > -1 && w > m_maxTextWidth ) {if ( str == null )str = new StringBuffer(text.substring(0,start));str.append(StringLib.abbreviate(line, fm, m_maxTextWidth));str.append(m_delim);w = m_maxTextWidth;} else if ( str != null ) {str.append(line).append(m_delim);}// update maximum width and substring indicesm_textDim.width = Math.max(m_textDim.width, w);start = end+1;end = text.indexOf(m_delim, start);}w = fm.stringWidth(line=text.substring(start));// abbreviate line as neededif ( m_maxTextWidth > -1 && w > m_maxTextWidth ) {if ( str == null )str = new StringBuffer(text.substring(0,start));str.append(StringLib.abbreviate(line, fm, m_maxTextWidth));w = m_maxTextWidth;} else if ( str != null ) {str.append(line);}// update maximum widthm_textDim.width = Math.max(m_textDim.width, w);// compute the text heightm_textDim.height = fm.getHeight() * nlines;return str==null ? text : str.toString();}/*** @see prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#getRawShape(prefuse.visual.VisualItem)*/protected Shape getRawShape(VisualItem item) {m_text = getText(item);Image  img  = getImage(item);double size = item.getSize();// get image dimensionsdouble iw=0, ih=0;if ( img != null ) {ih = img.getHeight(null);iw = img.getWidth(null);    }// get text dimensionsint tw=0, th=0;if ( m_text != null ) {m_text = computeTextDimensions(item, m_text, size);th = m_textDim.height;tw = m_textDim.width;   }// get bounding box dimensionsdouble w=0, h=0;switch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:w = tw + size*(iw +2*m_horizBorder+ (tw>0 && iw>0 ? m_imageMargin : 0));h = Math.max(th, size*ih) + size*2*m_vertBorder;break;case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:w = Math.max(tw, size*iw) + size*2*m_horizBorder;h = th + size*(ih + 2*m_vertBorder+ (th>0 && ih>0 ? m_imageMargin : 0));break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized image alignment setting.");}// get the top-left point, using the current alignment settingsgetAlignedPoint(m_pt, item, w, h, m_xAlign, m_yAlign); if ( m_bbox instanceof RoundRectangle2D ) {RoundRectangle2D rr = (RoundRectangle2D)m_bbox;rr.setRoundRect(m_pt.getX(), m_pt.getY(), w, h,size*m_arcWidth, size*m_arcHeight);} else {m_bbox.setFrame(m_pt.getX(), m_pt.getY(), w, h);}                                                               return m_bbox;}/*** Helper method, which calculates the top-left co-ordinate of an item* given the item's alignment.*/protected static void getAlignedPoint(Point2D p, VisualItem item, double w, double h, int xAlign, int yAlign){double x = item.getX(), y = item.getY();if ( Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isInfinite(x) )x = 0; // safety checkif ( Double.isNaN(y) || Double.isInfinite(y) )y = 0; // safety checkif ( xAlign == Constants.CENTER ) {x = x-(w/2);} else if ( xAlign == Constants.RIGHT ) {x = x-w;}if ( yAlign == Constants.CENTER ) {y = y-(h/2);} else if ( yAlign == Constants.BOTTOM ) {y = y-h;}p.setLocation(x,y);}/*** @see prefuse.render.Renderer#render(java.awt.Graphics2D, prefuse.visual.VisualItem)*/public void render(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item) {RectangularShape shape = (RectangularShape)getShape(item);if ( shape == null ) return;// fill the shape, if requestedint type = getRenderType(item);if ( type==RENDER_TYPE_FILL || type==RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL )GraphicsLib.paint(g, item, shape, getStroke(item), RENDER_TYPE_FILL);// now render the image and textString text = m_text;Image  img  = getImage(item);if ( text == null && img == null )return;double size = item.getSize();boolean useInt = 1.5 > Math.max(g.getTransform().getScaleX(),g.getTransform().getScaleY());double x = shape.getMinX() + size*m_horizBorder;double y = shape.getMinY() + size*m_vertBorder;// render imageif ( img != null ) {            double w = size * img.getWidth(null);double h = size * img.getHeight(null);double ix=x, iy=y;// determine one co-ordinate based on the image positionswitch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.LEFT:x += w + size*m_imageMargin;break;case Constants.RIGHT:ix = shape.getMaxX() - size*m_horizBorder - w;break;case Constants.TOP:y += h + size*m_imageMargin;break;case Constants.BOTTOM:iy = shape.getMaxY() - size*m_vertBorder - h;break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized image alignment setting.");}// determine the other coordinate based on image alignmentswitch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:// need to set image y-coordinateswitch ( m_vImageAlign ) {case Constants.TOP:break;case Constants.BOTTOM:iy = shape.getMaxY() - size*m_vertBorder - h;break;case Constants.CENTER:iy = shape.getCenterY() - h/2;break;}break;case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:// need to set image x-coordinateswitch ( m_hImageAlign ) {case Constants.LEFT:break;case Constants.RIGHT:ix = shape.getMaxX() - size*m_horizBorder - w;break;case Constants.CENTER:ix = shape.getCenterX() - w/2;break;}break;}if ( useInt && size == 1.0 ) {// if possible, use integer precision// results in faster, flicker-free image renderingg.drawImage(img, (int)ix, (int)iy, null);} else {m_transform.setTransform(size,0,0,size,ix,iy);g.drawImage(img, m_transform, null);}}// render textint textColor = item.getTextColor();if ( text != null && ColorLib.alpha(textColor) > 0 ) {g.setPaint(ColorLib.getColor(textColor));g.setFont(m_font);FontMetrics fm = DEFAULT_GRAPHICS.getFontMetrics(m_font);// compute available widthdouble tw;switch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:tw = shape.getWidth() - 2*size*m_horizBorder;break;default:tw = m_textDim.width;}// compute available heightdouble th;switch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:th = shape.getHeight() - 2*size*m_vertBorder;break;default:th = m_textDim.height;}// compute starting y-coordinatey += fm.getAscent();switch ( m_vTextAlign ) {case Constants.TOP:break;case Constants.BOTTOM:y += th - m_textDim.height;break;case Constants.CENTER:y += (th - m_textDim.height)/2;}// render each line of textint lh = fm.getHeight(); // the line heightint start = 0, end = text.indexOf(m_delim);for ( ; end >= 0; y += lh ) {drawString(g, fm, text.substring(start, end), useInt, x, y, tw);start = end+1;end = text.indexOf(m_delim, start);   }drawString(g, fm, text.substring(start), useInt, x, y, tw);}// draw borderif (type==RENDER_TYPE_DRAW || type==RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL) {GraphicsLib.paint(g,item,shape,getStroke(item),RENDER_TYPE_DRAW);}}private final void drawString(Graphics2D g, FontMetrics fm, String text,boolean useInt, double x, double y, double w){// compute the x-coordinatedouble tx;switch ( m_hTextAlign ) {case Constants.LEFT:tx = x;break;case Constants.RIGHT:tx = x + w - fm.stringWidth(text);break;case Constants.CENTER:tx = x + (w - fm.stringWidth(text)) / 2;break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized text alignment setting.");}// use integer precision unless zoomed-in// results in more stable drawingif ( useInt ) {g.drawString(text, (int)tx, (int)y);} else {g.drawString(text, (float)tx, (float)y);}}/*** Returns the image factory used by this renderer.* @return the image factory*/public ImageFactory getImageFactory() {if ( m_images == null ) m_images = new ImageFactory();return m_images;}/*** Sets the image factory used by this renderer.* @param ifact the image factory*/public void setImageFactory(ImageFactory ifact) {m_images = ifact;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Get the horizontal text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* @return the horizontal text alignment*/public int getHorizontalTextAlignment() {return m_hTextAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* @param halign the desired horizontal text alignment*/public void setHorizontalTextAlignment(int halign) {if ( halign != Constants.LEFT &&halign != Constants.RIGHT &&halign != Constants.CENTER )throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal horizontal text alignment value.");m_hTextAlign = halign;}/*** Get the vertical text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* @return the vertical text alignment*/public int getVerticalTextAlignment() {return m_vTextAlign;}/*** Set the vertical text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* @param valign the desired vertical text alignment*/public void setVerticalTextAlignment(int valign) {if ( valign != Constants.TOP &&valign != Constants.BOTTOM &&valign != Constants.CENTER )throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal vertical text alignment value.");m_vTextAlign = valign;}/*** Get the horizontal image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* @return the horizontal image alignment*/public int getHorizontalImageAlignment() {return m_hImageAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* @param halign the desired horizontal image alignment*/public void setHorizontalImageAlignment(int halign) {if ( halign != Constants.LEFT &&halign != Constants.RIGHT &&halign != Constants.CENTER )throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal horizontal text alignment value.");m_hImageAlign = halign;}/*** Get the vertical image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* @return the vertical image alignment*/public int getVerticalImageAlignment() {return m_vImageAlign;}/*** Set the vertical image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* @param valign the desired vertical image alignment*/public void setVerticalImageAlignment(int valign) {if ( valign != Constants.TOP &&valign != Constants.BOTTOM &&valign != Constants.CENTER )throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal vertical text alignment value.");m_vImageAlign = valign;}/*** Get the image position, determining where the image is placed with* respect to the text. One of {@link Constants#LEFT},* {@link Constants#RIGHT}, {@link Constants#TOP}, or* {@link Constants#BOTTOM}.  The default is left.* @return the image position*/public int getImagePosition() {return m_imagePos;}/*** Set the image position, determining where the image is placed with* respect to the text. One of {@link Constants#LEFT},* {@link Constants#RIGHT}, {@link Constants#TOP}, or* {@link Constants#BOTTOM}.  The default is left.* @param pos the desired image position*/public void setImagePosition(int pos) {if ( pos != Constants.TOP &&pos != Constants.BOTTOM &&pos != Constants.LEFT &&pos != Constants.RIGHT &&pos != Constants.CENTER )throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal image position value.");m_imagePos = pos;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Get the horizontal alignment of this node with respect to its* x, y coordinates.* @return the horizontal alignment, one of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public int getHorizontalAlignment() {return m_xAlign;}/*** Get the vertical alignment of this node with respect to its* x, y coordinates.* @return the vertical alignment, one of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public int getVerticalAlignment() {return m_yAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal alignment of this node with respect to its* x, y coordinates.* @param align the horizontal alignment, one of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/ public void setHorizontalAlignment(int align) {m_xAlign = align;}/*** Set the vertical alignment of this node with respect to its* x, y coordinates.* @param align the vertical alignment, one of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/ public void setVerticalAlignment(int align) {m_yAlign = align;}/*** Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content * and the border of this item along the horizontal dimension.* @return the horizontal padding*/public int getHorizontalPadding() {return m_horizBorder;}/*** Sets the amount of padding in pixels between the content * and the border of this item along the horizontal dimension.* @param xpad the horizontal padding to set*/public void setHorizontalPadding(int xpad) {m_horizBorder = xpad;}/*** Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content * and the border of this item along the vertical dimension.* @return the vertical padding*/public int getVerticalPadding() {return m_vertBorder;}/*** Sets the amount of padding in pixels between the content * and the border of this item along the vertical dimension.* @param ypad the vertical padding*/public void setVerticalPadding(int ypad) {m_vertBorder = ypad;}/*** Get the padding, in pixels, between an image and text.* @return the padding between an image and text*/public int getImageTextPadding() {return m_imageMargin;}/*** Set the padding, in pixels, between an image and text.* @param pad the padding to use between an image and text*/public void setImageTextPadding(int pad) {m_imageMargin = pad;}} // end of class LabelRenderer



package prefuse.render;import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.util.Iterator;import prefuse.Constants;
import prefuse.data.Node;
import prefuse.util.ColorLib;
import prefuse.util.FontLib;
import prefuse.util.GraphicsLib;
import prefuse.util.StringLib;
import prefuse.visual.NodeItem;
import prefuse.visual.VisualItem;/*** 渲染一个包含或文本或图片或兼有之的label标签 Renderer that draws a label, which consists of a* text string, an image, or both.* * <p>* When created using the default constructor, the renderer attempts to use text* from the "label" field. To use a different field, use the appropriate* constructor or use the {@link #setTextField(String)} method. To perform* custom String selection, subclass this Renderer and override the* {@link #getText(VisualItem)} method. When the text field is <code>null</code>* , no text label will be shown. Labels can span multiple lines of text,* determined by the presence of newline characters ('\n') within the text* string.* </p>* * <p>* By default, no image is shown. To show an image, the image field needs to be* set, either using the appropriate constructor or the* {@link #setImageField(String)} method. The value of the image field should be* a text string indicating the location of the image file to use. The string* should be either a URL, a file located on the current classpath, or a file on* the local filesystem. If found, the image will be managed internally by an* {@link ImageFactory} instance, which maintains a cache of loaded images.* </p>* * <p>* The position of the image relative to text can be set using the* {@link #setImagePosition(int)} method. Images can be placed to the left,* right, above, or below the text. The horizontal and vertical alignments of* either the text or the image can be set explicitly using the appropriate* methods of this class (e.g., {@link #setHorizontalTextAlignment(int)}). By* default, both the text and images are centered along both the horizontal and* vertical directions.* </p>* * @author <a href="http://jheer.org">jeffrey heer</a>*/
public class LabelRenderer extends AbstractShapeRenderer {  public static enum LabelShape{Rectangle2D,Arc2D}protected ImageFactory m_images = null;protected String m_delim = "\n";protected String m_labelName = "label";protected String m_imageName = null;protected int m_xAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_yAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_hTextAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_vTextAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_hImageAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_vImageAlign = Constants.CENTER;protected int m_imagePos = Constants.LEFT;protected int m_horizBorder = 2;protected int m_vertBorder = 1;protected int m_imageMargin = 2;protected int m_arcWidth = 0;protected int m_arcHeight = 0;protected int m_maxTextWidth = -1;/** Transform used to scale and position images */AffineTransform m_transform = new AffineTransform();/** The holder for the currently computed bounding box */protected RectangularShape m_bbox = new Rectangle2D.Double(); // Prefuse框架自带的,即默认使用矩形protected Point2D m_pt = new Point2D.Double(); // temp pointprotected Font m_font; // temp font holderprotected String m_text; // label textprotected Dimension m_textDim = new Dimension(); // text width / height/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. By default the field "label" is used as the* field name for looking up text, and no image is used.*/public LabelRenderer() {}/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. Draws a text label using the given text data* field and does not draw an image.* * @param textField*            the data field for the text label.*/public LabelRenderer(String textField) {this.setTextField(textField);}/*** * @param textField* @param isRectangle*            true-矩形 false-圆形*/public LabelRenderer(String textField, LabelShape shape) {if (shape == LabelShape.Rectangle2D) {m_bbox = new Rectangle2D.Double();} else {m_bbox = new Arc2D.Double();}this.setTextField(textField);}/*** Create a new LabelRenderer. Draws a text label using the given text data* field, and draws the image at the location reported by the given image* data field.* * @param textField*            the data field for the text label* @param imageField*            the data field for the image location. This value in the data*            field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath, a*            file on the filesystem, or null for no image. If the*            <code>imageField</code> parameter is null, no images at all*            will be drawn.*/public LabelRenderer(String textField, String imageField) {setTextField(textField);setImageField(imageField);}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Rounds the corners of the bounding rectangle in which the text string is* rendered. This will only be seen if either the stroke or fill color is* non-transparent.* * @param arcWidth*            the width of the curved corner* @param arcHeight*            the height of the curved corner*/public void setRoundedCorner(int arcWidth, int arcHeight) {if ((arcWidth == 0 || arcHeight == 0) && !(m_bbox instanceof Rectangle2D)) {m_bbox = new Rectangle2D.Double();} else {if (!(m_bbox instanceof RoundRectangle2D))m_bbox = new RoundRectangle2D.Double();((RoundRectangle2D) m_bbox).setRoundRect(0, 0, 10, 10, arcWidth, arcHeight);m_arcWidth = arcWidth;m_arcHeight = arcHeight;}}/*** Get the field name to use for text labels.* * @return the data field for text labels, or null for no text*/public String getTextField() {return m_labelName;}/*** Set the field name to use for text labels.* * @param textField*            the data field for text labels, or null for no text*/public void setTextField(String textField) {m_labelName = textField;}/*** Sets the maximum width that should be allowed of the text label. A value* of -1 specifies no limit (this is the default).* * @param maxWidth*            the maximum width of the text or -1 for no limit*/public void setMaxTextWidth(int maxWidth) {m_maxTextWidth = maxWidth;}/*** Returns the text to draw. Subclasses can override this class to perform* custom text selection.* * @param item*            the item to represent as a <code>String</code>* @return a <code>String</code> to draw*/protected String getText(VisualItem item) {String s = null;if (item.canGetString(m_labelName)) {return item.getString(m_labelName);}return s;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Image Handling/*** Get the data field for image locations. The value stored in the data* field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath, a file on the* filesystem, or null for no image.* * @return the data field for image locations, or null for no images*/public String getImageField() {return m_imageName;}/*** Set the data field for image locations. The value stored in the data* field should be a URL, a file within the current classpath, a file on the* filesystem, or null for no image. If the <code>imageField</code>* parameter is null, no images at all will be drawn.* * @param imageField*            the data field for image locations, or null for no images*/public void setImageField(String imageField) {if (imageField != null)m_images = new ImageFactory();m_imageName = imageField;}/*** Sets the maximum image dimensions, used to control scaling of loaded* images. This scaling is enforced immediately upon loading of the image.* * @param width*            the maximum width of images (-1 for no limit)* @param height*            the maximum height of images (-1 for no limit)*/public void setMaxImageDimensions(int width, int height) {if (m_images == null)m_images = new ImageFactory();m_images.setMaxImageDimensions(width, height);}/*** Returns a location string for the image to draw. Subclasses can override* this class to perform custom image selection beyond looking up the value* from a data field.* * @param item*            the item for which to select an image to draw* @return the location string for the image to use, or null for no image*/protected String getImageLocation(VisualItem item) {return item.canGetString(m_imageName) ? item.getString(m_imageName) : null;}/*** Get the image to include in the label for the given VisualItem.* * @param item*            the item to get an image for* @return the image for the item, or null for no image*/protected Image getImage(VisualItem item) {String imageLoc = getImageLocation(item);return (imageLoc == null ? null : m_images.getImage(imageLoc));}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Renderingprivate String computeTextDimensions(VisualItem item, String text, double size) {// put item font in temp member variablem_font = item.getFont();// scale the font as neededif (size != 1) {m_font = FontLib.getFont(m_font.getName(), m_font.getStyle(), size * m_font.getSize());}FontMetrics fm = DEFAULT_GRAPHICS.getFontMetrics(m_font);StringBuffer str = null;// compute the number of lines and the maximum widthint nlines = 1, w = 0, start = 0, end = text.indexOf(m_delim);m_textDim.width = 0;String line;for (; end >= 0; ++nlines) {w = fm.stringWidth(line = text.substring(start, end));// abbreviate line as neededif (m_maxTextWidth > -1 && w > m_maxTextWidth) {if (str == null)str = new StringBuffer(text.substring(0, start));str.append(StringLib.abbreviate(line, fm, m_maxTextWidth));str.append(m_delim);w = m_maxTextWidth;} else if (str != null) {str.append(line).append(m_delim);}// update maximum width and substring indicesm_textDim.width = Math.max(m_textDim.width, w);start = end + 1;end = text.indexOf(m_delim, start);}w = fm.stringWidth(line = text.substring(start));// abbreviate line as neededif (m_maxTextWidth > -1 && w > m_maxTextWidth) {if (str == null)str = new StringBuffer(text.substring(0, start));str.append(StringLib.abbreviate(line, fm, m_maxTextWidth));w = m_maxTextWidth;} else if (str != null) {str.append(line);}// update maximum widthm_textDim.width = Math.max(m_textDim.width, w);// compute the text heightm_textDim.height = fm.getHeight() * nlines;return str == null ? text : str.toString();}/*** @see prefuse.render.AbstractShapeRenderer#getRawShape(prefuse.visual.VisualItem)*/protected Shape getRawShape(VisualItem item) {m_text = getText(item);Image  img  = getImage(item);double size = item.getSize();// get image dimensionsdouble iw=0, ih=0;if ( img != null ) {ih = img.getHeight(null);iw = img.getWidth(null);    }// get text dimensionsint tw=0, th=0;if ( m_text != null ) {m_text = computeTextDimensions(item, m_text, size);th = m_textDim.height;tw = m_textDim.width;   }// get bounding box dimensionsdouble w=0, h=0;switch ( m_imagePos ) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:w = tw + size*(iw +2*m_horizBorder+ (tw>0 && iw>0 ? m_imageMargin : 0));h = Math.max(th, size*ih) + size*2*m_vertBorder;break;case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:w = Math.max(tw, size*iw) + size*2*m_horizBorder;h = th + size*(ih + 2*m_vertBorder+ (th>0 && ih>0 ? m_imageMargin : 0));break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized image alignment setting.");}// get the top-left point, using the current alignment settingsgetAlignedPoint(m_pt, item, w, h, m_xAlign, m_yAlign);if (m_bbox instanceof RoundRectangle2D) {// 圆角矩形RoundRectangle2D rr = (RoundRectangle2D) m_bbox;rr.setRoundRect(m_pt.getX(), m_pt.getY(), w, h, size * m_arcWidth, size * m_arcHeight);} else if (m_bbox instanceof Arc2D) {// 圆形Arc2D rr = (Arc2D) m_bbox;rr.setArc(m_pt.getX(), m_pt.getY(), w, w, 360, 360, Arc2D.OPEN);} else {m_bbox.setFrame(m_pt.getX(), m_pt.getY(), w, h);// 矩形} return m_bbox;}/*** Helper method, which calculates the top-left co-ordinate of an item given* the item's alignment.*/protected static void getAlignedPoint(Point2D p, VisualItem item, double w, double h, int xAlign, int yAlign) {double x = item.getX(), y = item.getY();if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isInfinite(x))x = 0; // safety checkif (Double.isNaN(y) || Double.isInfinite(y))y = 0; // safety checkif (xAlign == Constants.CENTER) {x = x - (w / 2);} else if (xAlign == Constants.RIGHT) {x = x - w;}if (yAlign == Constants.CENTER) {y = y - (h / 2);} else if (yAlign == Constants.BOTTOM) {y = y - h;}p.setLocation(x, y);}/*** @see prefuse.render.Renderer#render(java.awt.Graphics2D,*      prefuse.visual.VisualItem)*/public void render(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item) {RectangularShape shape = (RectangularShape) getShape(item);if (shape == null)return;// fill the shape, if requestedint type = getRenderType(item);if (type == RENDER_TYPE_FILL || type == RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL)GraphicsLib.paint(g, item, shape, getStroke(item), RENDER_TYPE_FILL);// now render the image and textString text = m_text;Image img = getImage(item);if (text == null && img == null)return;double size = item.getSize();boolean useInt = 1.5 > Math.max(g.getTransform().getScaleX(), g.getTransform().getScaleY());double x = shape.getMinX() + size * m_horizBorder;double y = shape.getMinY() + size * m_vertBorder;// render imageif (img != null) {double w = size * img.getWidth(null);double h = size * img.getHeight(null);double ix = x, iy = y;// determine one co-ordinate based on the image positionswitch (m_imagePos) {case Constants.LEFT:x += w + size * m_imageMargin;break;case Constants.RIGHT:ix = shape.getMaxX() - size * m_horizBorder - w;break;case Constants.TOP:y += h + size * m_imageMargin;break;case Constants.BOTTOM:iy = shape.getMaxY() - size * m_vertBorder - h;break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized image alignment setting.");}// determine the other coordinate based on image alignmentswitch (m_imagePos) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:// need to set image y-coordinateswitch (m_vImageAlign) {case Constants.TOP:break;case Constants.BOTTOM:iy = shape.getMaxY() - size * m_vertBorder - h;break;case Constants.CENTER:iy = shape.getCenterY() - h / 2;break;}break;case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:// need to set image x-coordinateswitch (m_hImageAlign) {case Constants.LEFT:break;case Constants.RIGHT:ix = shape.getMaxX() - size * m_horizBorder - w;break;case Constants.CENTER:ix = shape.getCenterX() - w / 2;break;}break;}if (useInt && size == 1.0) {// if possible, use integer precision// results in faster, flicker-free image renderingg.drawImage(img, (int) ix, (int) iy, null);} else {m_transform.setTransform(size, 0, 0, size, ix, iy);g.drawImage(img, m_transform, null);}}// render textint textColor = item.getTextColor();if (text != null && ColorLib.alpha(textColor) > 0) {g.setPaint(ColorLib.getColor(textColor));g.setFont(m_font);FontMetrics fm = DEFAULT_GRAPHICS.getFontMetrics(m_font);// compute available widthdouble tw;switch (m_imagePos) {case Constants.TOP:case Constants.BOTTOM:tw = shape.getWidth() - 2 * size * m_horizBorder;break;default:tw = m_textDim.width;}// compute available heightdouble th;switch (m_imagePos) {case Constants.LEFT:case Constants.RIGHT:th = shape.getHeight() - 2 * size * m_vertBorder;break;default:th = m_textDim.height;}// compute starting y-coordinatey += fm.getAscent();switch (m_vTextAlign) {case Constants.TOP:break;case Constants.BOTTOM:y += th - m_textDim.height;break;case Constants.CENTER:y += (th - m_textDim.height) / 2;}// render each line of textint lh = fm.getHeight(); // the line heightint start = 0, end = text.indexOf(m_delim);for (; end >= 0; y += lh) {drawString(g, fm, text.substring(start, end), useInt, x, y, tw);start = end + 1;end = text.indexOf(m_delim, start);}drawString(g, fm, text.substring(start), useInt, x, y, tw);}// draw borderif (type == RENDER_TYPE_DRAW || type == RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL) {GraphicsLib.paint(g, item, shape, getStroke(item), RENDER_TYPE_DRAW);}}private final void drawString(Graphics2D g, FontMetrics fm, String text, boolean useInt, double x, double y, double w) {// compute the x-coordinatedouble tx;switch (m_hTextAlign) {case Constants.LEFT:tx = x;break;case Constants.RIGHT:tx = x + w - fm.stringWidth(text);break;case Constants.CENTER:tx = x + (w - fm.stringWidth(text)) / 2;break;default:throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized text alignment setting.");}// use integer precision unless zoomed-in// results in more stable drawingif (useInt) {g.drawString(text, (int) tx, (int) y);} else {g.drawString(text, (float) tx, (float) y);}}/*** Returns the image factory used by this renderer.* * @return the image factory*/public ImageFactory getImageFactory() {if (m_images == null)m_images = new ImageFactory();return m_images;}/*** Sets the image factory used by this renderer.* * @param ifact*            the image factory*/public void setImageFactory(ImageFactory ifact) {m_images = ifact;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Get the horizontal text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* * @return the horizontal text alignment*/public int getHorizontalTextAlignment() {return m_hTextAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* * @param halign*            the desired horizontal text alignment*/public void setHorizontalTextAlignment(int halign) {if (halign != Constants.LEFT && halign != Constants.RIGHT && halign != Constants.CENTER)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal horizontal text alignment value.");m_hTextAlign = halign;}/*** Get the vertical text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* * @return the vertical text alignment*/public int getVerticalTextAlignment() {return m_vTextAlign;}/*** Set the vertical text alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is centered text.* * @param valign*            the desired vertical text alignment*/public void setVerticalTextAlignment(int valign) {if (valign != Constants.TOP && valign != Constants.BOTTOM && valign != Constants.CENTER)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal vertical text alignment value.");m_vTextAlign = valign;}/*** Get the horizontal image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* * @return the horizontal image alignment*/public int getHorizontalImageAlignment() {return m_hImageAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT}, {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* * @param halign*            the desired horizontal image alignment*/public void setHorizontalImageAlignment(int halign) {if (halign != Constants.LEFT && halign != Constants.RIGHT && halign != Constants.CENTER)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal horizontal text alignment value.");m_hImageAlign = halign;}/*** Get the vertical image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* * @return the vertical image alignment*/public int getVerticalImageAlignment() {return m_vImageAlign;}/*** Set the vertical image alignment within the layout. One of* {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP}, {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or* {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}. The default is a centered image.* * @param valign*            the desired vertical image alignment*/public void setVerticalImageAlignment(int valign) {if (valign != Constants.TOP && valign != Constants.BOTTOM && valign != Constants.CENTER)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal vertical text alignment value.");m_vImageAlign = valign;}/*** Get the image position, determining where the image is placed with* respect to the text. One of {@link Constants#LEFT},* {@link Constants#RIGHT}, {@link Constants#TOP}, or* {@link Constants#BOTTOM}. The default is left.* * @return the image position*/public int getImagePosition() {return m_imagePos;}/*** Set the image position, determining where the image is placed with* respect to the text. One of {@link Constants#LEFT},* {@link Constants#RIGHT}, {@link Constants#TOP}, or* {@link Constants#BOTTOM}. The default is left.* * @param pos*            the desired image position*/public void setImagePosition(int pos) {if (pos != Constants.TOP && pos != Constants.BOTTOM && pos != Constants.LEFT && pos != Constants.RIGHT && pos != Constants.CENTER)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal image position value.");m_imagePos = pos;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Get the horizontal alignment of this node with respect to its x, y* coordinates.* * @return the horizontal alignment, one of {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT},*         {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or*         {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public int getHorizontalAlignment() {return m_xAlign;}/*** Get the vertical alignment of this node with respect to its x, y* coordinates.* * @return the vertical alignment, one of {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP},*         {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or*         {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public int getVerticalAlignment() {return m_yAlign;}/*** Set the horizontal alignment of this node with respect to its x, y* coordinates.* * @param align*            the horizontal alignment, one of*            {@link prefuse.Constants#LEFT},*            {@link prefuse.Constants#RIGHT}, or*            {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public void setHorizontalAlignment(int align) {m_xAlign = align;}/*** Set the vertical alignment of this node with respect to its x, y* coordinates.* * @param align*            the vertical alignment, one of {@link prefuse.Constants#TOP},*            {@link prefuse.Constants#BOTTOM}, or*            {@link prefuse.Constants#CENTER}.*/public void setVerticalAlignment(int align) {m_yAlign = align;}/*** Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the* border of this item along the horizontal dimension.* * @return the horizontal padding*/public int getHorizontalPadding() {return m_horizBorder;}/*** Sets the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the border* of this item along the horizontal dimension.* * @param xpad*            the horizontal padding to set*/public void setHorizontalPadding(int xpad) {m_horizBorder = xpad;}/*** Returns the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the* border of this item along the vertical dimension.* * @return the vertical padding*/public int getVerticalPadding() {return m_vertBorder;}/*** Sets the amount of padding in pixels between the content and the border* of this item along the vertical dimension.* * @param ypad*            the vertical padding*/public void setVerticalPadding(int ypad) {m_vertBorder = ypad;}/*** Get the padding, in pixels, between an image and text.* * @return the padding between an image and text*/public int getImageTextPadding() {return m_imageMargin;}/*** Set the padding, in pixels, between an image and text.* * @param pad*            the padding to use between an image and text*/public void setImageTextPadding(int pad) {m_imageMargin = pad;}} // end of class LabelRenderer






  3.三思而行——设计很重要 基础要扎实   




private static Visualization visInstance;public static Visualization getVisualization(){if(visInstance == null){visInstance = new Visualization();}return visInstance;

























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