The Ubuntu default desktop uses the Gnome window manager, which can be a difficult transition for Windows users. The KDE desktop would be a lot more familiar to Windows users, as KDE has something comparable to the start menu.

Ubuntu默认桌面使用Gnome窗口管理器,这对于Windows用户而言可能是一个困难的过渡。 Windows用户会更熟悉KDE桌面,因为KDE具有与开始菜单相当的功能。

If you’ve already installed Ubuntu, and you don’t want to completely reinstall with Kubuntu, you can just install the KDE window manager by installing the kubuntu-desktop package along with its dependencies.


You can install kubuntu using the GUI tools, but the easiest way is to open a terminal window, and type in the following command:


sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

You will be prompted for your password, and then you will be prompted again asking if you really want to install. Hit the Y key to proceed, and let the install begin.

系统将提示您输入密码,然后再次提示您是否要安装。 按Y键继续,然后开始安装。

Downloading all of the updates can take a while, so you might want to get a cup of coffee or something. You will be prompted to select the login manager, which you can select as either gdm (ubuntu) or kdm (kde). I decided to leave the default gdm.

下载所有更新可能需要一段时间,因此您可能想要喝杯咖啡或其他东西。 系统将提示您选择登录管理器,您可以将其选择为gdm(ubuntu)或kdm(kde)。 我决定保留默认的gdm。

Reboot the computer, and when you get to the login prompt, click the Options button in the lower left hand corner:


You will be prompted to select the Session that you want. Here we will click KDE to continue.

系统将提示您选择所需的会话。 在这里,我们将单击KDE继续。

Login, and you should now see the KDE desktop! All of the applications are found in the “Start”-like menu, as you can see:

登录,您现在应该看到KDE桌面! 您可以在类似“开始”的菜单中找到所有应用程序:

Note: If you are running Ubuntu inside VMware and end up with some really strange display issues where the display resolution is really huge but the desktop is showing up in 800×600 instead (see screenshot), there is a fix for this.


When I experienced this problem, I was also unable to use the mouse. I rebooted, and logged back into the Ubuntu desktop instead of KDE, and went into the /etc/X11/ directory.

遇到此问题时,我也无法使用鼠标。 我重新启动,然后登录到Ubuntu桌面而不是KDE,然后进入/ etc / X11 /目录。

You will probably see that your xorg.conf file was backed up to xorg.conf.1 during the KDE / Kubuntu installation. Just copy the xorg.conf.1 back to xorg.conf, reboot, and everything should be fine.

您可能会看到在KDE / Kubuntu安装期间,您的xorg.conf文件已备份到xorg.conf.1。 只需将xorg.conf.1复制回xorg.conf,重新启动,一切就可以了。

Again, don’t mess with the xorg.conf file unless you are actually experiencing this problem.




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