
This last week Joseph Phillips tweeted that he was going to his first big tech conference and wanted some tips and suggestions. I have a TON of tips, but I know YOU have more, so I retweeted his request and prompted folks to reply. This was well timed as I had just gotten back from OSCON and BUILD, two great conferences.

上周,约瑟夫·菲利普斯(Joseph Phillips)发推文说,他将参加他的第一次大型技术会议,并希望获得一些提示和建议。 我有很多建议,但我知道您还有更多建议,因此我转推了他的要求,并提示其他人答复。 我刚从OSCON和BUILD这两个很棒的会议回来时,这时机很好。

What suggestions to you offer to someone who is attending their first big tech conference? @2joephillips https://t.co/2HtRs4N6cj

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

您对参加第一次大型技术会议的人有什么建议? @ 2joephillips https://t.co/2HtRs4N6cj

-Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) May 15, 20172017年5月15日

The resulting thread was fantastic, so I've pulled some of the best recommendations out. As per usual, the Community has some great ideas and you should check them out!

结果线程很棒,因此我提出了一些最佳建议。 按照惯例,社区有一些很棒的想法,您应该检查一下!

  • @saraford - Whenever you get a biz card write down why you met them or what convo was about. It might seem obvious at time but you wont remember at home

    @saraford-每当您获得商务卡时,记下您遇见他们的原因或最重要的事情。 有时似乎很明显,但您不会在家记得

  • @arcdigg - Meet people and speakers. Tech is part of your success, but growing your network matters too. Conf can give you both or not. Up to you!

    @arcdigg-与人和演讲者会面。 技术是您成功的一部分,但是扩大您的网络也很重要。 Conf可以给你们两个,也可以不给你们。 由你决定!

  • @marypcbuk - if approaching people is hard for you, just ask 'what do you work on?'


  • @ohhoe - don't be afraid to introduce yrself to people! let them know its yr first conference, often people will introduce you to other people too :)

    @ohhoe-不要害怕向人们介绍自己! 让他们知道它的第一次会议,通常人们也会向您介绍其他人:)

  • @IrishSQL - connect with a few attendees/speakers online prior to event, and bring plenty of business cards. When u get one, write details on back

    @IrishSQL-在活动开始之前与一些与会者/发言人在线联系,并带来大量名片。 当你得到一个时,在背面写上细节

  • @arcdigg - Backpack and sneakers beat cute laptop bag and heels (ed: dress comfortably)


  • @scribblingon - You might feel left out & think everyone knows everyone else. Don't be afraid to approach people & talk even if seems random sometimes :) If you liked someone's talk, strike a convo & tell them that!!

    @scribblingon-您可能会感到被排斥,并认为每个人都认识其他人。 即使有时看起来很随意,也不要害怕与人交谈和交谈:)如果您喜欢某人的讲话,请参加一个会议并告诉他们!

  • @arcdigg - Plan session attendance in advance, have a backup in case the session is full.


  • @jesslynnrose - Reach out to some other folks who are using the hashtag before you get there, events can be cliquey, say hi and make friends before you go!


  • @thelarkinn - Never feel afraid to say hi to maintainers, and speakers!!!! Especially if you want to help!

    @thelarkinn-永远不要害怕对维护者和发言人打招呼!!! 特别是如果您想提供帮助!

  • @everettharper - Pick 3 ppl you want to meet. Prep 1 Q for each. Go early, find person #1 in the 1st hr before crowds. 1/3 done = momentum for rest of day!

    @everettharper-选择您想见的3个人。 每个准备1个Q。 早点走,在人群拥挤的第一个小时找到第一个人。 1/3完成=当天剩下的动力!

  • @jorriss - Meet people. Skip sessions. You'll get more from meeting and talking with people then sitting in the sessions. #hallwaytrack

    @jorriss-认识人们。 跳过会议。 通过与人会面和交谈,然后参加会议,您将获得更多。 #走廊

  • @stabbycutyou - Leave room in your schedule, Meet people, Eavesdrop on hallway convos, Take notes, Present on them at your job


  • @patrickfoley - Don't forget to sleep. Evidence that long-term memories get "written" then

    @patrickfoley-不要忘记睡觉。 长期记忆被“写”的证据

  • @david_t_macknet - Drinking will not help you remember it better or have a better time mingling. Most of us are just as introverted & the awkwardness fades.

    @david_t_macknet-喝酒不会帮助您更好地记住它或有更好的时间混合。 我们大多数人内向,尴尬逐渐消退。

  • @carlowahlstedt - Don't feel like you have to go to EVERY session.


  • @davidpine7 - Try your best to NOT be an introvert -- in our industry that can be challenging, but if you put yourself out there...you will not regret it!

    @ davidpine7-尽最大努力不要内向-在我们这个行业中可能会充满挑战,但是如果您放任自流...您将不会后悔!

  • @frontvu - Don't rely on the conference wifi


  • @shepherddad - Put snacks in your bag or pocket.


  • @sod1102 - Find out if there will be slides (and even better!) video available post conference, then don't worry about missing stuff and relax & enjoy

    @ sod1102-了解发布会后是否会有幻灯片(甚至更好!)视频,然后不用担心缺少的东西,放松和享受

  • @rnelson0 - Take notes. Live tweet, carry a notebook, jot it all down at 1am before sleeping, whatever method helps you remember what you did.

    @ rnelson0-做笔记。 直播推文,携带笔记本,在睡觉前凌晨1点将其记下来,无论哪种方法都可以帮助您记住自己的所作所为。

  • @hoyto - Sit [at] meal tables with random people and introduce yourself.


  • @_s_hari - Ask speaker when *not* to use product/methodology that they're speaking on. If they cannot explain that, then it's just a marketing session

    @_s_hari- *不*时请说话者使用他们正在说的产品/方法。 如果他们无法解释,那只是一场营销会议

  • @EricFishor - Don't be afraid to discreetly leave or enter an on going session. It's up to you to seek out sessions that interest you.

    @EricFishor-不要害怕谨慎离开或参加进行中的会议。 您可以根据自己的喜好选择会话。

  • @texmandie - If you get to meet and talk to your heroes, don't freak out - they're normal people who happen to do cool stuff


  • @wilbers_ke - Greatest connections happen in the hallways, coffee queue and places with animated humans. Minimize seated conference halls

    @wilbers_ke-最好的联系发生在走廊,咖啡队列和动画人物的地方。 尽量减少会议厅的座位

  • @CJohnsonO365 - CLEAR YOUR SCHEDULE. Don’t try to get “regular” work done during the conference— you’ll end up missing something important!

    @ CJohnsonO365-清除您的时间表。 不要在会议期间尝试完成“常规”的工作,否则您将丢失一些重要的东西!

  • @g33konaut - Tweet with the conf hashtag to ask if people wanna meet and talk or hangout after the conference, also follow the hashtag tweets to find ppl. Don't sweat missing a talk, meeting people and talking to them is always better than than seeing a talk. Also the talks are often recorded

    @ g33konaut-在会议结束后使用conf标签进行鸣叫,询问人们是否想见面,交谈或进行视讯聚会,还请按照标签进行鸣叫以查找ppl。 不要错过演讲,结识新朋友并与他们交谈总是比看演讲要好。 谈话也经常被记录下来

  • @foxdeploy - Who cares about swag, it's all about connections. Meet the people who've helped you over the years and say thanks.

    @foxdeploy-谁在乎赃物,这全都是关于联系的。 认识多年来帮助您的人,并说声谢谢。

  • @jfletch - Ask people which after parties they are attending. Great way to find out about smaller/more interesting events and get yourself invited!

    @jfletch-询问人们参加聚会之后的人。 了解较小/更多有趣事件并邀请自己的好方法!

  • @marxculture - The Law of Two Feet - if you aren't enjoying a session then leave. Go to at least one thing outside your normal sphere.

    @marxculture-两脚法则-如果您不喜欢参加会议,请离开。 在正常范围之外至少做一件事。

  • @joshkodroff - Bring work business cards if you're not looking for a job, personal business cards if you are.


  • @benjimawoo - Go to sessions that cover tehnologies you wouldn't otherwise encounter day to day. Techs you don't use in your day job.

    @benjimawoo-参加涉及技术的会议,而您不会遇到其他技术。 您在日常工作中不使用的技术。

Fantastic stuff. You'll get more out of a conference if you say hello, include the "hallway track" in your planning, stay off your phone and laptop, and check out sessions and tech you don't usually work on.

很棒的东西。 如果打个招呼,您会从会议中得到更多收益,在您的计划中包括“走廊”,远离手机和笔记本电脑,查看通常不使用的会议和技术。

What are YOUR suggestions? Sound off in the comments.

您有什么建议? 在评论中听起来不错。

Sponsor: Did you know VSTS can integrate closely with Octopus Deploy? Watch Damian Brady and Brian A. Randell as they show you how to automate deployments from VSTS to Octopus Deploy, and demo the new VSTS Octopus Deploy dashboard widget. Watch now!

赞助商:您知道VSTS可以与Octopus Deploy紧密集成吗? 观看Damian Brady和Brian A. Randell演示如何将VSTS的部署自动化到Octopus Deploy,并演示新的VSTS Octopus Deploy仪表板小部件。 立即观看!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/suggestions-and-tips-for-attending-your-first-tech-conference



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