linux gpu 虚拟化

Larry Ewing

Windows 10’s Windows Subsystem for Linux is already extremely powerful, even including a built-in Linux kernel with WSL 2.0. Now, Microsoft is making it even more powerful, enabling graphical Linux desktop applications and GPU hardware acceleration support.

Windows 10的Windows Linux子系统已经非常强大,甚至包括带有WSL 2.0 的内置Linux内核 。 现在,Microsoft使它变得更加强大,从而启用了图形化Linux桌面应用程序和GPU硬件加速支持。

It’s still all about developers: Graphical Linux desktop app support will let developers run their favorite integrated development environments for Linux on Windows. Graphics processing unit (GPU) support will enable hardware acceleration for GPU compute tasks like parallel computation and machine learning workflows.

一切仍与开发人员有关:图形化Linux桌面应用程序支持将使开发人员可以在Windows上为Linux运行他们喜欢的集成开发环境。 图形处理单元(GPU)支持将为GPU计算任务(例如并行计算和机器学习工作流程)启用硬件加速。

Technically, it was already possible to run graphical Linux desktop apps on Windows 10 by installing a third-party X server. That won’t be necessary anymore—it’ll just work out of the box, and Microsoft is putting effort into making graphical apps run. GPU support is new and wasn’t possible for Linux apps on Windows 10 until this latest update.

从技术上讲,已经可以通过安装第三方X服务器在Windows 10上运行图形化Linux桌面应用程序。 不再需要-它可以立即使用,并且Microsoft正在努力使图形应用程序运行。 GPU支持是新的,直到最新更新,Windows 10上的Linux应用程序才可能提供GPU支持。

There’s one other new feature, too. Microsoft is promising it will be easier to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux in a quicker, more simplified fashion. You’ll just have to run the wsl.exe -install command.

还有另一个新功能。 微软承诺,以更快,更简化的方式安装Linux的Windows子系统将变得更加容易。 您只需要运行wsl.exe -install命令。

Microsoft announced these features at Build 2020. All of these new features won’t be available immediately. We expect to see them added to Insider builds of Windows 10 soon, and they will come to stable versions of Windows 10 in the future after that.

Microsoft在Build 2020上宣布了这些功能。所有这些新功能将不会立即可用。 我们希望很快将它们添加到Windows 10的Insider内部版本中 ,以后它们将用于Windows 10的稳定版本。

For example, Microsoft announced WSL 2.0 that will run a real Linux kernel on Windows 10 at Build 2019 in May 2019. That feature isn’t available to everyone in stable form yet and will only debut with the launch of Windows 10’s May 2020 Update later this month.

例如,微软宣布WSL 2.0,它将在2019年5月的Build 2019上的Windows 10上运行一个真正的Linux内核。该功能尚未以稳定的形式提供给所有人,并且仅在Windows 10的May 2020 Update之后发布时才首次亮相。这个月。


linux gpu 虚拟化

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