钟形曲线 matlab

As you know that we are attending BlogWorld Expo East in New York City. We had a pleasure of attending Tamsen McMahon’s (@tamadear) session in which she shared how to break the bell curve and stand out. Here is a summary of her presentation:

如您所知,我们正在参加纽约市的BlogWorld Expo East。 我们很高兴参加Tamsen McMahon(@tamadear)的会议,在会议中她分享了如何打破钟形曲线并脱颖而出。 这是她的演讲摘要:

The blogosphere is a fantastically large space, and the sheer number of blogs can make it hard to stand out. The culprit for this is the bell curve. This little piece of statistical information explains why so many of us end up in the center of the blogging pack instead of out in front. The so called “magic middle” is not so magical when success is pulling out ahead of you. at the same time, we don’t want to be an outlier, resting so far off the curve that no one knows where we are, we instead want to strive to be both unique and in context.

博客圈是一个非常大的空间,博客的庞大数量使其难以脱颖而出。 罪魁祸首是钟形曲线。 这些少量的统计信息说明了为什么我们这么多的人最终出现在博客包的中心而不是前面。 成功就在眼前,所谓的“魔术中间”并不是那么神奇。 同时,我们不想成为一个离群值,离曲线如此遥远,以至于没人知道我们在哪里,而是想努力做到与众不同,既要与众不同。

So what is a blogger to do? Above all, avoid being a copy. Too many bloggers start out copying another blogger only to end up washed out because they are no longer making a unique contribution to the web. Others try to be so different that they disrupt everyones attention.

那么,博客作者该怎么办? 首先,避免成为副本。 太多的博客作者开始复制另一个博客作者而最终被淘汰,因为他们不再对网络做出独特的贡献。 其他人则试图与众不同,以至于破坏了所有人的注意力。

Tamsen shares with us three simple steps to push your blog out of the middle and into a unique space. First, ignore the normal. Think about your elevator pitch, the 30 second speech you use to tell others about you. Is your pitch meaningful? Is it interesting? Can people understand your “industry speak?” If not, or if you are vague and general, you will only create noise, not buzz. Avoid using tired descriptors (mogul, guru, ninja, or expert) and instead customize your pitch to you and your meaning.

Tamsen与我们分享了三个简单的步骤,可将您的博客推向中间,并进入一个独特的空间。 首先,忽略正常。 考虑一下您的电梯音高,这是您用来告诉他人有关您的30秒讲话。 您的宣传有意义吗? 有趣吗? 人们能听懂您的“行业说话”吗? 如果不是这样,或者如果您模棱两可,则只会产生噪音,而不会产生嗡嗡声。 避免使用疲惫的描述语(大人物,上师,忍者或专家),而是根据自己的意思和自己的意思来定制音调。

Second, differentiate yourself. Don’t try to assume someone else’s niche because it works for them. Stand out for what you do, what you offer, how you do it, who you are, where you are, or who your customer is. Chances are, one of these things is already different about you, you just need to identify it and use it to your advantage. Find your quirks, your “brand Judo” and use them as a jumping off point.

第二,与众不同。 不要试图假设别人的利基,因为它对他们有用。 在您的工作,提供的产品,如何做,您是谁,您在哪里或客户是谁方面脱颖而出。 可能是,这些事情之一与您之间已经有所不同,您只需要识别它并利用它就可以了。 找到您的怪癖和“品牌柔道”,然后将它们用作起点。

Finally, learn to be present. Find where your interest and your audiences interest overlap and be present in that space. Be a chameleon that can shift focus but never lose sight of that overarching theme.

最后,学会出席。 找到您感兴趣的地方和您的受众感兴趣的地方并在其中出现。 变色龙可以转移焦点,但永远不要忘记这个总体主题。

赞助商 (Sponsors)

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翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/breaking-the-bell-curve-standing-out-in-a-sea-of-same/

钟形曲线 matlab

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