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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>scatter离线签名</title><script src="https://cdn.scattercdn.com/file/scatter-cdn/js/latest/scatterjs-core.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdn.scattercdn.com/file/scatter-cdn/js/latest/scatterjs-plugin-eosjs.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/eosjs@16.0.9/lib/eos.min.js"></script>
<script>// Don't forget to tell ScatterJS which plugins you are using.
ScatterJS.plugins( new ScatterEOS() );// Networks are used to reference certain blockchains.
// They let you get accounts and help you build signature providers.
const network = {blockchain:'eos',protocol:'https',host:'nodes.get-scatter.com',port:443,chainId:'aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906'
}// First we need to connect to the user's Scatter.
ScatterJS.scatter.connect('My-App').then(connected => {// If the user does not have Scatter or it is Locked or Closed this will return false;if(!connected) return false;const scatter = ScatterJS.scatter;// Now we need to get an identity from the user.// We're also going to require an account that is connected to the network we're using.const requiredFields = { accounts:[network] };scatter.getIdentity(requiredFields).then(() => {// Always use the accounts you got back from Scatter. Never hardcode them even if you are prompting// the user for their account name beforehand. They could still give you a different account.const account = scatter.identity.accounts.find(x => x.blockchain === 'eos');// You can pass in any additional options you want into the eosjs reference.const eosOptions = { expireInSeconds:60 };// Get a proxy reference to eosjs which you can use to sign transactions with a user's Scatter.const eos = scatter.eos(network, Eos, eosOptions);// ----------------------------// Now that we have an identity,// an EOSIO account, and a reference// to an eosjs object we can send a transaction.// ----------------------------// Never assume the account's permission/authority. Always take it from the returned account.const transactionOptions = { authorization:[`${account.name}@${account.authority}`] };const result = eos.transaction({actions: [{"account": "eosio","name": "linkauth","authorization": [{"actor": "aaaaaaaaaaa","permission": "active"}],"data": "500f75193bc969c40000000000ea305580d3355c5de94c44000000e02ae94c44"}]}).catch(error => {console.error(error);});console.log('Success =>', JSON.stringify(result));}).catch(error => {// The user rejected this request, or doesn't have the appropriate requirements.console.error(error);});

3、使用cleos命令配合参数-d -s生成未签名交易,拷贝交易里的actions替换掉代码里的actions




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