// 所有的倒装是一种强调

熟悉倒装: Are you a student?  // you are a student

Can I help you // i can help you

Here comes the bus // the bus comes here

// 主语与 系动词、谓语、助动词的位置变化

a. 完全倒装  Here comes the bus  系动词、谓语+主语(对比正常的语序结构)

Next is the news // the new is next


Only by working hard can we successed in everything.   // 助动词+谓语(只是将主动此 提前)

1. 地点、时间、方位副词 谓语动词为不及物动词

There remained ten dollars in his pocket

Opposite stands an old temple

Then came the time to part

Now comes your turn

1.adv here there in on outside opposite

2.adv Then now soon next first finally




Out went  the children

Away ran the terrified boy

Down flew the eagle



In he comes

Out they went

Here it is

Here you are

away he ran




At the top of the hill stands the old church

After the banquet came a firework display

In the morning students are very busy

At the top of the hill she could see the whole city

// 谓语及物或者系表结构不倒装

3. So/Neither/Nor

He loves dogs. So do I VS so he does

He loved dogs. So did I VS do he did

I have arrived home .So has he

So + 倒装结构: 某人也一样


a: 肯定句

b: 注意时态、主谓一致

He loves  dogs and so do I

He always worked very hard, but he didn't pass the exam. So it was with my sister.

he is good at english but doesn't do well in Chinese. So it is with my brother.


he can't answer the question. Neither/nor can't

i haven't finished my work. Neither/nor have my brother.




  1. 英语----倒装句(下):部分倒装

    部分倒装:保持了语句的顺序,只是将谓语动词的助动词提到前面主语的前面 1.含否定意义的词放在句首 Never have i seen such a big fish Hardly did he kno ...

  2. 英语----强调句(上)

    1. 助动词+动词原形 do/did/does 对谓语动词的一种强调 He does love me // He didn't steal his purse/wallet 2.最常用的强调句式 He ...

  3. mysql 谓语提前,英语倒装句全倒装时什么时候要把did提前?这个老搞不清楚

    共回答了19个问题采纳率:73.7% 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前.如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主 ...

  4. 英语基础语法(十一)-倒装句

    11.1 倒装句分为完全倒装句和部分倒装句.完全倒装句是指谓语动词完全在主句前面,而部分倒装则是指相应的组动词在主语前面,而谓语动词任在主语后面 如: Here comes the taxi Seld ...

  5. mysql 谓语提前,谓语提前的倒装句:

    英语么? 1 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前.此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时.常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus ...

  6. 【考研英语语法】前置与倒装句

    0 前言 主题 地址 1. 特殊语序:前置 点击跳转 2. 否定词放句首的倒装 点击跳转 3. 地点/方向提前的倒装 点击跳转 1. 特殊语序:前置 1.1 提前宾语作前置 My father jus ...

  7. c语言把一个英语短句倒装,高中英语倒装句(我的恩师整理)(6页)-原创力文档...

    贴近生活,让学生通过"肉夹馍 "来感悟 "部分倒装 " 贴近生活,让学生通过"肉夹馍"来感悟"部分倒装" Step I: ...

  8. MEM/MBA英语基础(09)倒装句

    本系列文章主要讲解 MEM/MBA 英语基础,系列文章总纲链接为:MEM/MBA英语基础 本章节思维导图如下所示(思维导图会持续迭代): 1 倒装句概要说明 @1 倒装句概念 英语句子的⾃然顺序是主语 ...

  9. 英语倒装句和疑问句的区别

    1.英语疑问句一般是用倒装句. only in this way can we do it well. only in this way are you able to do it well. 2.例 ...


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