

Terminal Services Licensing

The Windows Server 2003 licensing model is basically the same as the Windows 2000 terminal services licensing model. The only difference is in terminology referring to the Remote Administration Mode (Remote Desktop for Administration in Windows Server 2003). Remote Administration Mode and Remote Desktop for Administration provide for two free client connections.

If you install Terminal Server in Windows Server 2003, you are converting the server to Application Server Mode. To use the terminal server in this mode, you need to install a licensing server. The following licenses are required to operate a terminal server:

  • Windows Server 2003 (or Enterprise Edition, or Datacenter Edition) License—This is for the installation of Windows .NET on the box that will host the terminal services.

  • Windows Server 2003 Client Access License(s) (CAL)—This enables the client machines to connect to the Windows 2000 server. This is the standard Windows CAL, and how many you need depends on whether the server was installed in Per-Server or Per-Seat mode. In Per-Server mode, you need a Windows Server CAL for every concurrent connection; in Per-Seat mode, you need a Windows Server CAL for every client that could potentially connect. Most organizations have multiple Windows servers, so they are usually installed in Per-Seat mode. That way, they can reuse the Server CAL for all the servers.

The previous two bullets are standard Window licensing requirements for any Windows Server OS.

Finally, you also need a Terminal Services CAL. Windows 2000 and Windows XP clients do not require this license. Although technically not a "built-in" license (the license isn't managed by the Terminal Server licensing server), Windows 2000 and Windows XP clients do not count against purchased terminal server licenses.

One more thing—you, of course, need a license for any software you run on the terminal server. Depending on the vendor, you might also need a license for anyone who connects to the terminal server.

The bottom line is that if you have all Windows 2000, XP, and .NET clients, you need the standard licenses only for the server, client, and application.

For up-to-date information on Microsoft's licensing requirements and the various licensing programs that are available, be sure to check out Microsoft's Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/licensing


  per server是针对server的,如果你per server的license是15,也就是你可以合法的同时有15台机器连上来. (一般web connection不算,是指share之类的connection) 如果你有15个per client licence,是指你网络里面有15台机器可以任意的相互连接。

  举个例子,如果你有100台机器,如果最多有10台机器连到server上,一般买10个per server license比较便宜。 如果最多有80台机器要相互访问,那可能不如批量购买 100个per client license,反而会便宜以下。在美国,一般买2000 server,都是送5 per server license.

  补充一点,Microsoft 所有的程序都是一样的,你买了5个license在机器上设100个都没问题。当然这样做是违法的,在美国被Microsoft抓到是要罚款的。

  per serve 可以免费转为per client,但per client 就不可以再转为per server 了,所以要是你搞不清到底用那个,就选per server,以后觉得不合适还可以转换成per client.

  如果你的网络只有一台server,有20台客户机要连接到这台server 上,用per server,由server 提供20个license 就可以了(这种情况下用per seat需要的license数也是20个)。但如果你的网络有5台server ,而20台客户机都需要连接到这5台server上,如果用per server那么每台server都必须提供20个license, 总数就是100个license. 但如果使用per seat, 那么连接到server 时,由于per seat模式下license是由客户机提供的,那么你只需要每台客户机提供一个license就可以了,license总数就只要20个了。

  所以,如果你的网络只有一个server,那么使用per server 比较好(不行还可以换成per seat),如果有多个server,则使用per seat比较合算(如果license需要付钱买的话)


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