
I have a little yellow bar at the top of my blog that is supposed to show my latest Tweet. It's a nice unobtrusive way to show that I'm out there and I'm active, and maybe if the tweet is interesting to you, you'll stop by Twitter and follow me.

我的博客顶部有一个黄色的小条,该条应该显示我的最新Tweet。 这是显示我在外面并且很活跃的一种不错的吸引人的方式,如果这条推文对您来说很有趣,那么您将在Twitter停下来关注我。

However, I noticed it stopped working recently. It was blank:

但是,我注意到它最近停止工作。 它是空白的:

Weird. It'd worked great for years, plural. I searched around and found a few posts on GetSatisfaction asking about it, some recent, some not recent at all. Some people are having the code work on some accounts and not others.

奇怪的。 多年以来,它一直运作很好,很复杂。 我四处搜寻,发现有关GetSatisfaction的一些帖子对此进行了询问,有些是最近的,有些则不是最近的。 某些人正在某些帐户而不是其他人使用代码。

Unfortunately, Twitter seems to have quietly deprecated the code I was using. It's still there but there are no pages on Twitter on how to add tweets to your blog in a low-level controlled way.

不幸的是,Twitter似乎已悄然弃用了我正在使用的代码。 它仍然存在,但是Twitter上没有页面介绍如何以低级受控方式向您的博客添加推文。

Twitter wants you to visit and use their existing Twitter Widgets. These are very typical of other sites, in that they are boxes with your tweets in them.

Twitter希望您访问并使用其现有的Twitter Widgets 。 这些是其他网站中非常典型的网站,因为它们是其中装有您的推文的盒子。

For example, here's a box of Tweets to the right, however, that's a little garish for my tastes.


Here's the code I was using to show just the very first tweet on the top of page. First at the top of the page I have a div that will hold my most recent tweet.

这是我用来在页面顶部仅显示第一条推文的代码。 首先,在页面顶部,我有一个div,它将保存我的最新推文。

<div id="twitter_div"> <a href="" id="twitter-link" >Latest Tweet:  </a> <span id="twitter_update_list"></span></div>

Then later at the bottom I have these two scripts. These are what appear to be either not supported or not advertised by Twitter anymore.

然后,在底部的后面,我有这两个脚本。 Twitter似乎不再支持或不再宣传这些内容。

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Now, don't use it just like that if you want to get only 1 original tweet as I do. Because it's this very code that stopped working recently. Except it stopped working sometimes. But did it?

现在,如果您只想像我一样只获得1条原始推文,请不要像那样使用它。 因为正是这样的代码最近才停止工作。 除了有时停止工作。 但是吗?

To figure it out quickly, first I visited this URL in my browser. It returns JSON of all my tweets.

为了快速找出问题,我首先在浏览器中访问了该URL。 它返回我所有推文的JSON。

However sometimes I get this:



Yes, really. An empty JSON array. But why? Well at this moment in time my "most recent tweet" is actually a native retweet. It's not a tweet from me, it's a retweet of a YouTube video. See below?

对真的。 空的JSON数组。 但为什么? 好吧,在此时此刻,我的“最新推文”实际上是本地推文。 这不是我发的推文,而是YouTube视频的转推。 见下文?

Perhaps this JSON Twitter API was created before the Native Retweet was invented. But, if I tweet something fresh, at hit again, I'll see this minimized JSON:

也许此JSON Twitter API是在发明本机转发之前创建的。 但是,如果我发布了一些新鲜的东西,请再次点击 ,我将看到此最小化的JSON:

[{"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"text":"Testing for a blog post. Move along. This tweet never happened.","created_at":"Thu May 12 23:44:13 +0000 2011","favorited":false,"retweet_count":0,"source":"web","in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,"id_str":"68823826439487488","contributors":null,"retweeted":false,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,"place":null,"coordinates":null,"geo":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":null,"truncated":false,"user":{"is_translator":false,"notifications":false,"created_at":"Tue May 01 05:55:26 +0000 2007","profile_sidebar_border_color":"b8aa9c","listed_count":3909,"following":true,"description":"Tech, Diabetes, Parenting, Race, Linguistics, Fashion, Podcasting, Media, Culture, Code, Ratchet.","show_all_inline_media":true,"geo_enabled":true,"profile_use_background_image":true,"profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/1344567304\/image_normal.jpg","contributors_enabled":false,"verified":false,"profile_background_color":"d1cdc1","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_background_images\/157325454\/twilk_background_4ca8e4832a970.jpg","screen_name":"shanselman","default_profile_image":false,"statuses_count":40900,"id_str":"5676102","default_profile":false,"friends_count":2616,"profile_text_color":"696969","lang":"en","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"b8aa9c","followers_count":36994,"protected":false,"location":"Portland, Oregon","follow_request_sent":false,"profile_background_tile":true,"favourites_count":2089,"name":"Scott Hanselman","url":"http:\/\/","id":5676102,"time_zone":"Pacific Time (US & Canada)","utc_offset":-28800,"profile_link_color":"72412c"},"id":68823826439487488}]

I can run it by the and it looks lovely...


[{    "in_reply_to_status_id": null,    "text": "Testing for a blog post. Move along. This tweet never happened.",    "created_at": "Thu May 12 23:44:13 +0000 2011",    "favorited": false,    "retweet_count": 0,    "source": "web",    "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,    "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,    "id_str": "68823826439487488",    "contributors": null,    "retweeted": false,    "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,    "place": null,    "coordinates": null,    "geo": null,    "in_reply_to_user_id": null,    "truncated": false,    "user": { ..... SNIP! .....}}]

So, Twitter has a nice JSON API that is old and doesn't support Native Retweets but I want the most recent tweet, my way.

因此,Twitter有一个不错的JSON API,该API很旧且不支持本机转发,但我想以我的方式获取最新的转发。


am = 5

Of course, if my last five tweets are all Native Retweets then it all falls part, but you get the idea.

当然,如果我的最后5条推文全部是Native Retweets,那么全部都属于其中,但是您明白了。

If I was really serious, I could even remove @replies, only showing original tweets, remembering that this JSON API doesn't include Native Retweets in its results.

如果我真的很认真,我什至可以删除@replies,只显示原始推文,请记住,此JSON API在其结果中不包括本机推文。

I found some code on BarneyB's blog that is a modification of Twitter's original code. He mentions in the comments that he's removing replies in his code. I just took his code and stop the code as soon as a valid original non-replied tweet is found. In this case, I search the 5 tweets I requested that were returned from Twitter. If it turns out I reply a lot and get an empty payload, maybe I'll increase that number.

我在BarneyB的博客上找到了一些对Twitter原始代码的修改的代码。 他在评论中提到他正在删除代码中的回复。 我只是拿走了他的代码,并在找到有效的原始未回复推文后立即停止了代码。 在这种情况下,我搜索了我要求从Twitter返回的5条推文。 如果事实证明,我回答很多,得到的负载是空的,也许我会增加这个数字。

The conclusion here is that this code still "works," it just doesn't see Native Retweets:


<div id="twitter_div"> <a href="" id="twitter-link" >Latest Tweet:  </a> <span id="twitter_update_list"></span></div>

Then later...


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

My issue was that I want a single tweet, specifically the first original, non-native-retweet, non-reply tweet. I solved it by taking BarneyB's @reply-filtering code and adding a check that breaks out of the loop. I ask Twitter for 5 tweets, but as soon as I find one from that lists of candidates, that's the one. Feel free to View Source if you like, or just be aware of the limitation of Twitter's (possibly deprecated) JSONP API.

我的问题是我想要一条推文,特别是第一条原始的,非本地的,未回复的推文。 我通过采用BarneyB的@ reply-filtering代码并添加了打破循环的检查来解决了这一问题。 我向Twitter请求5条推文,但是一旦我从候选人列表中找到一条,那便是那条。 如果愿意,可以随时查看源代码,或者只是知道Twitter的JSONP API(可能已弃用)的局限性。

It was a trivial but fun lunch hour, indeed.


UPDATE: Great comment below from Dave Ward. He points out that I could have my cake and eat it too by using the new API and a "include_rts" flag like this:

更新:以下是Dave Ward的精彩评论。 他指出,通过使用新的API和如下的“ include_rts”标志,我也可以吃蛋糕:

Thanks Dave!




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