
Videoblog或Vlog (Videoblog or Vlog)

A videoblog, which is pronounced as vlogging (as one word and not as “v logging”) is also called vlogging, vidding, and vlog. Vlog is a kind of weblog put into use mainly to broadcast videos and usually are commented upon by site visitors. The other terms like video podcast, videocast, vodcast, or videopodcast are also used for the videoblog. Vlog or V-log, V (ideo-B) log can be a merged form of ‘video’ as well as ‘blog’ or ‘weblog’. A Vlog is – just like a blog – a site that contains periodically created fresh entries (mostly or exclusively) in the very popular video format. The type of activity is called vlogging.

视频博客,发音为vlogging(一个单词,而不是“ v logging”),也称为vlogging,viding和vlog。 Vlog是一种主要用于广播视频的Weblog,通常由站点访问者评论。 其他术语(例如视频播客,视频播客,视频播客或视频播客)也用于视频博客。 Vlog或V-log,V(ideo-B)日志可以是“视频”以及“博客”或“网络日志”的合并形式。 Vlog就像博客一样,是一个站点,其中包含以非常流行的视频格式定期创建的(大部分或全部)新条目。 活动的类型称为vlogging。

The term “vlog” was started in the German speaking mass media as the consequences of an earthquake in the Indian Ocean (which was follwed by the Tsunami) in December 2004. Television channels presented video images of the devastation which they were unable to get from their local correspondents but only got those from the Internet. The video blogs are typically created as well as maintained by a number of amateur as well as professional video processing firms for the purpose of Web documenting their daily lives through video tours. These are usually focused by individuals (as personal video documentation) rather than businesses. A few videoblogs are managed by single authors while some are published by many video fans who like to make small films.

“ vlog”一词始于德语的大众媒体,是2004年12月印度洋地震(海啸造成的)的后果。电视频道播放了他们无法从中遭受的破坏的视频图像。他们在当地的通讯员,但只能从互联网上获得。 视频博客通常由许多业余爱好者和专业视频处理公司创建和维护,目的是通过视频游览以Web记录其日常生活。 这些通常是由个人(作为个人视频文档)而不是企业来关注。 一些视频博客由单身作者管理,而一些视频博客则由许多喜欢制作小型电影的视频爱好者发布。

Since there are graphical browsers available on the Internet audio-visual sequences were linked. Especially, the cameras have long been quite popular and are widely used. The earlier slow data transmission prevented a more speedy distribution of such technically advanced applications of HTML. With a video format, this challenge increases as well as the setting of links in the video transmission is still not really technically achievable and should be presently avoided by way of integration with Flash.

由于Internet上存在可用的图形浏览器,因此将视听序列进行了链接。 特别地,照相机长期以来一直很流行并且被广泛使用。 较早的缓慢数据传输阻止了HTML这样的技术先进应用程序的更快分发。 对于视频格式,这一挑战越来越大,而且视频传输中的链接设置在技术上仍无法真正实现,目前应通过与Flash集成来避免。

移动视频 (Mobile Vlogging)

Up to now, the vlogger was presented with the reliance on certain gadgets like video cameras as well as computer systems linked to the location of the occurrences of the video events. As a result of potential build-up for a video call in the mobile telecommunications as well as the related rising of the UMTS services, most of these obstacles are progressively taken care of, providing novel ways for making it possible for mobile vlogging. As a result Vlog communications independent of the specific location as well as time can be documented and displayed via the mobile phone.

到目前为止,向vlogger展示了对某些小工具(如摄像机以及与视频事件发生位置相关联的计算机系统)的依赖。 由于在移动通信中可能会进行视频通话,以及相关的UMTS服务的兴起,这些障碍中的大多数都得到了逐步解决,从而提供了使移动视频记录成为可能的新颖方法。 结果,可以通过移动电话记录和显示独立于特定位置和时间的Vlog通信。

Geovlog (Geovlog)

In a Geovlog video additional geographic data such as details of the longitude and latitude can be integrated. Due to the lack of support for metadata in the video files, it is still able to achieve this through distinctive programming on the web page in which the video is published. Furthermore, spatial information in RSS feeds can be included with each and every video publication.

在Geovlog视频中,可以集成其他地理数据,例如经度和纬度的详细信息。 由于缺乏对视频文件中元数据的支持,因此仍可以通过在发布视频的网页上进行独特的编程来实现此目的。 此外,每个视频出版物中都可以包含RSS feed中的空间信息。

视频博客:Moblog (Video blog: Moblog)

A moblog or mobile blog is generally created from the attractive images captured by the blog creator with a camera mobile or cell phone and cn be easily published to their website via the mobile phone keypad along with a short text comment. With the help of mobile internet connectivity, the photograph as well as textual content will likely be delivered through MMS or e-mailto any blog on the internet. Sometimes for this type of delivery to the blog on the internet some special programs can be installed on the cell-phone and such programs are called “weblog client” application.

移动博客或移动博客通常是由博客创建者使用相机移动电话或手机捕获的有吸引力的图像创建的,并且可以很容易地通过手机键盘连同简短的文本注释发布到他们的网站。 借助移动互联网连接,照片和文字内容很可能会通过MMS或电子邮件发送到互联网上的任何博客。 有时,为了将这种类型的内容发送到Internet上的博客,可以在手机上安装一些特殊程序,这些程序称为“ weblog客户端”应用程序。

The vblog, expecially the mobile blog technology is becoming extremely popular with the advent of the new generation smart phones and mobile internet connectivity. Both enables the vblogger to upload very high-quality videos along with the images’ detailed geotagging information, text material and audios to their blogs in real time. These vblogs are very popular and can be used very successfully to rank in the search engines quickly, thus creating more audience globally as they produce fresh, interesting, mass appealing, and extremely high-quality vblogs.

随着新一代智能手机和移动互联网连接的出现,vblog(尤其是移动博客技术)正变得极为流行。 两者都使vblogger可以将非常高质量的视频以及图像的详细地理标记信息,文本材料和音频实时上传到其博客。 这些vblog非常受欢迎,可以非常成功地用于Swift在搜索引擎中排名,从而在它们产生新鲜,有趣,大众化和极高质量的vblog时在全球范围内吸引更多的受众。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/videoblog-vlog/


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