

using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5+10;
struct node{int data;int next;
int main() {int first, n;cin >> first >> n;while (n--) {int temp;cin >> temp;cin >> list[temp].data >> list[temp].next;}vector<int> vt;while (first != -1) {vt.push_back(first);first = list[first].next;}unordered_map<int, int> mp;vector<int> ans[2];for (auto it : vt) {if (mp[abs(list[it].data)] == 0) {ans[0].push_back(it);mp[abs(list[it].data)] = 1;} else {ans[1].push_back(it);}}int key = 0;for (auto it : ans[0]) {if (!key) {printf("%05d %d ", it, list[it].data);key = 1;} else {printf("%05d\n%05d %d ", it, it, list[it].data);}}cout << -1 << endl;key = 0;for (auto it : ans[1]) {if (!key) {printf("%05d %d ", it, list[it].data);key = 1;} else {printf("%05d\n%05d %d ", it, it, list[it].data);}}if (key)cout << -1 << endl;return 0;

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