
  • 在 GitHub 上,我们关闭了 pull request,之后又向 PR 对应的分支 force push 了内容,导致 PR 无法重新打开,打开按钮是灰色的,如下图:


  1. 记录本地(force-push 之后)PR 分支的 commit ID
    这里实验分支名为 fix-test-20190704,实际操作时需要换成你的 PR 对应的分支

    # git log --oneline -1 fix-test-20190704
    03e4527a87 (HEAD -> fix-test-20190704 origin/fix-test-20190704) some comments
  2. 查看 GitHub 上已经关闭了的 PR 对应的 commit ID
  3. 强推本地分支的 commit ID 为 PR 对应的 commit ID,还原其关联关系
    # git checkout fix-test-20190704
    # git push -f origin 9cec2f17afd7cae08ca47e84a414c387338803cd:fix-test-20190704
  4. 回到 GitHub 页面,发现 Reopen 按钮已经可用

    点击 Reopen pull request 重新打开该 PR
  5. 重新推送最新的更改(第一步记录的 commit ID)
    # git push -f origin 03e4527a87986633c115030b90ab130f745f63d8:fix-test-20190704

如何打开已经 force-push 的 PR (branch was force-pushed or recreated)相关推荐

  1. git 本地新建分支上传报错The current branch dev has no upstream branch.To push the current branch and setremote

    项目本地初始化后,commit执行完毕,然后执行git push,报如下错误: $ git push fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream bra ...

  2. fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    fatal: The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote ...

  3. gitlab 如何关闭force push

    把不允许force push的分支设置成保护分支,Push的时候就会提示不能force psuh.

  4. fatal: The current branch xiao has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    场景: 使用git 的时候,git push 然后提示我以下错误 $ git pushfatal: The current branch xiao has no upstream branch.To ...

  5. 报错 fatal: The current branch html has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the

    场景: 远程上有已存在的项目的后端代码,想要把这个项目的前端代码推送上去. 做的步骤: 1.git status 2. git add . 注意add和.之间有空格 3.git commit - m ...

  6. 【git报错】The current branch dev has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote

    发现问题 本地新建了一个dev分支,然后把dev分支下的代码push到远程仓库中,使用git push,但是报错了,如下: fatal: The current branch dev has no u ...

  7. idea集成git-push报错push of current branch was rejected remote changes need to be merged before pushing

    合并提交出现问题 问题 push of current branch was rejected remote changes need to be merged before pushing ​ 出错 ...

  8. force complete tenting on top 与 force complete tenting on bottom (过孔)

    "force complete tenting on top"与"force complete tenting on bottom"前面勾选上,就是要将焊盘和过 ...

  9. IDEA 【强制推送】(Force Push)为灰色不能点击 解决办法

    1.需求说明 需要idea强制推送,不想每次都敲命令.但是idea的[强制推送]默认是禁用的,怎么办? git push -f 2.不废话,上结论 打开设置,删除手保护分支. 修改后可以用[强制推送] ...


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