

// Rotate after reaching this data size in a journal (j._<n>) file
// We use a smaller size for 32 bit as the journal is mmapped during recovery (only)
// Note if you take a set of datafiles, including journal files, from 32->64 or vice-versa, it must
// work.  (and should as-is)
// --smallfiles makes the limit small.#if defined(_DEBUG)unsigned long long DataLimitPerJournalFile = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)// assuming a developer box if OS Xunsigned long long DataLimitPerJournalFile = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
#elseunsigned long long DataLimitPerJournalFile= (sizeof(void*)==4) ? 256 * 1024 * 1024 : 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;



  • 数据库正常退出时,全部删除。
  • 对于老的journal文件,如果lastEventTimeMs < _lastFlushTime + ExtraKeepTimeMs,则删除。其中lastEventTimeMs为journal文件关闭的时间,_lastFlushTime为数据文件刷入到磁盘的时间,ExtraKeepTimeMs为额外的保留时间。
  • 执行fsync命令


journal文件由一个头部JHeader和很多Section组成,每次groupCommit都会产生一个Section。Section由一个头部JSectHeader、很多个JEntry和一个JSectFooter组成,每个JEntry代表一条修改日志。另外,JEntry前面可能会有一个JDbContext,表示修改的是哪个数据文件。如果多个JEntry都是同一个数据文件的操作,则只有一个JDbContext。除掉JSectHeader 和JSectFooter ,Section中间那部分会压缩。


beginning header for a journal/j._<n> file
there is nothing important int this header at this time. except perhaps version #.

char magic[2] "j\n". j means journal, then a linefeed, fwiw if you were to run "less" on the file or something...
unsigned short _version 0x4149
char n1 '\n'
char ts[20] ascii timestamp of file generation.  for user reading, not used by code. for example: "Jan 29 14:14:23"
char n2 '\n'
char dbpath[128] path/filename of this file for human reading and diagnostics.  not used by code
char n3, n4 '\n', '\n'
unsigned long long fileId unique identifier that will be in each JSectHeader. important as we recycle prealloced files
char reserved3[8026] 8KB total for the file header
char txt2[2] "\n\n" at the end



"Section" header. A section corresponds to a group commit.len is length of the entire section including header and footer.header and footer are not compressed, just the stuff in between.

unsigned _sectionLen unpadded length in bytes of the whole section
unsigned long long seqNumber sequence number that can be used on recovery to not do too much work
unsigned long long fileId matches JHeader::fileId




an individual write operation within a group commit section. Either the entire section should be applied, or nothing. (We check the md5 for the whole section before doing anything on recovery.)

unsigned len  length in bytes of the data of the JEntry. does not include the JEntry header. 实际就是数据data的长度
OpCodes opcode 此字段和上面len字段共用的。如果是对数据库文件的修改,则为长度len;否则为操作类型。
unsigned ofs offset in file. 指的是被修改的数据文件的偏移量
int _fileNo
high bit is set to indicate it should be the <dbpath>/local database. dbname.#文件中的数字,即#。
char data[] 更新的数据


OpCode_Footer JSectFooter的sentinel字段的取值
OpCode_DbContext JDbContext的sentinel字段的取值
OpCode_FileCreated 表示创建pdfile的操作
OpCode_DropDb 表示dropDb的操作,目前没有使用



OpCodes opcode OpCode_FileCreated
unsigned long long reserved1  
unsigned long long reserved2  
unsigned long long _len size of file, not length of name
RelativePath _p 文件名的相对路径,以'\0'结尾的字符串


declares "the next entry(s) are for this database / file path prefix"

sentinel 哨兵值,为了解析方便,为OpCode_DbContext
file path 库的相对路径,相对于dbpath,以'\0'结尾的字符串。for a filename a/b/c.3, file path() is "a/b/c"


group commit section footer. md5 is a key field.

unsigned sentinel 哨兵值,为了解析方便,为OpCode_Footer
unsigned char hash[16] 除掉JSectFooter,整个Section的checksum
unsigned long long reserved  
char magic[4] "\n\n\n\n"


last sequence number. lsn文件。

unsigned ver 为0,用以检查是否合法
unsigned reserved2  
unsigned long long lsn last sequence number。值为数据库文件上次同步到磁盘的时间。
unsigned long long checkbytes lsn的值取反,用以检查是否合法
unsigned long long reserved[8]  


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