Sentence Correction句子改错 是GMAT考试中的一个项目,用于考察正式英语的书写能力,通过研究GMAT句子改错可以提高英语语法,遣词造句更加严谨整洁。

修饰语-Modifier-是修饰名词,形容词,动词,副词的其他副词,形容词,名词,短语,从句等等的统称,与定状补一样都是从特定语法角度解剖出来的句子成分。修饰语相关语法点的考察几乎会出现在所有的GMAT sentence correction例题中,是比较重要的方面,精通修饰语相关语法点对英语水平会有很大提升。



















根绝习语idiom形成的副词性质的复合修饰语Compound modifiers











The village church

The car door

The kitchen window

The chair leg

My coat pocket

London residents

Running Bolter

The quick eating

在名词修饰名词的情况中,如果其中一个是动名词,一个是动作者,为了不出现歧义,最好的情况是使用所有格,例如Tyson boxing->Tyson's boxing。


Max’s grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor

A recently formed militia

bitter civil war(多个形容词修饰一个名词)

不定式:The perosn to meet is here.

所有格:Tyson's fist

过去分词:The broken lamp


现在分词短语:The girl playing football is my sister.

过去分词短语:Built in 1990, the church is ...

名词短语:The biggest city of the UK, London has ...​​​​​​​

介词短语:The boy in the room is my brother.



Putin, who is president of Russia since ... , is ... .

The country that is ... will not ... .

He gived me a box, which has ... and ... , and ...


案例:Unskilled in complex math, Bill’s score on the exam was poor.

修改:Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam.

分析:上面的例句犯了所有格相关错误,Unskilled in complex math无法修饰所有格Bill’s score中的名词Bill。从另一个角度来看,Bill's score短语中的主语是score,而Bill’s实际上是它的形容词,名词修饰语当然无法修饰形容词。



案例:Using the latest technology, the problem was identified.

修改:Using the latest technology, the engineer identified the problem.

分析:案例的句子犯了Dangling Modifier的错误被修饰名词缺失,既是using the latest technology的不是problem而应该是engineer,修饰语找不到被修饰的名词。



The box of nails, which is nearly full……

例如上面,of nails和which is nearly full都是修饰box,of nails是必要修饰语,which从句是非必要修饰语。


A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralize authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards.


Our system of presidential elections favors STATES, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College.


In heraldry, the term “tincture” refers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word.



which和whom前可以有介词,比如in which,with whom。


The girl, Whom I like, ... (I like the girl)

The girl, Who like me, ... (The girl like me)


例如在主动语态Active voice中:

The movie that we watched last Friday was scary.

The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

或在被动语态Passive voice中:

The movie that watched by us last Friday was scary.

The movie watched by us last Friday was scary.

where可以修饰地点类名词但不包括隐喻性的地点例如 condition, situation, case, circumstances, arrangement,以上名词可以用in which。

事件或时间名词(period, age, 1987, or decade)可以用where也可以用in which修饰。


I just watched my favorite movie, Enter the Dragon, which is… .

如果代词从句很简短,应当尝试使用其他形式(短语,形容词等)代替使句子更加简洁,以符合GMAT concise的精神:

A boy who is smart knows how to play.

A smart boy knows how to play.


The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the survival of just a few languages, according to some.

The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will ultimately culminate in the survival of just a few languages, according to some.











This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of which were only recently discovered.

This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them only recently discovered.

This model explains all known subatomic particles, some only recently discovered.

some也可以替换为any, none, all, more/most, many, each, either, neither, half, one或其他数字和代词。





amazingly nice



very quickly




Frequently, I walk to the store.

根绝习语idiom形成的副词性质的复合修饰语Compound modifiers

all in all, by and by, by and large, on the whole, through and through, on the upend up, on the other hand, on the one hand


On mondays, I walk to the store.(介词短语)

I helped her, imagining ... . (现在分词短语)

Exhausted from her job, she bought a lottery ticket with.…(过去分词短语)

The weight was lifted to free my leg. (passive voice被动语态中表示目的的介词短语)


I walk to the store when my car is broken.




例题:The weight was lifted by concentrating.

修改:I lifted the weight by concentrating.

例题中的by concentrating修饰lifted,但是主语the weight无法concentrate,修改后主语 I 才可以 concentrate。

修改2:The weight was lifted to free my leg.


3,Present Participle -ing现在分词比较灵活,也是比较容易出错的地方,因为它既可以修饰名词,也可以修饰动词,甚至修饰主句全句,具体情况要根据上下文判断。

4,当不定式用做副词修饰动词时,不定式前加in order是可以接受的,在GMAT中不属于冗长

Sue paused to eat lunch.

Sue paused in order to eat lunch.


Investors sold the stock rapidly, causing panic.

Investors sold the stock rapidly to cause panic.




Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values.



The engineer fixed the problem, earning himself a promotion.


Slipping on the ice, she broke her ankle.

Breaking her ankle, she slipped on the ice.

She slipped on the ice, breaking her ankle.

Absolute Phrases

Absolute Phrases是修饰全句的短语,由逗号分割(如果在句尾也可以用分号),由一个名词加一个名词修饰语构成:

His head held high, Owen walked out of the store.

Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formation around the world, results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.


冒号“ : ”colon前必须是独立从句,冒号后可以不是独立从句。冒号后的内容应该起到解释,举例,展开冒号前的内容(或整句)的功能。

横线“ - ”dash可以作为逗号,冒号,或分号的功能。用横线代替冒号的区别是,横线后的内容可以针对横线前任意位置的内容。




例题:Upon setting foot in the Gothic cathedral, the spectacularly stained-glass windows

amazed the camera-wielding tourists.

修改:The spectacular stained-glass windows amazed the camera-wielding tourists, upon setting foot in the Gothic cathedral.


例题:Although the ballerina seems healthily, she feels very unwell and is unlikely to dance

well at tonight's performance.

修改:Although the ballerina seems healthy, she feels very unwell and is unlikely to dance well at tonight’s performance.


例题:A recent formed militia, consisting of lightly armed peasants and a few retired army officers, is fighting a bitterly civil war against government forces.

修改:A recently formed militia, consisting of lightly armed peasants and a few retired army officers, is fighting a bitter civil war against government forces.

分析:副词recently修饰动词formed,副词lightly修饰动词armed,形容词retired修饰名词army officers,形容词bitter修饰名词civil war。army officers和civil war这种词组可以看做一个名词。

例题:Angola, which was ravaged by civil war for many years after it gained independence

from Portugal, which is now one of Africa's success stories, has an economy that grew by

21% last year, where parliamentary elections are to be held later this week.

修改:One of Africa’s success stories, Angola, which was ravaged by civil war for many years after it gained independence from Portugal, has an economy that grew by 21% last year and parliamentary elections are to be held later this week.

修改2: Angola, which was ravaged by civil war for many years after it gained independence from Portugal and is now one of Africa’s success stories, has an economy that grew by 21% last year and parliamentary elections are to be held later this week.

修改3:Ravaged by civil war for many years after it gained independence from Portugal, Angola is now one of Africa’s success stories: it’s economy grew by 21% last year, and parliamentary elections are to be held later this week.


例题:Mary buys cookies made with SugarFree, an artificial sweetener, which tastes as sweet

as the corn syrup that her brother loves but where there are fewer calories than in an

equivalent amount of corn syrup.

修改:Mary buys cookies made with SugarFree, an artificial sweetener, which tastes as sweet as the corn syrup her brother loves but which contains fewer calories than in an equivalent amount of corn syrup.

分析:名词短语an artificial sweetener正确修饰了SugarFree。第一个which分句可以隔着一个同位语修饰SugarFree,where只能修饰地点,无法修饰物体SugarFree,且but后面的分句要和前面的which分句平行,所以也改为which起始。

例题:People that are well-informed know that Bordeaux is a French region whose most

famous export is the wine which bears its name.

修改:Well-informed people know that Bordeaux is a French region whose most famous export is the wine that bears its name.

分析:that不可以用于人,需要使用who,根据上下文语义这里well-informed是必要修饰语,并不是所有人认识Bordeaux,所以是People who are well-informed…,而who从句过于啰嗦,改为形容词更加简介。which bears its name从句的问题是判断它是不是必要修饰语,根据曼哈顿官方答案这里是必要修饰语,因为句子想表达的意思是“聪明人都知道红酒瓶上写的Bordeaux是法国的著名红酒产区”,所以要改为that从句。但是我认为也可以理解为“聪明人都知道Bordeaux是法国的著名红酒产区,出口的红酒都有Bordeaux标志”,这样的话它就是非必要修饰语,which前加上逗号即可。

例题:The acquaintances who we like most are those that flatter us best.

修改:The acquaintances we like most are those who flatter us best.


例题:People, who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains, show little respect for

other passengers.

修改:People who talk loudly on their cell phones in crowded trains show little respect for other passengers.


例题:Of all the earthquakes in European history, the earthquake, which destroyed Lisbon in

1755, is perhaps the most famous.

修改:Of all the earthquakes in European history, the earthquake that destroyed Lisbon in 1755 is perhaps the most famous.


例题:The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest that is on the border between Nepal and


修改:The tallest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest, which is on the border between Nepal and Tibet.


例题:Based on the recent decline in enrollment, the admissions office decided to reevaluate

it‘s recruitment strategies.

修改:Because of the recent decline in enrollment, the admissions office decided to reevaluate it’s recruitment strategies.

分析:based on分句主要部分the recent decline in enrollment无法修饰主句谓语decided或主语the admissions office,也无法作为一个结果修饰主句全句。使用Because of变为连词从句表示逻辑关系。

例题:Unaccustomed to the rigors of college life, James's grades dropped.

修改:James’s grades dropped because he was unaccustomed to the rigors of college life.

修改2:Unaccustomed to the rigors of college life, James allowed his grades to drop.


例题:Regina returned the dress to the store, which was torn at one of the seams.

修改:Regina returned the dress, which was torn at one of the seams, to the store.


例题:Last night our air conditioner broke, which caused great consternation.

修改:Last night our air conditioner broke, causing great consternation.

分析:great consternation是主句的结果,宜使用ing短语修饰主句全句。

例题:The patient's rare disease was treated using novel techniques developed at the medical


修改:The patient’s rare disease was treated through the use of novel techniques developed at the medical school.

分析:因为该句是被动语态,治病的人被隐藏了,using短语无法修饰句子中的主语或动词,改为through介词短语表示方法(官方答案是through the use of novel techniques,我认为through novel techniques也可以),developed短语正确修饰了novel techniques,虽然我认为developed短语不算是必要修饰语,但如改为which从句会有过于啰嗦的问题,所以这里不算错。

例题:Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of the Maya as an achievement, the army of terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, in his afterlife is more than 2,000 years old and took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete.

分析:例题原句是正确的,其中rivaling起始的第一个短语可以修饰主语名词the army of terra-cotta warriors或全句。China's first emperor修饰了Qin Shi Huang。

例题:Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the 4,000 Acadians who migrated there in 1755; their language is basically seventeenth-century French to which has been added English, Spanish, and Italian words.​​​​​​​

修改:Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the 4,000 Acadians who migrated there in 1755; their language is basically seventeenth-century French to which English, Spanish, and Italian words have been added​​​​​​​.

分析:to which起始的从句修饰French,which替代的是从句的主语French,并且它是从句中的宾语,从句中的主语是English,Spanish and Italian words,例题中的has been与主语单复数不一致。

例题:Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

(A) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,

(B) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton induced x-ray emission

(C) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,

(D) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced x-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,

(E) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced x-ray emission,

分析:例题原句是正确的,“called proton-induced x-ray”都是修饰“technique”,但是在CDE中违反了修饰名词应紧靠对方的原则,B的起始短语也是修饰technique,也违反了该原则。

例题:Carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere grew by enough of an increased percentage during the twentieth century that it began to trap heat radiating from the Earth, and it caused the average surface temperature to rise.

修改:Levels of atmospheric carbon monoxide increased sufficiently during the twentieth century to begin trapping heat radiating from the Earth,causing the average surface temperature to rise.

分析:例题中的that从句修饰对象不明,and后的it指向对象不明。修改后的causing从句作为主句的结果修饰了全句。to begin介词短语修饰了动词increased。

例题:At age four, Mozart's father began taking him on tours of the capitals of Europe, in order to demonstrate his musical talents.

修改:At age four, Mozart began accompanying his father on tours of the capitals of Europe, to demonstrate his own musical talents.

分析:开头的介词短语是名词修饰语,在例题中错误的修饰了Mozart's父亲,如在上文中所说,名词修饰语无法修饰所有格中的名词。例题逗号后用his指向不明确,修改句中的his own明确指向主语Mozart。

例题:Instead of buying stocks and bonds, which is the more conventional approach for someone new to financial planning, real estate has become increasingly attractive to young people looking for a first investment.

修改:Instead of buying stocks and bonds, which are the conventional investments for those new to financial planning, young people have increasingly chosen real estate as a first investment.

分析:which从句只能修饰名词,但是后面的conventional approach来看,作者想修饰的是buying买这个动作。修改后的which从句正确修饰名词stocks and bonds。

例题:Though formerly considered ill-formed and primitive, Henri Rousseau has become an iconic figure of Post-Impressionism for his dream-like canvases painted like he was naive.

修改:Though formerly considered ill-formed and primitive,Henri Rousseau's canvases, painted in a naive, dream-like style, later established the artist as an icon of Post-Impressionism.

分析:Though短语修饰的应该是canvases,例句中错误的修饰了Henri Rousseau。修改后的Henri Rousseau's canvases前后都有正确的短语修饰。

例题:To this day, researchers and theorists debate whether bubonic plague caused The Black Death, a pandemic that swept the world in the middle of the fourteenth century.

分析:例句没有错误。to this day介词短语修饰对象是动词debate。

例题:In recent years, scholars of psychology have begun to examine more seriously the notion, first proposed by John Keats, of "negative capability"—the idea that maintaining calmness amid uncertainty and doubt, rather than experiencing an anxious urge to find solutions, is a genuine talent and possibly even a therapeutic tool.

分析:原句正确。the notion和negative capability后的短语都起到了修饰名词短语the notion of "negative capability"的作用。

例题:Although it is crucially important, a person’s total calorie intake is the only one of many factors that determines the increase or decrease in his or her weight.

修改:Although it is crucially important, a person’s total calorie intake is only one of the many factors that determine whether his or her weight will increase or decrease.

分析:that从句既可以修饰the only one of many factors也可以修饰of之后的many factors,从例题中determines来看,它修饰的是the only one of many factors,那么第一个问题是many factors变成了意义不明,第二是与前面的although没有了对比,“虽然卡路里摄入很重要,但它只是某些众多因素中唯一能决定体重的。修改后的语义正确,”虽然卡路里摄入很重要,它只是决定体重的众多因素中的其中一个”。

例题:Refusing to accept the conventional wisdom that the earth was flat, Christopher Columbus pressed tirelessly for royal support for a westward voyage to Asia, enduring several rejections before securing approval and financing from Spain's King Ferdinand in 1492.


例题:Some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world's people is the result of a "population bottleneck"—at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event, greatly reducing their numbers and thus our genetic variation.

修改:Some anthropologists believe that the genetic homogeneity evident in the world’s people is the result of a “population bottleneck”—that at some time in the past our ancestors suffered an event that greatly reduced their numbers and thus our genetic variation.

分析:例句中最后一段短语不管是修饰主句还是修饰动词都有语义错误,因为前面主句的主语是our ancestors,而短语的reducing这个动作不可能是our ancestors做的,既是自己灭绝自己。修改后的that从句准确的修饰前面紧靠的an event。

例题:Many daring vacationers who participate in guided boat tours on the Tarcoles River encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, whose eyes and noses are peeking out from the surface of the murky water.

(A) encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, whose eyes and noses are peeking out

(B) encountered native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, whose eyes and noses peek out

(C) had encountered native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, whose eyes and noses peek out

(D) encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, with eyes and noses peeking out

(E) encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, with eyes and noses that are peeking out

修改:Many daring vacationers who participate in guided boat tours on the Tarcoles River encounter native crocodiles lurking in the shallows, with eyes and noses peeking out from the surface of the murky water.



Manhattan Sentence Correction 5th Edition

Manhattan Sentence Correction 6th Edition

GMAT Official Guide 2022

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