Introduction 介绍

Welcome to thePhoton Serverdocumentation. If you are looking for the Photon Cloud documentation, please go overhere. —— Photon云文档
The documentation is split into three topics:Getting Started,Tutorials,References. Just head over there using the links below and take a look. You will always have quick access to the topics via the navigation menu on the right.
If you are completely new to the world of Photon scroll down to the comparison chart below. It will help you to understand the differences and what Photon product better suits your needs.
  • Photon Server vs. Photon Cloud    Photon服务器与Photon云
Photon Serveris a On Premise (OnPrem) server application that you can run and host on machines of your choice. Fully customizable and the authoritative control gives you the freedom to configure and set up your own infrastructure for multiplayer enabled applications.
Photon Cloudis a Software as a Service (SaaS) and as such a fully managed service. You can completely concentrate on your application client while hosting, server operations and scaling is all taken care of in the Photon Cloud.
Photon云 是一个软件即服务并且是完全的托管服务,你可完全关注于你的应用客户端,而处理服务器操作和应用扩展是由Photon云负责。
Photon Cloud 云 Photon Server 服务器
Server Administration. Zero server hassle anymore. Sit back and relax while our experts take care of running the servers. 服务器管理:由云负责,零麻烦。 You gain full authority of running Photon for your applications. You run your own servers or rent fitting ones and make sure they are available for your users. Photon's logs and performance counters provide all necessary information about low level performance and stability.
Scalability. The Photon Cloud scales automatically to accommodate all your users. Using our SDKs your client application is built for an efficient load balancing workflow. 可扩展性:Photon云自动适应你所有的用户,使用我们的sdk客户端应用程序是建立了一个有效负载平衡的工作流。 Our load balancing power-up is available in source code. It is a solid foundation to scale across multiple servers. Running the right number of servers for your customers is your responsibility.
Licensing. Choose between various subscription models from indie development to enterprise solutions check out our different pricing models now . Why don't you just give it a try? Photon Cloud comes with a free Plan for up to 20 CCU per app . 许可:免费版有20个CCU Licenses are bought through the shop and provided as download. Cheaper licenses limit the number of concurrent users per server. Optionally, an Enterprise License is available for any number of servers upon request.
Game logic. All custom logic takes place on the application client to allow a zero-hassle experience.
The server's logic can be fully customized in C#. Several pre-defined applications are available as source and provide a high performance framework for your application. Benefit from our protocols and abstraction of low level functionality and add any feature you might be missing.
Start instantly. Photon Cloud lets you register and immediately run your application. No setup needed. No server needed. 立即开始:Photon Cloud 使你可以注册并运行你的应用,并且不需要配置和服务器设备。 Once downloaded, start in less than 5 minutes . Photon is easy to setup and runs locally as well as remote.


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