
Windows Requirements

Processor with SSE2 support
Boost 1.63 (根据教程实际下载的是1.66)
MySQL ≥ 5.1.0 up to MySQL 5.7.x
OpenSSL ≥ 1.0.x(Win64OpenSSL-1_1_0i.exe)
CMake ≥ 3.8.2 (latest stable recommended)
MS Visual Studio (Community) (2017) (Desktop)

1.Git   (2.19.0)

Git Extensions

  1. Includes Git, MySYSGit, and KDiff - be sure to install all three
  2. View this thread for important details on how to install Git for best results. Default install options for KDiff and MySYSGit are acceptable.
    1. During Git installation - Adjusting your PATH environment. Pick "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt".

2.vs2017 选c++

3.mysql   mysql-





→  C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.x\lib\


→ C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin




1. Browse into your D:\Build\bin\RelWithDebInfo folder and copy these files into your root World of Warcraft folder (where the Wow.exe is located):


Note - If you are extracting the data files from another machine, please make sure that you have the appropriate VC++ Redistributable Packages installed

2. Browse into your C:\TrinityCore\contrib and copy "extractor.bat" into your root World of Warcraft folder (with the previous files)

3. Launch extractor.bat and select what you want.

Important: dbc/db2 and maps AND vmaps are needed to make server work properly!

Note: Extracting the vmaps will take a while depending on your machine (30 min. - Up to 2 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process. It is finished when it prints "Press any key...". It will create two new folders: buildings and vmaps. The buildings folder is completely useless post-running and can be safely deleted.

NOTE: Don't run another task before the 1st is finished or you will have errors.

Optional but recommended: Extracting mmaps is optional but recommended. You should know that doing it will take a while depending on your machine (up to 8 hours). Do not attempt to stop this process.

4. Move the vmaps, maps, dbc, cameras and gt (master only) folders to the same directory as the TrinityCore binaries.

Note: The mmaps are experimental right now. Any bugs should be reported to the Issue Tracker.

Setting up the configuration files

First of all you need to find the two default config files (named worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist (bnetserver.conf.dist in master) ) and copy these to their namesakes without the .dist extension.



和 TDB_full...sql

只执行第一个,把第二个拷贝到build\bin\RelWithDebInfo 运行worldserver.exe就自动导入了


在world server里面执行create account 来创建账户


客户端默认是去登陆官方服务器,需要修改一下地址改成让客户端登陆我们自己架设的游戏服务器。假设魔兽世界客户端安装在 D:\WOW 下面,到 D:\WOW\Data\zhCN 下面,备份 文件(如果没有就创建一个)。该文件原来的内容是

    set realmList cn.logon.warcraftchina.comset patchlist cn.version.warcraftchina.comset realmlistbn ""set portal cn


    SET realmlist ""SET patchlist ""


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