
Laying down some vocals?  Starting your own podcast?  Here’s how to remove noise from a messy audio track in Audacity quickly and easily.

放下人声? 开始自己的播客? 这是在Audacity中快速轻松地消除杂乱音轨中噪声的方法。

This is the second part in our series covering how to edit audio and create music using your PC. Be sure to check out the first part in the series, where we covered the basics of using Audacity, and then check out how to add MP3 format support as well.

这是我们系列的第二部分,涵盖了如何使用PC编辑音频和创建音乐。 一定要检查该系列的第一部分,其中介绍了使用Audacity的基础知识,然后检查如何添加MP3格式支持。

消除大胆的噪音 (Removing Noise in Audacity)

Open up your file in Audacity, and find the largest contiguous silence in the track.  What we’re going to do is find a baseline for the “noise” so that Audacity knows what to look for.  You can play through the audio to find some silence, but once you do, hit the “Stop” button, and highlight the silence by left-clicking and dragging.  It’s just like selecting anything else, really.

在Audacity中打开文件,并找到曲目中最大的连续静音。 我们要做的是找到“噪音”的基线,以便Audacity知道要寻找什么。 您可以播放音频以找到一些静音,但是一旦完成,请单击“停止”按钮,并通过单击和拖动来突出显示静音。 就像选择其他任何东西一样。

Next, go to Effect > Noise Removal.


You’ll see a window pop up like so:


Click on the “Get Noise Profile” button and the window will go away.  Now, select the portion of the track you want to remove noise from.  For me, it was everything, so I hit CTRL+A to select all.

单击“获取噪声曲线”按钮,窗口将消失。 现在,选择要从中消除噪音的轨道部分。 对我来说,这就是一切,所以我按CTRL + A选择了所有。

Again, go to Effect > Noise Removal.  By moving the slider for noise reduction, you’re telling Audacity how much to filter out.  Higher values will be more aggressive removal, while lower values will be more subtle.

再次,转到效果>噪声消除。 通过移动滑块以减少噪声,您可以告诉Audacity过滤掉多少。 较高的值将更积极地删除,而较低的值将更微妙。

You can click the “Preview” button if you want to listen to a small snippet of your track.  You can leave the other two sliders alone, and hit OK when you’re done.

如果您想听一小段曲目,可以单击“预览”按钮。 您可以不理会其他两个滑块,并在完成后单击OK。

Give your track a listen, and if you need to tweak, you can always hit CTRL+Z to undo and start over.  If you reduce by too much, the track will noticeably sound a little off.  It’s best to be more subtle, that way the audio still sounds natural.

试听一下曲目,如果需要调整,可以随时按CTRL + Z撤消并重新开始。 如果减少太多,音轨将听起来有些偏离。 最好变得更微妙,那样声音仍然听起来自然。

The changes may not be so obvious on the waveform, so I zoomed in to illustrate the smoothing of the waveform.  Here’s what it looks like before and after the effect is processed:

这些变化在波形上可能不太明显,所以我放大以说明波形的平滑度。 效果处理前后的外观如下:

Enjoy your noise-free audio.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40469/the-how-to-geek-guide-to-audio-editing-basic-noise-removal/



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