
def fastest_words(game):"""Return a list of lists of which words each player typed fastest.Arguments:game: a game data abstraction as returned by time_per_word.Returns:a list of lists containing which words each player typed fastest"""player_indices = range(len(all_times(game)))  # contains an *index* for each playerword_indices = range(len(all_words(game)))    # contains an *index* for each word# BEGIN PROBLEM 10"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"fastest_player_per_word = [min(player_indices, key= lambda p_i: all_times(game)[p_i][w_i]) for w_i in word_indices]return [[all_words(game)[w_i] for w_i in word_indices if p_i == fastest_player_per_word[w_i]] for p_i in player_indices]# END PROBLEM 10

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