
by Ayo Isaiah

通过Ayo Isaiah

新程序员的最佳播客,以及聆听他们的最佳工具 (The best podcasts for new coders, and the best tools for listening to them)

I was a bit surprised by the results of the recent Free Code Camp/CodeNewbie survey. Only around 26% of people learning to code around the world listen to coding-related podcasts. One respondent even said she “had no idea that coding podcasts existed.”

最近的Free Code Camp / CodeNewbie调查结果令我感到有些惊讶。 在全世界学习编码的人中,只有大约26%的人收听与编码相关的播客。 一位受访者甚至说她“不知道编码播客的存在。”

If you’re among the 74% of people who are learning to code but not yet listen to any development-related podcasts, this article is for you.


为什么要听播客 (Why you should listen to podcasts)

Podcasts are simply radio-style audio shows distributed over the internet, usually for free. They provide an excellent way to consume quality information while performing daily tasks such as commuting, cleaning, or working out.

播客只是通过互联网发布的无线电形式的音频节目,通常是免费的。 它们提供了一种出色的方式来消费质量信息,同时执行通勤,清洁或锻炼等日常任务。

Podcasts have grown in popularity over the years and they now cover a very wide range of subjects. There’s no shortage of high quality shows that will help you become more knowledgeable, keep up with your favorite tools, and help you develop a broader perspective on the ever-changing field that is technology.

多年来,播客越来越流行,现在涵盖了非常广泛的主题。 不乏高质量的展览会,它们将帮助您变得知识渊博,跟上您喜欢的工具,并帮助您在瞬息万变的技术领域发展更广阔的视野。

I recommend that you subscribe to few coding-related podcasts and work them into your routine instead of just listening to music all the time.


Most of the following podcasts are front-end and JavaScript-related, but there are plenty of others that cover other technologies.


1. 店铺脱口秀 (1. Shop Talk Show)

If you’re into front end development and user experience design, Shop Talk is an excellent show for you. It features interviews with top developers in the industry, as well as rapid-fire sessions where hosts Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier answer loads of listener-submitted questions.

如果您从事前端开发和用户体验设计,Shop Talk是您的理想之选。 它的特色是与业界顶级开发人员进行访谈,以及主持人Dave Rupert和Chris Coyier的快速开场会议,回答听众提出的大量问题。

2. CodeNewbie (2. CodeNewbie)

The CodeNewbie Podcast is for — you guessed it — people new to coding! Host Saron Yitbarek interviews a new guest every week, and they talk about their coding journey, how they landed their first coding job, and more. Quincy Larson appeared on the show a while back, so that would be an excellent episode to start with.

CodeNewbie播客适合(您猜对了)编码新手! 主持人Saron Yitbarek每周都会采访一位新客人,他们谈论他们的编码之旅,如何找到他们的第一份编码工作,等等。 昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson) 出现在该节目中很久以前,因此从一开始就是一个很好的插曲。

3. 前端欢乐时光 (3. Front End Happy Hour)

Front-End Happy Hour is a new Podcast featuring a panel of software developers from places like LinkedIn, Netflix, and Apple who discuss all things web development over their favorite happy hour drinks.


4. 软件工程日报 (4. Software Engineering Daily)

No matter what aspect of programming you’re into, Software Engineering Daily will prove an excellent source of technical information. There are over 200 episodes, and most are around an hour long — plenty of content for you to devour.

无论您从事什么编程方面的工作,《软件工程日报》都将证明是极好的技术信息来源。 有超过200集,而且大多数集大约一个小时长,足以让您吃饱。

5. JavaScript Jabber (5. JavaScript Jabber)

JavaScript Jabber is a weekly podcast that discusses all things JavaScript: Frameworks, server-side technologies, as well as coding techniques and best practices for developers.

JavaScript Jabber每周播客,讨论JavaScript的所有方面:框架,服务器端技术以及开发人员的编码技术和最佳实践。

6. 变更日志 (6. The Changelog)

Started in 2009, The Changelog mainly discusses topics related to open source software. It’s hosted by Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo. Free Code Camp was discussed in-depth on one of the episodes, if you’re interested in checking that out.

从2009年开始,Changelog主要讨论与开源软件相关的主题。 它由Adam Stacoviak和Jerod Santo主持。 如果您有兴趣查看免费代码训练营,则对其中一集进行了深入讨论 。

7. 开发者茶 (7. Developer Tea)

This is a short 15–20 minute podcast that’s “designed to fit into your tea break.” A new episode comes out every two or three days, and covers topics like building healthy relationships with clients, preparing for interviews, networking, and so much more. I recommend you download all the episodes, as there is a plethora of quality stuff here.

这是一个15到20分钟的简短播客,旨在“适合您的茶歇时间”。 每隔两三天就会有新的一集播出,内容涉及与客户建立健康的关系,准备面试,建立社交网络等主题。 我建议您下载所有剧集,因为这里有很多高质量的资料。

8. 编码块 (8. Coding Blocks)

This monthly podcast is aimed at all types of developers, and covers performance, design patterns, database implementation, and plenty of object-oriented programming tips.


9. 响应式网页设计播客 (9. Responsive Web Design Podcast)

You can catch up on all things mobile-responsive — and the people who make it happen — on this weekly podcast hosted by Karen McGrane and Ethan Marcotte.

在Karen McGrane和Ethan Marcotte主持的每周播客中,您可以掌握移动响应的所有方面以及实现这一目标的人员。

10. 现代网络 (10. Modern Web)

Modern Web is a JavaScript-centric podcast that covers the latest news and developments around modern tools like EmberJS, React, AngularJS, RxJS and ES2015.

Modern Web是一个以JavaScript为中心的播客,涵盖了EmberJS,React,AngularJS,RxJS和ES2015等现代工具的最新新闻和开发。

11. 前端五 (11. Front-End Five)

Front-end Five is a weekly five-minute podcast produced by Code School that covers all the juicy news in the web development space, including community events.

前端五部是Code School每周制作的五分钟播客,涵盖网络开发领域中的所有多汁新闻,包括社区活动。

12. Web平台 (12. The Web Platform)

This podcast discusses all things related to web development, mobile, project management, Git workflows, modern JavaScript (ES2015). There are over 85 episodes, and each show runs for around an hour.

此播客讨论与Web开发,移动,项目管理,Git工作流,现代JavaScript(ES2015)相关的所有内容。 共有85集,每集节目的播放时间约为一个小时。

13. 冒险角 (13. Adventures in Angular)

As you might have guessed, this podcast covers everything Angular.js. If you’re Angular.js or using it regularly, you’ll definitely want to keep up with this one.

您可能已经猜到了,此播客涵盖了Angular.js的所有内容。 如果您使用的是Angular.js或定期使用它,则肯定要跟上它。

14. CodePen电台 (14. CodePen Radio)

If you’re looking to start your own software business or startup, CodePen Radio has you covered. Chris Coyier, Alex Vazquez, and Tim Sabat — the co-founders of CodePen — talk about the evolution of simple ideas into real businesses. There are over 80 episodes to pore over, and new shows are released approximately once a week. Highly recommended.

如果您想创办自己的软件公司或创业公司,CodePen Radio可以满足您的要求。 CodePen的共同创始人Chris Coyier,Alex Vazquez和Tim Sabat谈论了从简单的想法到实际业务的演变。 有超过80集值得深入探讨,新节目大约每周发布一次。 强烈推荐。

15. 风格指南播客 (15. Style Guide Podcast)

The Style Guide Podcast is a short series of interviews hosted by Anna Debenham and Brad Frost. In each of the 12 episodes, they talk about creating and maintaining style guides, designing reusable patterns, and how to pitch style guides to stakeholders.

风格指南播客是由安娜·德本汉(Anna Debenham)和布拉德·弗罗斯特(Brad Frost)主持的简短访谈系列。 在这12集中的每一集中,他们都讨论了如何创建和维护样式指南,设计可重复使用的模式以及如何向利益相关者介绍样式指南。

I’ve provided a .opml file which you can download and import into your favorite podcast app to subscribe to all these shows with one click.


Download the entire list subscription file here.


Speaking of podcasters, if you have no idea about how to listen to a podcast or if you’re just getting started with this form of media, here’s a few software options you should consider.


的Linux (Linux)

If you run Linux, gPodder seems to be the best option you’ve got. It’s the one I use on my machine and it does a great job of organizing my collection. However, it cannot play anything on it’s own — you’ll need to open downloaded files in an external application.

如果您运行Linux,则gPodder似乎是您最好的选择。 这是我在机器上使用的设备,在组织收藏方面做得很好。 但是,它不能单独播放任何内容-您需要在外部应用程序中打开下载的文件。

Another option is Vocal, which was specifically built for Elementary OS, but works on other Ubuntu-based distributions, RPM distributions (such as Fedora), and Arch Linux.

另一个选项是Vocal ,它是专门为Elementary OS构建的,但是可以在其他基于Ubuntu的发行版,RPM发行版(例如Fedora)和Arch Linux中使用。

Clementine is a music app with excellent support for podcasts as well, but it does not support video podcasts since it’s only an audio player.


视窗 (Windows)

iTunes is the most popular podcast app for Windows but I find it to be clunky, slow and certainly overkill if all you want is a simple podcast manager.


Grover Podcast (free) is a decent alternative for Windows 10 devices. It looks really nice and provides iTunes integration.

Grover Podcast (免费)是Windows 10设备的不错替代品。 它看起来非常不错,并提供iTunes集成。

The aforementioned gPodder app is also available on Windows.



For OS X users who do not want to use iTunes, Downcast ($7.99) provides a great alternative, or you can just use Pocket Casts’ web version which costs $9. gPodder also works on OS X.

对于不想使用iTunes的OS X用户, Downcast ($ 7.99)提供了一个不错的选择,或者您也可以使用Pocket Casts的Web版本,该版本的价格为$ 9。 gPodder也可以在OS X上使用。

移动 (Mobile)

There’s no shortage of podcast clients on mobile devices for catching up on your favorite shows on the go.


On the iOS side of things, Overcast (Free — iPhone/iPad) is considered the best podcast app by many.

在iOS方面,“ 阴转 (免费-iPhone / iPad)”被许多人认为是最好的Podcast应用。

Downcast ($2.99) is another great option if you want to sync your subscriptions between your iPhone and Macbook.

如果您想在iPhone和Macbook之间同步订阅,则Downcast ($ 2.99)是另一个不错的选择。

If you like to jump between devices, Pocket Casts ($3.99 — Android, iPhone/iPad, Windows Phone) is simply the best for syncing your collection between these devices, and it also provides a web client for listening on your computer.

如果您想在设备之间切换, Pocket Casts (3.99美元-Android,iPhone / iPad,Windows Phone)是在这些设备之间同步收藏的最佳选择,它还提供了一个Web客户端,可在您的计算机上收听。

Other notable apps include: Doggcatcher ($3.99 — Android only), Player FM (Free — Android, Web), and Grover Pro ($2.99 — Windows 10 Mobile). Open source nerds should use AntennaPod (Free — Android only).

其他值得注意的应用程序包括: Doggcatcher (3.99美元-仅适用于Android), Player FM (免费-Android,Web)和Grover Pro (2.99美元-Windows 10 Mobile)。 开源书呆子应该使用AntennaPod (免费-仅适用于Android)。

Personally, I use Podcast Addict (Free/$2.99 — Android only) and my experience with it has been flawless, so it’s an excellent option to look at as well.

就个人而言,我使用Podcast Addict (免费/$2.99,仅适用于Android),而且我的使用经验十分完美,因此也是一个很好的选择。

I hope this post has helped you discover some awesome coding podcasts worth subscribing to and working into your daily routine. I hope they prove valuable to your journey toward becoming a software developer.

我希望这篇文章能帮助您发现一些很棒的编码播客,值得订阅并投入您的日常工作。 我希望它们对您成为软件开发人员的旅程具有宝贵的意义。

Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, click the green heart below and share with your budding developer friends.

谢谢阅读。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请单击下面的绿色心脏,然后与您的新开发者朋友分享。

And follow my journey to coding awesomeness on my personal blog. Cheers.

并在我的个人博客上跟随我编写超赞代码的旅程。 干杯。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-best-podcasts-for-new-coders-and-the-best-tools-for-listening-to-them-df393b1c8dc/



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