You are no doubt reading this article because you are frustrated with the ctfmon.exe process that just won’t stop opening no matter what you do. You remove it from the startup items and it just magically reappears. So what is it?

毫无疑问,您阅读这篇文章是因为您对ctfmon.exe进程感到沮丧,无论您做什么都无法停止打开它。 您将其从启动项中删除,然后魔术般地重新出现。 那是什么

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like svchost.exe, dwm.exe, mDNSResponder.exe, conhost.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,解释了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如svchost.exe , dwm.exe , mDNSResponder.exe , conhost.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe以及许多其他过程 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Ctfmon is the Microsoft process that controls Alternative User Input and the Office Language bar. It’s how you can control the computer via speech or a pen tablet, or using the onscreen keyboard inputs for asian languages.

Ctfmon是用于控制“替代用户输入”和Office语言栏的Microsoft进程。 通过这种方式,您可以通过语音或数位板或使用亚洲语言的屏幕键盘输入来控制计算机。

If you are using any of the above, you should leave it enabled. For everybody else, we’ll get to the job of disabling this annoying service.

如果使用以上任何一种,则应保持启用状态。 对于其他所有人,我们将开始禁用此烦人的服务。

Depending on your system configuration, there are a number of different steps to disable it. I’ve tried to list all the methods below.

根据您的系统配置,有许多不同的步骤可以将其禁用。 我试图在下面列出所有方法。

Step 1: Disabling in Microsoft Office 2003

步骤1:在Microsoft Office 2003中禁用

We can remove the alternative text input from Microsoft Office 2003 by just removing that feature in the setup.

我们只需从安装程序中删除该功能,即可从Microsoft Office 2003中删除替代文本输入。

Note: I haven’t figured out where the equivalent setting is for Office 2007 (if there is one), but we can also disable it a different way below.

注意:我还没有弄清楚Office 2007的等效设置在哪里(如果有),但是我们也可以在下面以其他方式禁用它。

Go to Add/Remove programs, choose to Change your installation of Microsoft Office and make sure you check the box for “Choose advanced customization of applications” before you hit next.

转至“添加/删除程序”,选择“更改Microsoft Office的安装”,并确保在单击“下一步”之前选中“选择应用程序的高级自定义”复选框。

Find “Alternative User Input” in the list and change the dropdown to “Not available” so it looks like this:


Step 2a: Disabling in Windows XP

步骤2a:在Windows XP中禁用

There’s an additional step we can take to make sure it gets turned off in Windows XP, which really seems to be the best answer for XP users.

我们还可以采取其他步骤来确保在Windows XP中将其关闭,这实际上似乎是XP用户的最佳答案。

Open up Control Panel and choose Regional and Language Options.


Choose the Languages tab and then click on Details in the top section.


Now on the Advanced tab you can choose to “Turn off advanced text services”, which should immediately close ctfmon.


You’ll also want to take a look at the first Settings tab, and make sure that your “Installed Services” box looks similar to this one:


If you have more than one Installed service then ctfmon might come back… For instance on my system there was an input for my drawing tablet so I could use it as a text input… which I don’t care about, so I clicked Remove on it.


Step 2b: Disabling in Windows Vista

步骤2b:在Windows Vista中禁用

The setting above for completely disabling text services doesn’t seem to exist in Windows Vista as far as I can tell, but we can remove the additional input services using a similar method.

据我所知,上述完全禁用文本服务的设置在Windows Vista中似乎不存在,但是我们可以使用类似的方法删除其他输入服务。

Open Control Panel, choose Regional and Language Options and then find “Change keyboards or other input methods”.


On the Keyboards and Languages tab, you can select Change keyboards.


Now you’ll finally be at the same screen as in Windows XP. You’ll again want to remove the extra installed services in the list other than your default keyboard language.

现在,您最终将与Windows XP处于同一屏幕。 您将再次要删除列表中除默认键盘语言以外的其他已安装服务。

Step 3: Remove From Startup


You won’t want to perform this step before doing the others, because it will just be overwritten again. Open up msconfig.exe through the start menu run or search box, and then find the Startup tab.

您不希望在执行其他步骤之前执行此步骤,因为它将再次被覆盖。 通过开始菜单运行或搜索框打开msconfig.exe,然后找到“启动”选项卡。

Find ctfmon in the list and disable it by unchecking the box. Just remember that if you haven’t disabled ctfmon through one of the other settings this won’t help you a lot.

在列表中找到ctfmon并通过取消选中该框将其禁用。 请记住,如果您尚未通过其他设置之一禁用ctfmon,则不会有太大帮助。

Step 4: If all else fails


You can just completely unregister the dlls that run the alternative input services by running these two commands from the run box (one at a time)


Regsvr32.exe /u msimtf.dll

Regsvr32.exe / u msimtf.dll

Regsvr32.exe /u msctf.dll

Regsvr32.exe / u msctf.dll

If you perform this step, you should also use Step 3 to get rid of the startup entries.


Step 5: Reboot


Reboot your computer and then open a Microsoft Office application if you do have that installed. Verify that ctfmon.exe is not running.

重新启动计算机,然后打开Microsoft Office应用程序(如果已安装)。 验证ctfmon.exe没有运行。

For more information you can read the Microsoft article on the subject.

有关更多信息,您可以阅读有关该主题的Microsoft文章 。



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