< BJDSNW-2F>敲 sys

进入 system view


[BJDSNW-2F]undo telnet server enable


< BJDSNW-2F>save

The current configuration will be written to the device.




[BJDSNW-2F]rsa local-key-pair create//产生RSA本地秘钥

The key name will be: BJDSNW-2F_Host

The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).

NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,

it will take a few minutes.

Input the bits in the modulus[default = 2048]:

Generating keys…





2、配置vty界面支持的登录协议(设置vty 0 4远程登陆的虚拟端口)

VTY是路由器的远程登陆的虚拟端口,0 4表示可以同时打开5个会话,line vty 0 4是进入VTY端口,对VTY端口进行配置,比如说配置密码,或者ACL.

[BJDSNW-2F]user-interface vty 0 4  //进入vty 0 4远程虚拟端口

[BJDSNW-2F-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa    //验证方式为aaa

Warning: The level of the user-interface(s) will be the default level of AAA users, please check whether it is correct.

[BJDSNW-2F-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound all  {ssh | all}//这里选择ssh或者ALL都可以,ssh代表的是只支持ssh登录,all代表也支持其他的登录方式

//必须配置VTY用户界面的验证方式为AAA,不然protocol inbound ssh配置不成功



[BJDSNW-2F]ssh user admin// 创建SSH用户admin

Info: Succeeded in adding a new SSH user.

[BJDSNW-2F]ssh user admin authentication-type password //为admin用户设置ssh认证为password,此命令对设置单一用户设置来说比较实用





[BJDSNW-2F-aaa]local-user admin password   //不想修改原来的telnet密码的话,可以不用设置,该步骤可以省略

Please configure the login password (8-128)

It is recommended that the password consist of at least 2 types of characters, including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals and special characters.

Please enter password:

Please confirm password:

Please enter old password:

Error: The new password is the same as the old password.

[BJDSNW-2F-aaa]local-user admin service-type ssh

Info: After changing the rights (including the password, access type, FTP directory, and level) of a local user, the rights of users already online do not change. The change takes effect to users who go online after the change.





[BJDSNW-2F]ssh user admin service-type stelnet//为admin用户设置ssh认证服务类型为stelnet

[BJDSNW-2F]stelnet server enable

Info: Succeeded in starting the Stelnet server.


< BJDSNW-2F>save

以ssh2方式登录验证 :

display ssh server status




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