
  • LPS25HB 寄存器读写程序解读
    • 1、读写功能的统一接口函数
    • 2、设计结构体函数指针来调用统一的读写函数
    • 3、与通信方式无关的寄存器读写抽象函数接口

LPS25HB 寄存器读写程序解读

一般地,芯片公司都会提供芯片驱动的一些驱动代码,以LPS25HB 为例,该Mems工作时,与主MCU通信通过IIC或者SPI的方式进行,从而实现Mems的寄存器的读写。


为了兼容IIC和SPI的通信,我们这里设计两个基于STM32 HAL 库的的读写函数platform_write()、platform_read():

static int32_t platform_write(void *handle, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t *Bufp,uint16_t len)
{if (handle == &hi2c1){/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0x80;HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(handle, LPS25HB_I2C_ADD_L, Reg,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, Bufp, len, 1000);}
#ifdef MKI109V2else if (handle == &hspi2){/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0x40;HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_SPI2_GPIO_Port, CS_SPI2_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, &Reg, 1, 1000);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, Bufp, len, 1000);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_SPI2_GPIO_Port, CS_SPI2_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);}else if (handle == &hspi1){/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0x40;HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_SPI1_GPIO_Port, CS_SPI1_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, &Reg, 1, 1000);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, Bufp, len, 1000);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_SPI1_GPIO_Port, CS_SPI1_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);}
#endifreturn 0;
}static int32_t platform_read(void *handle, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t *Bufp,uint16_t len)
{if (handle == &hi2c1){/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0x80;HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(handle, LPS25HB_I2C_ADD_L, Reg,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, Bufp, len, 1000);}
#ifdef MKI109V2else if (handle == &hspi2){/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0xC0;HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_DEV_GPIO_Port, CS_DEV_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, &Reg, 1, 1000);HAL_SPI_Receive(handle, Bufp, len, 1000);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_DEV_GPIO_Port, CS_DEV_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);}else{/* enable auto incremented in multiple read/write commands */Reg |= 0xC0;HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_RF_GPIO_Port, CS_RF_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(handle, &Reg, 1, 1000);HAL_SPI_Receive(handle, Bufp, len, 1000);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_RF_GPIO_Port, CS_RF_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);}
#endifreturn 0;


typedef int32_t (*lps25hb_write_ptr)(void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);
typedef int32_t (*lps25hb_read_ptr) (void *, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint16_t);typedef struct {/** Component mandatory fields **/lps25hb_write_ptr  write_reg;lps25hb_read_ptr   read_reg;/** Customizable optional pointer **/void *handle;
} lps25hb_ctx_t;


 /* Initialize mems driver interface */lps25hb_ctx_t dev_ctx;dev_ctx.write_reg = platform_write;dev_ctx.read_reg = platform_read;dev_ctx.handle = &hi2c1;

这样Mems 的驱动接口就实现了。但是为了程序更好的可读性,我们需要将Mems 寄存器读写的具体功能函数进一步实现。



/*** @brief  Read generic device register** @param  ctx   read / write interface definitions(ptr)* @param  reg   register to read* @param  data  pointer to buffer that store the data read(ptr)* @param  len   number of consecutive register to read* @retval       interface status (MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error)**/
int32_t lps25hb_read_reg(lps25hb_ctx_t* ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,uint16_t len)
{int32_t ret;ret = ctx->read_reg(ctx->handle, reg, data, len);return ret;
}/*** @brief  Write generic device register** @param  ctx   read / write interface definitions(ptr)* @param  reg   register to write* @param  data  pointer to data to write in register reg(ptr)* @param  len   number of consecutive register to write* @retval       interface status (MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error)**/
int32_t lps25hb_write_reg(lps25hb_ctx_t* ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,uint16_t len)
{int32_t ret;ret = ctx->write_reg(ctx->handle, reg, data, len);return ret;




/*** @brief  The Reference pressure value is a 24-bit data expressed as 2’s*         complement. The value is used when AUTOZERO or AUTORIFP function*         is enabled.[set]** @param  ctx    Read / write interface definitions.(ptr)* @param  buff   Buffer that contains data to write* @retval        Interface status (MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error).**/
int32_t lps25hb_pressure_ref_set(lps25hb_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff)
{int32_t ret;ret = lps25hb_read_reg(ctx, LPS25HB_REF_P_XL,  buff, 3);return ret;
}/*** @brief  The Reference pressure value is a 24-bit data expressed as 2’s*         complement. The value is used when AUTOZERO or AUTORIFP function*         is enabled.[get]** @param  ctx    Read / write interface definitions.(ptr)* @param  buff   Buffer that stores data read.(ptr)* @retval        Interface status (MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error).**/
int32_t lps25hb_pressure_ref_get(lps25hb_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff)
{int32_t ret;ret = lps25hb_read_reg(ctx, LPS25HB_REF_P_XL,  buff, 3);return ret;

寄存器表的数据描述包括 define 定义、结构体数据类型定义、枚举变量的定义


#define LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1       0x20U
typedef struct {uint8_t sim              : 1;uint8_t reset_az         : 1;uint8_t bdu              : 1;uint8_t diff_en          : 1;uint8_t odr              : 4; /* pd + odr -> odr */
} lps25hb_ctrl_reg1_t;#define LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2       0x21U
typedef struct {uint8_t one_shot         : 1;uint8_t autozero         : 1;uint8_t swreset          : 1;uint8_t i2c_dis          : 1;uint8_t fifo_mean_dec    : 1;uint8_t stop_on_fth      : 1;uint8_t fifo_en          : 1;uint8_t boot             : 1;
} lps25hb_ctrl_reg2_t;#define LPS25HB_CTRL_REG3       0x22U
typedef struct {uint8_t int_s           : 2;uint8_t not_used_01     : 4;uint8_t pp_od           : 1;uint8_t int_h_l         : 1;
} lps25hb_ctrl_reg3_t;#define LPS25HB_CTRL_REG4       0x23U
typedef struct {uint8_t drdy            : 1;uint8_t f_ovr           : 1;uint8_t f_fth           : 1;uint8_t f_empty         : 1;uint8_t not_used_01     : 4;
} lps25hb_ctrl_reg4_t;typedef enum {LPS25HB_BYPASS_MODE               = 0,LPS25HB_FIFO_MODE                 = 1,LPS25HB_STREAM_MODE               = 2,LPS25HB_Stream_to_FIFO_mode      = 3,LPS25HB_BYPASS_TO_STREAM_MODE    = 4,LPS25HB_MEAN_MODE                 = 6,LPS25HB_BYPASS_TO_FIFO_MODE      = 7,
} lps25hb_f_mode_t;

这样,依赖这些个寄存器变量的描述,设计相关的具体的某一个寄存器读写函数,Mems 的驱动程序代码就可以轻松实现了。

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