
官方有人说是 微软工具检测的问题,并非内存泄露。

搜索一老外网页 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/696321/best-logging-framework-for-native-c


I'm looking also for the same thing. So far I evaluated:

  • log4cplus - nice API, easy build, but memory leaks. The author does not care about the memory leaks and they will not be fixed I guess (see here)
  • log4cpp - nice API, easy build, but memory leaks
  • log4cxx - requires a bunch of apache stuff to get build (really annoyng until you build it) and at the end it has memory leaks... It is also very big
  • glog - so far version 0.3.0 - too early. Looks promesing though, but maybe later. It still has memory leaks, but it is small
  • ezlogger - cool nice small logging library. The only one without memory leaks! Unfortunately there are no features like configuration files, rolling logs e.t.c. Just logging, but works. It consists of several HPP files, so you just include them in your project. No need to build the whole world in order to work (Apache should learn from that!). The code looks nice, it has superb documentation, so anybody can extend it with whatever features in no time

I still want to look at Boost and the Pantheios, but I think ezlogger will be the tool of choice for me. Did I miss some library here? I'd like to make a complete list if possible.





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