确切知道的唯一方法是测试行 . 这是我用于同一问题的解决方案:

int lastRowIndex = -1;

if( sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0 )


// getLastRowNum() actually returns an index, not a row number

lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRowNum();

// now, start at end of spreadsheet and work our way backwards until we find a row having data

for( ; lastRowIndex >= 0; lastRowIndex-- ){

Row row = sheet.getRow( lastRowIndex );

if( row != null ){





注意:这不会检查看似空但不是的行,例如其中包含空字符串的单元格 . 为此,您需要一个更完整的解决方案,例如:

private int determineRowCount()


this.evaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

this.formatter = new DataFormatter( true );

int lastRowIndex = -1;

if( sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() > 0 )


// getLastRowNum() actually returns an index, not a row number

lastRowIndex = sheet.getLastRowNum();

// now, start at end of spreadsheet and work our way backwards until we find a row having data

for( ; lastRowIndex >= 0; lastRowIndex-- )


Row row = sheet.getRow( lastRowIndex );

if( !isRowEmpty( row ) )






return lastRowIndex;



* Determine whether a row is effectively completely empty - i.e. all cells either contain an empty string or nothing.


private boolean isRowEmpty( Row row )


if( row == null ){

return true;


int cellCount = row.getLastCellNum() + 1;

for( int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++ ){

String cellValue = getCellValue( row, i );

if( cellValue != null && cellValue.length() > 0 ){

return false;



return true;



* Get the effective value of a cell, formatted according to the formatting of the cell.

* If the cell contains a formula, it is evaluated first, then the result is formatted.


* @param row the row

* @param columnIndex the cell's column index

* @return the cell's value


private String getCellValue( Row row, int columnIndex )


String cellValue;

Cell cell = row.getCell( columnIndex );

if( cell == null ){

// no data in this cell

cellValue = null;



if( cell.getCellType() != Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA ){

// cell has a value, so format it into a string

cellValue = this.formatter.formatCellValue( cell );


else {

// cell has a formula, so evaluate it

cellValue = this.formatter.formatCellValue( cell, this.evaluator );



return cellValue;


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