
In java, it essentially means the ability to create an object with similar state as the original object.



*By default, java cloning is ‘field by field copy’ *.由于Object类不知道详细类的结构,无法确定哪个clone方法将被调用。


  1. 假设这个类仅仅有原始数据类型成员的话。那么须要创建一个一模一样的对象,而且返回这个新对象的引用。
  2. 假设这个类包括了不论什么类类型成员的话,那么仅仅有这些成员的对象引用被复制。且原始对象和克隆对象的成员的引用将指向同一个对象。


  1. If the class has only primitive data type members then a completely new copy of the object will be created and the reference to the new object copy will be returned.
  2. If the class contains members of any class type then only the object references to those members are copied and hence the member references in both the original object as well as the cloned object refer to the same object.




  1. 你必须继承Cloneable接口---Cloneable interface is broken in java。otherwise throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException.
  2. 必须重写Object类中的clone()方法
Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of "copy" may depend on the class of the object.
The general intent is that, for any object x, the expression:
1) x.clone() != x will be true
2) x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() will be true, but these are not absolute requirements.
3) x.clone().equals(x) will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.
protected native Object  [More ...] clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;

  1. 第一条表明,clone对象分配有独立的内存地址。
  2. 第二条表明,原始的和克隆的对象应该具有同样类型,但这不是必须的
  3. 第三条表明。原始的和克隆的对象调用equals方法的话,应该时相等的。但这不是必须的。


class Father implements Cloneable{private int age ;private String name ;private Son son ;public Father(int age,String name,Son son){this.age = age ;this.name = name ;this.son = son ;}public Son getSon(){return this.son ;}@Overrideprotected Object clone()throws CloneNotSupportedException{return super.clone() ;}
class Son{private int age ;private String name ;public Son(int age ,String name){this.age = age ;this.name = name ;}public void setName(String name){this.name = name ;}public String getName(){return this.name ;}
public class CloneDemo {public static void main(String args[]) throws CloneNotSupportedException{Son s = new Son(10,"Jack") ;Father fa = new Father(40,"Tom",s) ;Father clonedFa = (Father) fa.clone() ;System.out.println(fa!=clonedFa);System.out.println(clonedFa.getClass()==fa.getClass());System.out.println(clonedFa.equals(fa));//now we change the fa's son name by the clonedFa's son nameclonedFa.getSon().setName("Jay");System.out.println(fa.getSon().getName());}


浅拷贝(Shallow Cloning)



If we want a clone which is independent of original and making changes in clone should not affect original.you can try Deep Cloning.

we change the clone() method in the Father class .

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {Father fa = (Father)super.clone();          fa.setSon((Son)fa.getSon().clone());return fa;

and we need Override the clone() method in the Son class. like this.

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {return super.clone();



拷贝构造函数时一种特殊的构造器。它讲自己的类类型作为參数。我们传递一个类的实例给拷贝构造函数。然后它将返回一个新的类实例。lets see this in example

public class PointOne {private Integer x;private Integer y;public PointOne(PointOne point){this.x = point.x;this.y = point.y;}



public class PointTwo extends PointOne{private Integer z;public PointTwo(PointTwo point){super(point); //Call Super class constructor herethis.z = point.z;}


class Test
{public static void main(String[] args){PointOne one = new PointOne(1,2);PointTwo two = new PointTwo(1,2,3);PointOne clone1 = new PointOne(one);PointOne clone2 = new PointOne(two);//Let check for class typesSystem.out.println(clone1.getClass());System.out.println(clone2.getClass());}
class corejava.cloning.PointOne
class corejava.cloning.PointOne


public class PointOne {private Integer x;private Integer y;public PointOne(Integer x, Integer y){this.x = x;this.y = y;}public PointOne copyPoint(PointOne point) throws CloneNotSupportedException{if(!(point instanceof Cloneable)){throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Invalid cloning");}//Can do multiple other things herereturn new PointOne(point.x, point.y);}

Cloning with serialization

这是例外一种深拷贝的方法。这里就不多讲了,具体见:A mini guide for implementing serializable interface in java

best practices

1) When you don’t know whether you can call the clone() method of a particular class as you are not sure if it is implemented in that class, you can check with checking if the class is instance of “Cloneable” interface as below.

if(obj1 instanceof Cloneable){obj2 = obj1.clone();
//Dont do this. Cloneabe dont have any methods
obj2 = (Cloneable)obj1.clone();

2) No constructor is called on the object being cloned. As a result, it is your responsibility, to make sure all the members have been properly set. Also, if you are keeping track of number of objects in system by counting the invocation of constructors, you got a new additional place to increment the counter.


  1. A guide to object cloning in java
  2. Effective--Java Item 11: Override clone judiciously(讲的更具体,各种clone方式的优缺点都讲了)

2014-11-14 15:48:12

Brave,Happy,Thanksgiving !



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