


* @Author: jianglei

* @Date: 2017-10-12 12:06:49


"use strict";

import Vue from "vue";

export default function treeToArray(



parent = null,

level = null

) {

let tmp = [];

Array.from(data).forEach(function(record) {

if (record._expanded === undefined) {

Vue.set(record, "_expanded", expandAll);


let _level = 1;

if (level !== undefined && level !== null) {

_level = level + 1;


Vue.set(record, "_level", _level);

// 如果有父元素

if (parent) {

Vue.set(record, "parent", parent);



if (record.child && record.child.length > 0) {

const child = treeToArray(record.child, expandAll, record, _level);

tmp = tmp.concat(child);



return tmp;



{{ scope.$index }}

{{ scope.row[column.value] }}


Auth: Lei.j1ang

Created: 2018/1/19-13:59


import treeToArray from "./eval";

export default {

name: "TreeTable",

data() {

return {

chooseson: true, //全选

key: true //单个点击直到全部选中



props: {

/* eslint-disable */

data: {

type: [Array, Object],

required: true


columns: {

type: Array,

default: () => []


evalFunc: Function,

evalArgs: Array,

expandAll: {

type: Boolean,

default: false



computed: {

// 格式化数据源

formatData: function() {

let tmp;

if (!Array.isArray(this.data)) {

tmp = [this.data];

} else {

tmp = this.data;


const func = this.evalFunc || treeToArray;

const args = this.evalArgs

? [tmp, this.expandAll].concat(this.evalArgs)

: [tmp, this.expandAll];

return func.apply(null, args);



methods: {

showRow: function(row) {

const show = row.row.parent

? row.row.parent._expanded && row.row.parent._show

: true;

row.row._show = show;

return show

? "animation:treeTableShow 1s;-webkit-animation:treeTableShow 1s;"

: "display:none;";


// 切换下级是否展开

toggleExpanded: function(trIndex) {

const record = this.formatData[trIndex];

record._expanded = !record._expanded;


// 图标显示

iconShow(index, record) {

return index === 0 && record.child && record.child.length > 0;



renderHeader(h, data) {

return h("span", [

h("input", {

attrs: {

id: "chooseall",

type: "checkbox",


"border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;border-radius: 2px;box-sizing: border-box;width: 14px;height: 14px;background-color: #fff;"






setchildtobeselect(arr, key) {

arr.forEach((v, i) => {

v.checks = key;

// v._expanded = key;//选中后展开子项

if (v.child) {

this.setchildtobeselect(v.child, v.checks);





isallchecked(arr) {

arr.forEach((v, i) => {

if (!v.checks) {

this.key = false;


if (v.child) {





//设置父级为 未选中状态(父级的父级没改变-有bug)

setparentfalse(arr, id, level) {

arr.forEach((v, i) => {

if (v._level == level - 1 && v.child) {

v.child.forEach((val, ind) => {

if (val.id == id) {

v.checks = false;

return false; //终止此次循环,减少循环次数




if (v.child) {

this.setparentfalse(v.child, id, level);




//设置父级为 选中状态

setparenttrue(arr, id, level) {

arr.forEach((v, i) => {

if (v._level == level - 1 && v.child) {

let key = true;

let sameidkey = false;

v.child.forEach((val, ind) => {

if (val.id == id) {


sameidkey = true;


if (!val.checks) {

key = false;



if (key && sameidkey) {

v.checks = true;



if (v.child) {

this.setparentfalse(v.child, id, level);





toselect(row) {


// row._expanded = row.checks;//选中后是否展开


if (row.child) {

this.setchildtobeselect(row.child, row.checks);



this.key = true; //重置为true,防止上次已经是false的状态



if (!row.checks) {

this.setparentfalse(this.formatData, row.id, row._level); //设置父级选中的状态为false

document.getElementById("chooseall").checked = false; //设置全选框的状态

} else {

this.setparenttrue(this.formatData, row.id, row._level); //设置父级选中的状态为true


if (this.key) {

document.getElementById("chooseall").checked = true; //设置全选框的状态




mounted() {

this.$nextTick(() => {

var that = this;

const all = document.getElementById("chooseall");

all.onchange = function(e) {


if (all.checked == true) {

that.setchildtobeselect(that.formatData, true);

} else {

that.setchildtobeselect(that.formatData, false);






@keyframes treeTableShow {

from {

opacity: 0;


to {

opacity: 1;



@-webkit-keyframes treeTableShow {

from {

opacity: 0;


to {

opacity: 1;



.ms-tree-space {

position: relative;

top: 1px;

display: inline-block;

font-style: normal;

font-weight: 400;

line-height: 1;

width: 18px;

height: 14px;


.ms-tree-space::before {

content: "";


.processContainer {

width: 100%;

height: 100%;


table td {

line-height: 26px;


.tree-ctrl {

position: relative;

cursor: pointer;

color: #2196f3;

margin-left: -18px;




import treeTable from "./TreeTable";

components: { treeTable },

data() {

return {

columns: [


text: "事件",

value: "event",

width: 200



text: "ID",

value: "id"



data: [


id: 0,

event: "事件1",

timeLine: 50,

comment: "无"



id: 1,

event: "事件1",

timeLine: 100,

comment: "无",

children: [


id: 2,

event: "事件2",

timeLine: 10,

comment: "无"



id: 3,

event: "事件3",

timeLine: 90,

comment: "无",

children: [


id: 4,

event: "事件4",

timeLine: 5,

comment: "无"



id: 5,

event: "事件5",

timeLine: 10,

comment: "无"



id: 6,

event: "事件6",

timeLine: 75,

comment: "无",

children: [


id: 7,

event: "事件7",

timeLine: 50,

comment: "无",

children: [


id: 71,

event: "事件71",

timeLine: 25,

comment: "xx"



id: 72,

event: "事件72",

timeLine: 5,

comment: "xx"



id: 73,

event: "事件73",

timeLine: 20,

comment: "xx"





id: 8,

event: "事件8",

timeLine: 25,

comment: "无"












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本文标题: vue+element UI实现树形表格带复选框的示例代码

本文地址: http://www.cppcns.com/wangluo/javascript/257270.html

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